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- PTA | southhill
Yaklaşan etkinlikler: Okul Aile Birliği South Hill PTA, okul topluluğunun önemli ve aktif bir parçasıdır ve ebeveynler, personel ve yöneticiler tarafından iyi desteklenmektedir. Mevcut çekirdek komite şunlardan oluşur: Eş Başkan - Chelsea Riches Eş Başkan - Tracy Mboma Sayman - Sekreter - Önümüzdeki dönem için herkesin planlamaya davet edildiği dönemlik toplantılar düzenliyoruz. Bağış toplama etkinliklerimiz için farklı roller üstlenmeye istekli birçok ebeveynimiz olduğu için şanslıyız. Bir PTA Facebook grubumuz var - buna katılmak isterseniz bize bildirin. Bu sayfada pek çok bilgi var. Okul Aile Birliği ile ilgili herhangi bir sorunuz varsa veya bize herhangi bir şekilde yardımcı olmak istiyorsanız, lütfen okul ofisi aracılığıyla Chelsea veya Tracy ile konuşun. NEW Newsletter March Başkanın Raporu Sayman Raporu (bilanço) Başkanın Raporu Sayman Raporu (bilanço) Para toplamaya yardımcı olmanın kolay yolları South Hill Birincil PTA'yı arayın veya hayır kurumu numaramızı kullanın: 1093062 Kolay fon sağlama Uygulamayı indirin, South Hill Primary PTA'yı arayın ve normal mağazalarınızda alışveriş yapın
- International Day | southhill
International Day Each year at South Hill School, we celebrate 'International Day'. Each class chooses a country from around the world which is also representative of our South Hill communities. For that day, year groups represent and learn more about their chosen country and can wear traditional clothing from their celebrated country or colours of the flag. Pupils learn about the geography of their chosen country and where to locate the country on a map, what continent the country is part of and what countries are nearby, we might learn about famous buildings and landmarks. For PE, we are lucky to have Don Rae Academy join us to teach traditional dances from each country. For MFL (Modern Foreign Language), some year groups learn a few key phrases and words. Some children even learn a song! Some year groups have a food tasting activity so children can get a sense of the traditional food and culture from their country of the day while other year groups make the traditional food themselves. Throughout the day, some year groups listen to music of their country and think about whether it is similar or different to the music we might listen to at home. Some year groups look at the religion and the history of their chosen country, focusing on some significant people from that country and how the country has possibly changed over time. Countries from 2023 were: Reception- Bangladesh Year 1- Poland Year 2- India Year 3- Romania Year 4- Italy Year 5- Turkey Year 6- Brazil
- The South Hill Experience | southhill
The South Hill Experience South Hill School offers all of our pupils a wide range of experiences and learning opportunities from the very start of their Early Years journey through to Year 6. We are proud that our pupils will have the opportunity to: Post a letter Sit around a campfire Carry out Science work around the school pond Learn to swim at the local sports centre Perform on our beautiful stage Experience the 'South Hill Summer Festival' Learn a new language Go on a variety of school trips with their peers Represent the school at a sporting event Join our school clubs Learn to bake bread Experience outdoor learning through Forest Schools Perform at our local church Lead an enterprise project Support a number of charities Prepare and cook food Enjoy our orienteering trail Take part in South Hill School's 'International Day' Dance with the class at 'International Day' Have a responsible position in the school Learn to cycle safely Learn a musical instrument Take part in 'Feeling Good Week' Dress up as a book character Visit a museum Take part in Science Day Take part in a National Remembrance Have artwork exhibited at the 'South Hill Art Gallery' Be part of a choir Take part in competitions Enjoy an ice cream from the ice cream van
- Sports Day at South Hill | southhill
Sports Day at South Hill School At South Hill School, our sports day is a fun day for all our pupils. The day begins with EYFS and KS1 meeting on the school field for a carousel of activities. Mr Brathwaite DJs the event and really energises the children as they compete in their houses to get as many points as they can on each activity. Some of these activities are hurdles, javelin, obstacles and dribbling. Our Year six children always help and some activities are run by our year six sports ambassadors! When the carousel is finished, the children then take part in races - again aiming to win points for their houses. Our KS2 children then do the same in the afternoon, with some slightly different activities on the carousel and then ending with their races. Parents are invited to watch and support their children on sports day. They watch from the hillside overlooking the field or from the shade of the daily mile track. It truly is a memorable day!
