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Wellbeing for Children 

Putting wellbeing in the heart of overall school culture.


At South Hill School, we take a whole school approach to promoting positive Mental Health and Wellbeing. Our aim is to help the whole school community to become competent and resilient learners, who can build and sustain relationships with their peers and use the knowledge gained in school to develop their skills and understand of how to promote and maintain positive mental health and wellbeing now and in later life.



School culture.

Engaging in mentally healthy movement breaks through the Daily Mile or dancing to Go Noodle.

· Engaging in mindfulness breaks such as “Stop and Sit”.

· Helping children to develop safety through our Road Safety workshops and E-Safety learning.

· Using the Zones of Regulation for the children to recognise, name and manage their emotions.

· Friendship benches.

Pastoral Support.

· Identifying and tailoring individual support to meet children Mental Health challenges. Our multifaceted support network includes; school counsellor, play therapist, support worker, drawing and talking therapy, school nurse, dog therapy and SENCO.

· A Nurture club is available to children who need extra social and emotional support at lunchtime.

· Assemblies on Anti-bullying, Feeling Good Week, Mental Health Week and promotion of Friendships.

· Every class has a worry box or monster in their classroom.

Wow Days/Activities/Experiences.

· Annual activities – International Day, Mental Health Week.

· Specialist: Music and Forest School.

· Extra-curricular activities; Rock Steady, Magical Maths, Homework Club, Street Dance, Year 1 girls football club, boys/girls football club, Netball club and Choir.

Social Relationships.

· Helping children to develop social relationships through our Reception/Year 6 buddies and our bespoke weekly PSHE lesson.

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Over the summer break, Mrs Albery organised  volunteers from our local community and some teaching staff to come into our School and help renovate the garden area.  


As you can see there was lots of hard work to do, from moving old tyres and some old railway sleepers.   But it was so worth it because the new raised growing beds for vegetables will enable the garden area to be re-used by the children and will really improve their Science knowledge and of course support their wellbeing and mental health. 


This project would not have been possible without the incredible help of our volunteers and Mrs Albery would personally like to thank the Harman Group for coming in and working so valiabtly and contributing to purchasing soil and some plants.  Additionally, our fabulous PTA who also supported our school with funding and enabled our school to purchase the new bench and plant/ vegetable boxes.  

Mental Health Awareness Week 13.5.24. 

This week is organised by the Mental Health Foundation. This year’s theme is ‘Movement: moving more for our mental health’. We all know movement is important for our mental wellbeing it boosts our mood and helps us look after our health.  However, many of us may find it difficult to prioritise for a number of reasons.  

Lots of resources were shared with the staff at South Hill on how they can assist children with talking about their mental health and understanding their emotions.   

If you would like to find out more about supporting your mental wellbeing or tips to help support your child, please visit the Mental Health UK web page here.


Our School Counsellor  - Shahin

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Phone:   01442 402127


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© South Hill Primary School 2014

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