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  • Staff | southhill

    South Hill İlköğretim Okulunda, açık kapı politikasını destekliyoruz; Lütfen çocuğunuzun sınıf öğretmeni veya Kıdemli Liderlik Ekibinin bir üyesiyle konuşmaktan çekinmeyin. Personel listesi Subject Leaders Communication Protocol

  • The Pied Piper of Hamelin | southhill

    The Pied Piper of Hamelin Creative arts are really important to us here at South Hill, and this term saw Year 3 and 4 take to the stage in their amazing production of ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’. ​ 120 pupils took part in the production, with children from Year 4 auditioning for and taking on the principle roles. The show was performed to the whole school, as well as a matinee and packed out evening performance to parents, carers and family members. One of our parents who attended the show said: ​ I just wanted to say how absolutely amazing the school play was! The children were fantastic, and it was honestly the best thing I've ever come to see. The teachers have clearly worked extremely hard putting this together as was evidenced by the performance last night and I am sure by all of the other performances. Well done to the teachers and to the children, it was such a pleasure to watch! Year 4 parent We are incredibly proud of the outstanding efforts of all of our children; the show was incredible and really highlighted our pupil’s talents in dance, drama and singing. ​ We can’t wait for the next show, by Year 6, in the Summer term!

  • Family/Wellbeing | southhill

    Esenlik 'Zihin' tarafından anlatıldığı gibi ... 'Zihinsel sağlık, zihinsel durumunuzu - nasıl hissettiğinizi ve günlük yaşamla ne kadar iyi başa çıkabileceğinizi tanımlar. Zihinsel sağlığımız dinamiktir . An be an, günden güne, aydan aya veya yıldan yıla değişebilir. İyi bir zihinsel sağlığınız varsa, şunları yapabilirsiniz: Kendinize nispeten güvende hissedin ve olumlu bir özgüvene sahip olun bir dizi duyguyu hissedin ve ifade edin Başkalarıyla iyi ilişkiler kurmak ve sürdürmek çevrenizdeki dünyayla meşgul olduğunuzu hissedin üretken yaşa ve çalış günlük hayatın stresiyle başa çıkmak değişim ve belirsizlik zamanlarına uyum sağlayın ve yönetin ' South Hill'de, öğrencilerimizi zihinsel sağlıkları ve duygusal sağlıkları konusunda daha bilinçli olmaları için destekliyoruz. PSHE dersleri ve meclisleri, 5 İyilik yolunun temalarına odaklanır. Bunlar: Ver, Bağlan, Öğren, Etkin ve Bildir. Her dönem, ebeveynler ve bakıcılar için Zihin Sağlığına dayalı atölye çalışmaları ve belirli müfredat haftaları gibi güncel bilgiler içeren bir Refah bülteni yayınlanır. Okulda, herhangi bir endişeniz varsa veya daha fazla desteğe ihtiyacınız olursa size yardımcı olmaktan mutluluk duyacak bir Ruh Sağlığı ve Esenliği lideri Bayan Wren vardır. Çocuk Ruh Sağlığı Haftası kayıp Yararlı Web Siteleri Healthy Hub Dacorum 2024 Dacorum Health Walks 2024 Ruh Sağlığı Desteği (CAMHS) Citizen Advice Dacorum Calm Communication Aile İçi İstismar nedir? Aile İçi Kötüye Kullanım Yardım Hattı Aile Destek Ekibi Büyüme Zihniyeti Denenecek Yedi Şey Dayanıklılık Oluşturma I am Cherished 10+ Yaş Öğrenciler için Telefon Destek Hattı Herts Mind Network, Herts'te 10-17 yaş arası çocuklar ve gençler için yeni bir erken müdahale ve önleme yardım hattı başlattı. Yardım hattı, duygusal destek, tavsiye ve bilgi sağlayacak, yol gösterecek ve başa çıkma stratejilerini tartışacak bir Gençler Danışmanı veya Mentor ile konuşmak için güvenli, yargılayıcı olmayan bir alan sağlayacaktır. Çalışma saatleri ve daha fazla bilgi için lütfen web sitesini ziyaret edin: Herts Mind Network CAMHS Kriz Değerlendirme ve Tedavi Ekibinden Mesaj (C-CATT Ekibi) NHS ve yerel hastaneler şu anda gerçekten meşguller, bu nedenle bir akıl sağlığı krizi yaşıyorsanız, herhangi bir zamanda, gündüz veya gece yardım almanın en hızlı yolu, ücretsiz telefon numaramızı 0800 6444 101'i aramak veya NHS111'i aramaktır. Ruh sağlığı hizmetleri için 2. Çocuklara ve gençlere A & E'ye katılmadan önce bu yardım hattı numarasıyla iletişime geçmeleri tavsiye edilir. BeeZee Gövdeleri çocuklar ve aileleri için kilo yönetimi programları yürüten beslenme uzmanları ve davranış değişikliği uzmanlarından oluşan bir ekiptir. (e-posta) 01707 248648 (telefon)