- Ofsted | southhill
En son Ofsted raporumuzu okumak için lütfen aşağıdaki bağlantıya tıklayın. Ebeveyn Görünümüne erişmek için lütfen aşağıdaki bağlantıya tıklayın. Ebeveyn Görünümü size Ofsted'e çocuğunuzun okulu hakkında ne düşündüğünüzü söyleme şansı verir.
- PSHE | southhill
PSHE Kişisel, Sosyal ve Sağlık Eğitimi PSHE Vision. To support our pupils to be responsible, respectful, resilient and reflective learners, who are able to keep themselves safe, healthy and prepared for secondary school and life beyond. South Hill İlköğretim Okulunda, öğrencilerimizin refahına özen göstermekten ve geleceğin olumlu, çok yönlü ve aktif vatandaşları olmalarına yardımcı olmaktan gurur duyuyoruz. Öğrencilerimizin / okul topluluğumuzun ihtiyaçlarına göre tasarlanmış ve uyarlanmış ısmarlama bir PSHE programımız var. Bu şunlara odaklanır: Çocuklara nasıl başarılı vatandaşlar olunacağını öğretmek refahı teşvik etmek 'İngiliz Değerlerini' teşvik etmek okulumuzun 'The South Hill Way' inancının tüm unsurlarını pekiştirmek. Bu yıl, öğrencilerin kilitli durumdan okula geri dönmelerine yardımcı olmak ve pandemiden kaynaklanan duygularını derinlemesine düşünme ve işleme fırsatı bulmalarını sağlamak ve kilitlenmeden çıktığımızda arkadaşlıkları ve ilişkileri yeniden kurmak için çalışma planları hazırladık. İlişkiler, Uyuşturucu ve Cinsel Eğitim 'hükmümüz (daha geniş PSHE hükmümüze dahil edilmiştir) için' Christopher Winter Projesi'ni takip ediyoruz ve ebeveynlerin çocuklarına ne öğretileceğini bilmelerini sağlamak için bir dizi 'Bilgi Düzenleyicileri' ürettik. Her yıl grubunda 'RSE'. South Hill'deki RSE, aşağıdaki unsurları içerir: İlişki Eğitimi (RSE) - bu öncelikle öğrencilerin sağlıklı bir ilişkinin neye benzediğini bilmelerini sağlamak için pozitif ilişkilerin temel yapı taşlarını öğretmeye odaklanır; değer gördükleri ve eşitliğin olduğu yerlerde ve ayrıca tüm ailelerin ve bireylerin 'temsil edilmelerini' ve 'görülmelerini' sağlamak. Sağlık Eğitimi - bu, bedenlerimizi nasıl sağlıklı tutacağımızı ve çocukların sağlıklı yetişkinler olmasını ve daha sonra yaşamda iyi seçimler yapmasını sağlamak için sağlıklı bir yaşam tarzına sahip olmanın ne anlama geldiğini anlamaya odaklanır. Uyuşturucu Eğitimi - bu, çocuklara yasal ve yasa dışı zararlı maddelerle ilgili gerçekleri ve sigara, alkol kullanımı ve uyuşturucu kullanımı da dahil olmak üzere ilişkili riskleri öğretir. Cinsel Eğitim - Bu, 6. sınıftaki en büyük çocuklarımıza öğretilir ve gebe kalmayı ve fiziksel seks eylemini öğretir. Diğer Konular - PSHE programımızın diğer unsurları, aşağıdakiler gibi konular aracılığıyla öğretilecektir: Bilim (insan vücudu ve üreme); Okul genelinde Bilgisayar (internet güvenliği) ve PE (sağlıklı tutmanın önemi) yanı sıra öğretim kullanarak fırsatlar anahtar kavramları pekiştirmek. Autumn Term No Outsider This scheme promotes: British Values Protected characteristics Personal development Spring term (and used in assemblies all year round) Picture News This scheme promotes: British Values Protected characteristics Personal development Summer Term The Christopher Winter Project This scheme promotes: Relationship education Health education Drugs education Sex education Online safety ‘No Outsiders’ We follow the ‘No Outsiders’ project which is a book based PSHE scheme created by Andrew Moffat MBE, who was nominated for the Global Teacher Prize in 2018-19. Each week, the children read a book with their class teacher, which promotes British values and the following three core values: Respect for diversity through education in schools; Commitment to community cohesion through understanding and acceptance of difference; Promotion of dialogue to counter fear and hate in society. We believe that it is vital that our pupils can discuss inappropriate and discriminative language and understand how to address boundaries in order to prepare them for a future in modern Britain. We