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Year 1

Welcome to the Year 1 Class Page


We are so excited for the year ahead and sharing new and fantastic topics with your child. Our year begins with an exploration of different types of homes and will go on a local walk to see the different types of home in their community. In Design and Technology, the children will have an opportunity to make their own home using junk modelling.


In the spring term, the children enjoy a magical journey back in time and dress up as a child in the Victorian period. They spend a day exploring artefacts and learn how to write with a chalk and even find out what it is like to wear the dunce’s hat!


In the summer term, the children enjoy a fantastic trip to Kew Gardens in London. Here they explore the different variety of plants and trees, which links to our Science learning. The children will also get to consider the types of weather plants and trees require to sustain healthy growth.


This year Miss Goss will teach in Goldfinches. Mrs Imrie will support the children.


Mrs Albery will teach in Sparrows. Mrs Shah will support the children all week.


PE Lessons will be taught on the following days:

Sparrows – Tuesday (outdoor) and Friday (indoor)

Goldfinches – Monday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor)


In Year 1, we constantly use Class Dojo as way of connecting with parents and caregivers, so please keep an eye out for these updates and photographs of your child’s wonderful learning.


Mrs Albery and Miss Goss

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Phone:   01442 402127


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