  • Outdoor Classroom Day | southhill

    Outdoor Classroom Day Outdoor Classroom Day is a global movement to make time outdoors part of every child's day. Here at Southhill, we are so lucky to have our fantastic grounds and woodland area. We are committed to providing outdoor learning opportunities wherever possible. On two days of action each year, the Outdoor Classroom campaign encourages teachers to take children outdoors to learn and play. All year round, the movement campaigns for more outdoor learning. This years Summer term date was in May. Every class enjoyed an outdoor learning session with a variety of activities including orienteering, bug hunting, den building, potion making and natural art. There was positive feedback from both children and staff . We look forward to participating in the Autumn term day in November. National Outdoor Classroom Day

  • Computing | southhill

    Computing Computing vision ​ For pupils to be equipped to navigate a digital world and to understand how to protect themselves online. To develop pupils confidence and capability in IT and programming to prepare them for a rapidly changing technological world. At South Hill, we understand the importance of technology in a rapidly changing society. As it has always been, the children of today will develop and use the technologies of tomorrow. Therefore, we need to foster their basic knowledge and understanding of the technologies that they use today. The computing curriculum is divided into 3 key concepts; Digital Literacy (DL), Information Technology (IT) and Computer Science (CS) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ DL Digital literacy is about the safe and responsible use of technology, including recognising its advantages for collaboration or communication. CS Computer science will introduce children of all ages to understanding how computers and networks work. It will also give all children the opportunity to learn basic computer programming, from simple floor robots in EYs, Years 1 and 2, right up to creating on-screen computer games and programmes by Year 6. IT Information technology is about the use of computers for functional purposes, such as collecting and presenting information, or using search technology. ​ GOLDEN THREADS As part of our Computing curriculum, we have carefully mapped out 5 'Golden Threads' which allow us to build on previous knowledge and to make links between what we have already learnt and what we are learning now and in the future: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Intent At South Hill Primary, we use the NCCE – Teach Computing and Project Evolve units to deliver the three concepts area of the computing curriculum. We intend that children should master Computing to such an extent that they can go on to have careers and make use of Computing effectively in their everyday lives, without being completely reliant on technology. They are also taught to use technology responsibly and carefully, being mindful of how their behaviour, words and actions can affect others. Our pupils will be taught Computing in a way that ensures progression of skills and allows opportunities to revisit these skills year on year. Teachers are also aware of the importance of making small adaptations where necessary to support all learners and how technology can be used to support and enhance a range of subjects whilst allowing pupils to apply their skills. Implementation In our teaching of Computing, we endeavour to expose students to a variety of software, programs, and equipment in order to offer a range of appropriate challenges and experiences. Specific vocabulary for each year group is outlined in medium term plans and this is regularly modelled by teachers within their lessons. Spaced repetition and chunking within the curriculum allows pupils to develop their recall of embedded knowledge and ensures that each year group works on core aspects of the three Computing strands. Sessions are adapted to meet the requirements of a specific cohort and lesson content is frequently reviewed by class teachers and the subject lead. Our schemes of work remain flexible and children share their thoughts on their ‘computing learning journeys’ to help enable sessions to be adapted to their interests and needs. In the Early Years, children have access to iPads, the Code and Go Mouse and recordable books. They also work with their ‘Year 6 Buddies’, who guide their curiosity by modelling how to use the equipment carefully and safely. In the summer term, children spend time in the computing hub to help familiarise them with a desktop setup and ease their transition into KS1. Impact The lasting impact of this curriculum ensures that when children leave South Hill Primary School, they are competent and safe users of ICT with an understanding of how technology works. They will have developed skills to express themselves and be creative in using digital media and be equipped to apply their skills in computing to different challenges going forward whilst using technology safety. We measure the impact of our curriculum using the following methods: · Termly teacher assessments. · Images of the children’s practical learning in a year group portfolio · Children’s work saved onto their individual accounts · Interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice). · Year group portfolios are scrutinised and there is the opportunity for a dialogue between teachers to understand their class’s work. Children in EYFS are assessed within Understand the World and their progress is tracked termly using Tapestry. Each class is allocated a weekly time slot to use the ‘Computing Hub’ which houses 30 computers and laptops. In addition to this, classes have access to a set of Chromebooks, 30 iPads and a further set of 15 laptops, which can be used to support the teaching and learning of other subjects. Classes are also provided with digital projectors, interactive whiteboards and visualisers to support and teaching across the curriculum. DL Digital literacy is about the safe and responsible use of technology, including recognising its advantages for collaboration or communication. IT Information technology is about the use of computers for functional purposes, such as collecting and presenting information, or using search technology. CS Computer science will introduce children of all ages to understanding how computers and networks work. It will also give all children the opportunity to learn basic computer programming, from simple floor robots in EYs, Years 1 and 2, right up to creating on-screen computer games and programmes by Year 6. Long Term Plan Computing Long Term Plan Online Safety Subject Overview Examples of knowledge organisers EYFS Year 4 Year 2 Year 6 Pupil Voice " We had to move the pirate very slowly and then snap a photo" - Bruno. Y3 "It was a great lesson and I learnt that I can make movies out of anything" - Bridget Y3 "We enjoyed vector drawings to create our Christmas calendars this year" Alex Y6 "I have learnt how use the shape, fill and gradient tools to create a Christmas themed calendar - I loved it" Marija Y5 "In computing we have been learning how to edit images using, I loved " - Otilie Y4 "We removed sections of pictures to make improvements to the appearance of photographs. we also understand that some photographs that we see online may be fake" Noah Y4