strive to ensure that our pupils are surrounded by a consistent message: · There are no outsiders here; · Everyone is different; · We like being different; · We are all equal in our difference; · I can get along with you even if we are different; · We live in the U.K., our British values support this and the law says this too. Picture News Picture news is a current affairs news scheme, which gives children opportunities to develop learning further through news stories that inspire them. The weekly theme (which is delivered in every Monday assembly) exposes pupils to a range of topics including political, religious, cultural, environmental, social, moral and spiritual issues. Pupils then have the opportunity to discuss these ‘big issues’ with their class teacher. In the Spring term, we use these as a basis for our PSHE lessons so that they can be explored more in depth class. Through this scheme, children have opportunities to: Discover talents and interests through a broad coverage Develop speaking and listening skills Develop the confidence to speak out Develop resilience Understand British Values and Protected Characteristics Develop links between personal, school and community values. Demonstrate respect and tolerance Bilgi Organizatörleri EYFS 6. yıl 2. Yıl Year 4 PSHE Politikası Subject Overview PSHE İlerlemesi PSHE Konularına Genel Bakış No Outsiders Long Term Plan EYFS PSHE Overview Picture News Enrichment Page PSHE Friendship South Hill and the Wider Community EYFS PSHE Summer 1 The Christopher Winter Project We follow the 'Christopher Winter Project' for our Relationships, Drug and Sex Education' provision and we have produced a range of 'Knowledge Organisers' to ensure parents know what their children will be taught in 'RSE' in each year group. RSE, at South Hill, includes the following elements (which are outlined in our Topic progression and Overview documents): Relationship Education (RSE) - this primarily focuses on teaching the fundamental building blocks of positive relationships to ensure pupils know what a healthy relationship looks like; where they are valued and where equality exists and to also ensure all families and individuals are 'represented' and 'seen'. Health Education - this focuses on understanding how to keep our bodies healthy and what it means to have a healthy lifestyle to ensure children can be healthy adults and make good choices now and in the future. Drugs Education - this teaches children the facts about legal and illegal harmful substances and the associated risks, including smoking, alcohol use and drug-taking. Sex Education - this is taught to our oldest children in Year 6 and will teach conception and the physical act of sex. Other Subjects Other elements of our PSHE programme are taught through subjects such as: Science (human body and reproduction); Computing (internet safety) and PE (importance of keeping healthy) as well as teaching using opportunities throughout the school day to reinforce key concepts. Pupil Voice Victoria Year 6 – In PSHE we have been reading the book “The only way is Badger”, where we learnt about how we are all different and unique. I enjoy dance outside of school so it has shown me that I am different and unique to my friends. Darcy Year 5 – We have been looking at a book called the “The Girls” it is about friendships and we learnt what keeps a friendship going and that some friendships can grow apart over time. Maggie Year 3 – I have enjoyed reading the book “Were all wonders” it was about using your voice and standing up for yourself rather than being a bystander”. Juno Year 1 – In PSHE, we read a good story about a man who lived in a flat it was called “Errol’s Garden”. He asked for help with making a garden for his friends. Maua Reception – I have learnt about being kind and respectful to my friends. Respectful means listening to my teacher.
