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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

South Hill Primary School is a fully inclusive mainstream school and our aim is to:


•    raise the achievement of all children, including those with       a learning difficulty, disability, disadvantage or special               educational needs;

•   personalise provision to enable all children to achieve               their full potential;

•   recognise and assess additional needs, putting                          appropriate and timely intervention in place to ensure that      everything is done to remove barriers to learning at the            earliest opportunity;

•   actively involve parents and carers in the decisions                    affecting their child’s education;

•   seek children’s views at all stages of their education.


 In order to achieve these aims we will ensure that: 


•   all adults have the highest aspirations for every child;

•   provision is responsive and well matched to children’s              needs;

•   extended services provision makes a difference to                    outcomes for children and their families;

•   pupil’s views are used to inform school improvement                planning;

•  every child is able to access all areas of school life.

For Herts Local Offer, please go to:
If you have any concerns regarding your child, please contact our Inclusion Manager/SENCo
Mrs Jacqui Donley
01442 402127

For further information click on the links below

SEND Information Report

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Phone:   01442 402127


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© South Hill Primary School 2014

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