  • Religious Education | southhill

    Religious Education Religious Education Vision ​ To develop knowledge of religion and worldview by asking ‘big questions’. To respect similarities and differences between people and their cultures. To have the confidence to develop their own sense of identity, belonging and worldview. At South Hill we teach a broad and balanced RE curriculum, which aims to develop skills and knowledge that: promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, social and mental development of pupils prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life promotes British values promotes community cohesion (Education Act, 2006) protects children from the risk of radicalisation, from whatever source (The Prevent duty – departmental advice for schools and childcare providers”, June 2015) ​ Our Curriculum ​ At South Hill, we follow ‘Discovery RE’. This is a comprehensive enquiry-based, teaching programme for Religious Education, which aims to give pupils the knowledge, critical thinking skills, open minded and respectful attitudes with which to investigate the world of religion and beliefs. It encompasses the Worldview approach to RE enabling pupils to form their own decisions about what RE means to them and develop their own personal worldview whilst empathising with what it means to other religious and non religious belief holders. It also aims to enable children to grow spiritually by developing their awareness and skills of reflection, their experience of awe and wonder and their appreciation of stillness and silence. ​ Lessons are carefully mapped out in our ‘Long term plan’ and progress through our six golden threads (the 6 principal religions as well as touching on Humanism in appropriate units): CHRISTIANITY (EYFS, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6) JUDAISM (Y1, Y2) HINDUISM (Y5) SIKHISM (Y3) BUDDHISM (Y4) ISLAM (EYFS, Y6) ​ The Big Question ​ Lessons are based around a half-termly ‘Big question’ and follow this sequence of progression: Step 1: Engagement: the children’s own experience and world view is explored to act as bridge from their world (which may or may not include religion) into the world of the religion being studied. Step 2: Investigation: over approximately 3 lessons the teacher will guide the children to explore and investigate appropriate subject knowledge relevant to that question of enquiry. Step 3: Evaluation: An assessment activity enables each child to show their thinking and the depth of critical evaluation Step 4: Expression: This refers the children back to the starting point of their own experience and allows them to reflect on whether their findings have influenced their own thinking. ​ Each year group has a special owl from the Owl Crew. They represent wisdom and promote questioning and exploration. The owl will provide answers and challenge with further questions. By the end of Year 6, we want our pupils to: Develop knowledge of world religions by asking ‘big questions.’ Respect the similarities and differences between people and their cultures. Have the confidence to develop their own sense of identity and belonging. ​ ​ Trips, hooks and theme days Our RE curriculum is enriched by a number of school trips, theme days and assemblies and these provide excellent opportunities to bring our learning to life. Examples are: EYFS: Christmas visit to the local church to hang decorations. Year 1: Celebration of Hannukah with parent visitors to explain their living and believing life. Year 3: Theme day exploring Sikhism concluding with a shared Langar Year 5: Visit to Gadebridge Park with the vicar linking the church to local history. Whole school assemblies with Father Mike exploring Easter and Christmas International Day (please see the ‘International Day’ section of our website) Each year at South Hill School, we celebrate 'International Day'. Each class chooses a country from around the world, which is also representative of our South Hill communities. For that day, year groups investigate and learn about their chosen country. They can wear clothes from their celebrated country or colours of the flag. They experience the food, music, dance and interests of the people in that country. Pupils also explore the culture, traditions and beliefs of their chosen country. ​ Long Term Plan Subject Overview Information for Parents ‘I am Muslim and it means I go to London on Saturdays and Sundays to learn Arabic’ Adiyan. ‘I am Hindu and this means we celebrate Diwali which is coming soon. When you are Hindu you meet up with other Hindus and go to temple and wear special clothes’. Aru I do wonder how we were created so I like RE cos it tells us about that’ Aiden ‘Jesus plays a very important role in Christianity cos he taught people about God and I know about God and I’m a Christian’. Mason ‘My religion is Islam. We celebrate Eid and Ramadan.’ Rahul