- MFL - French | southhill
Modern Foreign Language - French “Languages are an essential part of a broad, balanced curriculum. Not only do they provide an opportunity to communicate more effectively with others, they also help children to understand what it is to be a global citizen. This includes the importance of tolerance and understanding, which is crucial knowledge in today’s world.” At South Hill, French is taught as a Modern Foreign Language (MFL) in Key stage two. Pupils in Early Years and Key Stage One learn and develop skills, which will support and benefit their future language learning. These include: Communication and language Phonics Reading Grammar Vocabulary Knowledge of different cultures and societies Our Curriculum In KS2, French is taught using the ‘Language Angels’ scheme of work. Teaching units have been selected in order to build a wide range of vocabulary and enable progression in our ‘Golden Threads’, which are: LISTENING SPEAKING READING WRITING In the Autumn term, each year group starts with phonetics and pronunciation lessons which teach some of the key sounds in French. Pupils also spend time learning and using some ‘essential vocabulary’ including greetings, numbers and days of the week etc. Pupils then continue developing their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through a variety of topics throughout the year. To ensure learning is enjoyable and memorable, lessons often use stories, songs, role play and a variety of other activities to support pupils to learn, remember and apply French vocabulary. Celebrating languages Within our school, we have pupils that speak many different languages. We aim to celebrate this through whole school events such as ‘International Day’ and ‘International Languages Day’ where each year group selects a country to learn about and to take part in a dance as well as many other activities. We also celebrate languages that are in school by dressing in colours of a chosen nationality and sharing languages, customs and traditions with our friends. 1/5 Long Term Plan Subject Overview Essential Vocab
- School Council | southhill
Pupil Voice - Summer 2024 Summer Term Actions 2024 Pupil Voice - Spring 2024 Spring Term Actions 2024 Pupil Voice - Autumn 2023 Autumn Term Actions 2023 Autumn 1 & 2 Evidence 2022-2023 Spring 1 & 2 Evidence 2022-2023 Summer 1 & 2 Evidence 2022-2023 School Council 2022-23 School Council Governor Visit Meeting Mike Penning Forging links with the wider community Okul Aile Birliği Merhaba! South Hill İlköğretim Okulu'nun öğrenci sesiyiz. Okul Konseyi, akranları tarafından seçilen her sınıftan iki çocuktan oluşur. Sınıfını temsil etmek isteyen her aday, Okul Konseyi için görüşleri ve hedefleri hakkında kısa bir konuşma yapmalı ve çocuklar daha sonra tercih ettikleri sınıf adaylarına oy vermelidir. Okul Konseyi Üyeleri 2020-2021 6. Yıl - Costy & Rory / Joely & Jack 5. Yıl - Fraser & Gloria / Ava & Alfie S 4. Yıl - Taylor & Oscar / Beau S & Riley 3. Yıl - Izzy & Sam / Lillie & Zubin 2. Yıl - Eva & Oliver / Saraya & Frankie 1. Yıl - Emilia & Thomas / Bertie & Amelia School Council Visit to Mountbatten Lodge Autumn School Council Visit to Mountbatten Lodge Summer Pupil Voice Tillie – Year 2. “I like coming to the meetings and talking about what we can improve”. Aya – Year 3. “I like being on the School Council because we make decisions for our school”. Daisy – Year 3. “I think the School Council is fun!” Grace – Year 4. “I enjoy helping other people”. Mason – Year 5. “I liked it when I met Brenda at Mountbatten Lodge and we did an activity together”. Izzy – Year 6. “The School Council helps me to make our school a better place for others”.
- Design and Technology | southhill
Design and Technology Design and Technology Vision To develop pupils' skills and technical knowledge in designing, making and evaluating through cooking and nutrition, textiles, materials and construction. We teach a broad and varied Design and Technology curriculum, at South Hill, which aims to develop skills and knowledge through the following key areas: Design: We want our pupils to generate ideas and to model and communicate these through talking and drawing. We want them to create templates and design products that are appealing, functional and purposeful. Make: We want pupils to select from a range of materials, tools and equipment and use these to perform practical tasks such as cutting, shaping, joining, sewing, kneading and finishing. Evaluate: We want pupils to be able to talk about existing products, as well as their finished product, to compare these against the design criteria and to consider the views of others to improve their work. Technical Knowledge: We want pupils to know and use subject specific vocabulary (such as levers, sliders, wheels, axels) and to deepen their knowledge of technical processes such as how structures can be made stronger/more stable. Golden Threads As part of our Design and Technology curriculum, we have carefully mapped out Golden Threads that weave in and out of our learning. These allow us to build on previous knowledge and skills and to ensure a progression of these year after year. Our Golden Threads for DT are: Our Curriculum In EYFS, through the Early Learning Goal ‘Expressive Arts and Design’, pupils are introduced to the building blocks of our Design and Technology curriculum. Through construction, pupils explore and build with a variety of materials such as Lego or wooden bricks, alongside developing their fine motor skills with scissors, paper and other media. In Key Stage 1, pupils develop an understanding of the design, making and evaluating process when creating their own products. Examples of topics covered in KS1 include: Designing a building for a town, making a pop up toy and making a fruit/vegetable monster. In Key Stage 2, pupils further embed the design, make and evaluate cycle when creating their own products. Examples of topics covered in KS1 include: building Anderson Shelters, making Torches, making a hydraulic bridge and cooking Viking bread. By the end of Year 6, we want pupils to be able to have developed the ability to design and make a range of products (in cooking and nutrition, textiles, materials and construction) and to be confident in their technical knowledge of these areas and to be able to evaluate their own work, as well of as that of others. KEY STAGE 1 GOLDEN THREADS COOKING AND NUTRITION TEXTILES MECHANISMS USE OF MATERIALS CONSTRUCTION KEY STAGE 2 GOLDEN THREADS COOKING AND NUTRITION TEXTILES ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL COMPONENTS STIFF AND FLEXIBLE SHEET MATERIALS MOULDABLE MATERIALS Examples of knowledge organisers EYFS Year 3 Year 1 Year 5 Long Term Plan Subject Overview Pupil Voice 'I really enjoy the creativity it brings your work. When creating our Anderson shelters I particularly enjoyed collecting the dirt need to disguise it. Harshith Y6 DT develops your creativity and the understanding of how to use tools accurately and safely such as a hacksaw. Coby Y6
- Wellbeing Festival 2023 | southhill
The Wellbeing Festival 2023 For our incredible Wellbeing Festival 2023 this year, South Hill School choir led by Mrs Toms our very own Music Specialist accompanied by the whole school sang two amazing songs which were incorporated as part of the “Sing up Day” celebrations 2023. The first song entitled “Let love shine through” celebrates the uniqueness and diversity of our local and global communities. The second track ‘Blossom Out’ by Tomuri Spicer is one of three new songs written for Sing up Day 2023. It is a gentle, laid back and summery celebration of the earth and our connection to the natural world around us. It features taonga pūoro (traditional Māori instruments) and snippets of haka (traditional chant in the Māori language) and is based on whakataukī (Māori proverbs). Tomuri’s clever lyrics encourage us to recognise our individual strengths, gifts, and uniqueness to ‘blossom out like a flower’ and ‘stand strong like a forest’. The children also enjoyed the day with their peers and siblings and listened, danced and sang to some incredible tunes played by the incredible Mr Braithwaite. What a truly fabulous occasion for the staff and pupils of South Hill School. Once again a huge thank you goes out to Mr Braithwaite and Mrs Toms for being such a strength to our school and always incorporating the South Hill spirit into every occasion. Links to the songs provided below. Blossom Out Let love shine through:
- Young Voices | southhill
Young Voices Young Voices offers children the amazing opportunity of singing with the worlds’ largest children’s choir. The whole experience is a journey and discovery, culminating in the most extraordinary performance opportunity there could possibly be. South Hill Choir have attended Young Voices in 2017,2019,2022,2023 and most recently 16th January 2024. This year the music included a Matilda Medley, a gospel medley, A Moana[Disney] medley as well as anthems and pop songs from a huge variety of genres. These offer the children opportunities to learn about other times and cultures, as well as musical styles. We even sang a beautiful Korean song called Arirang. The choir members worked extremely hard to learn all the lyrics and attended many extra rehearsals. All the hard work paid off with such an exceptional day on Tuesday 16th January. The day was long and exhausting but the children were utterly amazing. Their enthusiasm and energy bubbled over all day. Most of the songs had actions and dance moves so we were kept moving in the rehearsal as well as being introduced to the various artists who would be performing with us in the evening. As the lights went down for the concert to begin at 7pm the atmosphere was electric. Parents had arrived in the O2 and we could wave to them from a distance! The Urban Striders, Nandi Bushell, Natalie Williams and MCGrammar were sensational. The children found Nandi so inspiring as she is only 13 years old and a fantastic drummer-she blew us away with her talent! The pupils have been inspired to follow MCGrammar and especially enjoy watching him perform his World Book Day rap on Youtube! Such an incredible evening to inspire and remember! Here are some of the choir members’ comments: ‘It was just the best time’ ‘I loved the Urban Strides Dancers- they all waved to us!’ My favourite song was ‘Rockstar’ ‘I loved the violinist performing with the Beatboxers’ ‘I loved the lights- I felt like a star!’
- Online Safety | southhill
Çevrimiçi güvenlik South Hill Primary school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide positive opportunities for children and young people to learn, socialise and play but they also need to understand the challenges and risks. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules. It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation. We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that pupils, staff and governors will be supported to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely. This is part of our safeguarding responsibility. Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues. We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in helping children and young people navigate the online world safely and confidently. Staff have an annual online safety review, with parents and carers receiving monthly online safety tips in the school newsletter. We currently use the document ‘Education for a Connected World’ and resources from Project Evolve to plan and implement our half termly online safety sessions across the school (EYFS to Year 6). Each term, delivers a different aspect of online safety with bespoke sessions adopted when required, see the long term plan for details of our curriculum. We are also lucky to have a team of Digital Leaders at South Hill, whose role it to promote online safety and share their love of all things digital! All digital leaders have to apply for their role and are shortlisted and interviewed by the previous year’s Digital Leader team. Digital leader’s responsibilities include: · Learning how to use key software, so that they can be a help to others. · Have a good understanding on how to stay safe with technology and share with others. · Trialling potential new software and websites, then demonstrating them to other children and teachers. · Writing blog posts and commenting on other blogs · Set up equipment in classrooms for teachers. · Helping to lead the school forwards within the subject of Computing. Long Term Plan Çevrimiçi Güvende Kalın Smart Rules Spring 2024 Newsletter (HfL) Kaynaklar ve Güvenlik Kılavuzları YouTube Inappropriate Content Tik Tok Alexa İkna Edici Tasarım Oyun Bozukluğu Aramızda Xbox Çevrimiçi nazik olun Çevrimiçi nazik olmanın 14 yolu PlayStation5 Upsetting Content Childnet International, interneti çocuklar için harika ve güvenli bir yer haline getirmeye yardımcı olmak için başkalarıyla birlikte çalışan, kar amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluştur. Aşağıdaki logoya tıklayın Summer 2024 Newsletter (HfL) Childnet International, interneti çocuklar için harika ve güvenli bir yer haline getirmeye yardımcı olmak için başkalarıyla birlikte çalışan, kar amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluştur. Aşağıdaki logoya tıklayın