  • For Parents | southhill

    Ebeveynler için bilgiler Okul hakkında bilgi için lütfen aşağıdaki sayfalara bakınız.

  • South Hill Art Exhibition | southhill

    South Hill Art Exhibition At South Hill, we believe that every child should have the opportunity to explore and create art. We also believe that children should see their art displayed. This is the thinking behind our annual art week and Art Exhibition. ​ Each year we have a theme, such as ‘Patterns in Nature’ or ‘Under the Sea’, and all year groups spend a week exploring the theme, looking at a particular style of art based on a specific artist. During the week, they learn about the artist, and practise different art forms such as painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography or collage, experimenting with different mediums and techniques. The end of the week sees them producing a final piece of art. ​ The art is then mounted and displayed in our Art Gallery. Parents and children are invited in to view the work, which is available to be bought by the parents. Art works are numbered rather than named and information regarding the artist and the methods used to create the pieces are displayed alongside the works. The artwork is passed to them in the days following the gallery. This allows children the opportunity to visit an art gallery, see how a gallery works and to have the pleasure of seeing their work being viewed by others. ​ It is always a very popular event both with our pupils and with their parents. It is well attended and provides much-needed funds for our art supplies. More importantly, it gives children the chance to see themselves as valued artists and promotes the subject through the school.

  • Lunch Zone | southhill

    Lunch Zone ​ Lunches are provided by Radish, our catering providers. More information about them can be found here. Fresh meals are cooking on the premises each day. There is a choice of three meals. ​School meals run on a three week menu cycle with the emphasis on healthy eating. The current menu is available to see by clicking here . Meals are pre-booked via School Gateway; instructions can be found here. Our cook can cater for special dietary needs on completion of the online Dietary Needs Form . ​ ​School Meal Payment - £2.90 per meal The best way to pay for school meals is online via the School Gateway . ​ Universal Infant Free School Meals Children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals under current Government funding. ​ Free School Meals If you receive certain benefits, your child may be entitled to Free School Meals (even if they are in EYFS or KS1) As well as Free School Meals, your child will have access to other benefits. For more information and to register, please click here . Children may bring a packed lunch from home - click here for healthy packed lunch ideas. We do not allow cans, glass bottles, fizzy drinks or sweets and remember we are a NUT FREE school. NUT FREE SCHOOL School Dinner Menu 23/24 Dietary Needs

  • Science | southhill

    Bilim South Hill School'da çocukların doğal olarak meraklı olduklarını ve keşfetmekten, araştırmaktan ve sorular sormaktan zevk aldıklarını anlıyoruz. Bu, Bilim öğrenimi için çok önemlidir ve çocukların içinde yaşadığımız dünyayı daha derinlemesine anlamalarını sağlar. Dünyayı anlamanın temellerini oluşturan, meraklı ve hevesli öğrenenler yaratan kaliteli bir fen eğitimi sağlamayı hedefliyoruz. Bilimin pratik görevler aracılığıyla öğretilmesini ve uygun olan yerlerde kapsamlı okul alanımızın, şehrimizin bulunduğu yerin veya The Box Moor Trust'ın kullanılmasını teşvik ediyoruz. Okulumuzdaki Bilim aracılığıyla, tüm çocukların: Bilimsel bilgi ve anlayışın yanı sıra eğlenceli pratik öğrenme becerileri geliştirin Çevrelerindeki dünyayla ilgili bilimsel soruları yanıtlamalarına yardımcı olacak farklı bilimsel araştırma türlerine ilişkin anlayış geliştirin Öğrenimi gerçek hayata bağlayın ve açık havada öğrenim yoluyla keşfedin Tüm yıl gruplarında Bilim ile ilgili bir geziye erişin Anlayışı derinleştirmek için Bilim öğrenimini diğer tüm konularla ilişkilendirin Fen Bilimleri İlköğretim Müfredatı okul genelinde öğretilir. Bilimsel ve Bilimsel Bilgiyle Çalışmak Bilimsel olarak çalışmak (veya araştırma becerileri), pratik araştırmanın anlaşılmasına ve bunu yapmak için gereken becerilere odaklanır. Bu beceriler, gözlemleme, araştırma, sınıflandırma, soru sorma ve cevaplama, verileri keşfetme ve pratik öğrenme yoluyla bir ekip olarak çalışmayı içerir. Bilimsel bilgi , bilimsel gerçekleri ve olguları anlamak ve bilimsel öğrenmeleri hakkındaki sorulara cevap vermektir. EYFS Öğrenciler, 'Dünyayı Anlamak' adlı öğrenme alanı aracılığıyla Bilimi keşfederler. Ayrıca 'Welly Wednesday' adlı bir açık hava seansı yaşarlar. Anahtar Aşama 1 Bilim 1. Anahtar Aşamadaki fen öğretiminin odak noktası, çocukların fenomenleri deneyimlemelerini ve gözlemlemelerini sağlamaktır; çevrelerindeki dünyaya daha yakından bakmak. Anahtar Aşama 2 Bilim Alt Anahtar Aşama 2'de fen öğretiminin odak noktası, çocukların çevrelerindeki dünyaya ilişkin bilimsel görüşlerini genişletmelerini sağlamaktır. Üst Anahtar Aşama 2'deki Fen öğretiminin odak noktası, çocukların çok çeşitli bilimsel fikirleri daha derinlemesine anlamalarını sağlamaktır. Bilim Yerel Bağlantıları Okulumuzda Fen öğrenimini şiddetle destekliyor ve kutluyoruz. Bilim öğreniminin proaktif ve anlamlı olmasını sağlamak için yerel bir tahsis yeri olan The Box Moor Trust, Heath Lane Mezarlığı, Lockers Park Okulu, Hemel Hempstead Okulu ve kendi alanlarımızla işbirliği içinde çalışıyoruz. Examples of Knowledge Organisers EYFS Year 1 Year 3 Year 5 Long Term Plan Subject Overview İngiliz Bilim Haftası Her yıl İngiliz Bilim Haftasını, öğrencilerin pratik deneyler ve araştırmalar yaparak eğlenceli bir bilimsel öğrenme günü geçirdikleri bir Bilim Günü düzenleyerek kutluyoruz. 1/4 Kilitli Dolap Parkı 6. Yıl Lockers Park'ta Bilim ve Teknoloji öğleden sonrasının tadını çıkarın. Bu, bir Fen laboratuarında öğrenirken ortaokula geçişlerini destekler. BBC Bitesize Key Stage 1 - KS1'deki çocukların Bilim hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmesine yardımcı olacak eğlenceli aktiviteler BBC Bitesize Key Stage 2 - KS2'deki çocukların Bilim hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmesine yardımcı olacak eğlenceli aktiviteler

  • Performance Data | southhill

    Please click on the links below to view our 2023 Key Stage 2 data: Performance Data Comparative Data Report

  • EYFS | southhill

    Erken Yıllar Aşaması 1/43 Knowledge Organisers EYFS Overview EYFS Curriculum Ambitions Reception Baseline Assessment Introduction to Early Years Çocuğunuzun okula hazır olmasına yardım etme hakkında bilgi için lütfen burayı tıklayın . Kabul Sınıfı sayfasına hoş geldiniz. South Hill Okulundaki Erken Yıllar, Wrens ve Robins olmak üzere iki Resepsiyon sınıfından oluşur. Wrens sınıf öğretmenleri, Erken Yıllar Uygulayıcısı Bayan Copeland ile birlikte Bayan Sacco ve Bayan Kemplen; Robins sınıf öğretmeni, Erken Yıllar Uygulayıcısı Bayan Khan ile Kıdemli Bayan. Bayan Smith, hafta boyunca her iki dersi de destekleyecek ve bir Cuma günü Bayan Khan'ın yerine Robins'de Öğretim Asistanı olacak. Bayan Hamer ayrıca hafta boyunca Wrens'da Öğrenme Destek Asistanı olarak çalışacak. Salı günü çocuklar Bayan Toms ile müzik seanslarına katılacaklar. Önümüzdeki dönemlerde hem açık hem de kapalı alanları kullanarak pek çok heyecan verici şey öğreneceğiz. Erken Yıllar ve bu terim hakkında ne yapacağımız hakkında bilgi için lütfen bu sayfadaki bağlantılara bakın. Herhangi bir endişeniz veya sorunuz varsa lütfen bizimle iletişime geçmekten çekinmeyin. Bayan Sacco, Bayan Kemplen ve Bayan Senior Summer Term 1 Plans Summer Term 2 Plans

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