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  • International Day | southhill

    International Day Each year at South Hill School, we celebrate 'International Day'. Each class chooses a country from around the world which is also representative of our South Hill communities. For that day, year groups represent and learn more about their chosen country and can wear traditional clothing from their celebrated country or colours of the flag. ​ Pupils learn about the geography of their chosen country and where to locate the country on a map, what continent the country is part of and what countries are nearby, we might learn about famous buildings and landmarks. For PE, we are lucky to have Don Rae Academy join us to teach traditional dances from each country. For MFL (Modern Foreign Language), some year groups learn a few key phrases and words. Some children even learn a song! Some year groups have a food tasting activity so children can get a sense of the traditional food and culture from their country of the day while other year groups make the traditional food themselves. ​ Throughout the day, some year groups listen to music of their country and think about whether it is similar or different to the music we might listen to at home. ​ Some year groups look at the religion and the history of their chosen country, focusing on some significant people from that country and how the country has possibly changed over time. ​ Countries from 2023 were: Reception- Bangladesh Year 1- Poland Year 2- India Year 3- Romania Year 4- Italy Year 5- Turkey Year 6- Brazil

  • PTA | southhill

    Yaklaşan etkinlikler: Okul Aile Birliği South Hill PTA, okul topluluğunun önemli ve aktif bir parçasıdır ve ebeveynler, personel ve yöneticiler tarafından iyi desteklenmektedir. Mevcut çekirdek komite şunlardan oluşur: Eş Başkan - Chelsea Riches Eş Başkan - Tracy Mboma Sayman - Sekreter - Önümüzdeki dönem için herkesin planlamaya davet edildiği dönemlik toplantılar düzenliyoruz. Bağış toplama etkinliklerimiz için farklı roller üstlenmeye istekli birçok ebeveynimiz olduğu için şanslıyız. Bir PTA Facebook grubumuz var - buna katılmak isterseniz bize bildirin. Bu sayfada pek çok bilgi var. Okul Aile Birliği ile ilgili herhangi bir sorunuz varsa veya bize herhangi bir şekilde yardımcı olmak istiyorsanız, lütfen okul ofisi aracılığıyla Chelsea veya Tracy ile konuşun. NEW Newsletter March Başkanın Raporu Sayman Raporu (bilanço) Başkanın Raporu Sayman Raporu (bilanço) Para toplamaya yardımcı olmanın kolay yolları South Hill Birincil PTA'yı arayın veya hayır kurumu numaramızı kullanın: 1093062 Kolay fon sağlama Uygulamayı indirin, South Hill Primary PTA'yı arayın ve normal mağazalarınızda alışveriş yapın

  • International Language Day | southhill

    International Language Day At South Hill School we celebrate International Language Day during assembly. Pupils and staff take the microphone and share words from their languages. We then sing songs in different languages too. It's lovely to hear all the different languages in our school!

  • Governors | southhill

    South Hill'deki Valiler South Hill School'da destekleyici ve şefkatli bir Yönetim Kuruluna sahip olduğumuz için çok şanslıyız. Okuldaki rolleri, çocukların mümkün olan en iyi eğitimi almalarını ve standartların olabildiğince yüksek olmasını sağlamaktır: Vizyonun, ahlakın ve stratejik yönün netliğini sağlamak Baş Öğretmeni okulun ve öğrencilerinin eğitim performansından sorumlu tutmak Okulun finansal performansını denetlemek ve parasının iyi harcanmasını sağlamak Yönetim Kurulu, okulun etkili yönetişimine ve başarısına katkıda bulunmak için gerekli becerilere sahip veliler, personel, Hertfordshire İlçe Konseyi ve Yönetim Kurulu tarafından seçilen üyelerden temsilcilerden oluşur. Yönetim Kurulu şu anda yılda dört kez toplanmaktadır (dönem başına en az bir tane dahil olmak üzere). Valilerimiz (1 Aralık 2020 itibarıyla) Bay Hans Peters Vali Başkanı Co-Opted Governor Görev süresi biter: 07 Aralık 2021 Bayan Joanne Wellbelove Eş Baş Öğretmen - Yönetim Kurulu'nun Ex-officio üyesi Bayan Leah Wren Yardımcı Öğretmen; Eşli Vali Görev süresi biter: 06 Şubat 2024 Bayan Gail May Eşli Vali Görev süresi biter: 02 Ekim 2021 Bayan Bonnie O'Dell Veli Vali Ebeveynler tarafından seçildi Görev süresi biter: 17 Eylül 2021 Bayan Claire Peters Veli Vali Yönetim Organı tarafından atandı Görev süresi biter: 05 Ekim 2024 Bayan Katie Stewart Veli Vali Yönetim Organı tarafından atandı Görev süresi biter: 02 Ekim 2021 Bay Simon Crawshaw Yerel Yönetim Valisi Yönetim Organı ve HCC tarafından atandı Görev süresi biter: 24 Mart 2023 Bayan Kim Albery Personel Vali Görev süresi biter: 08 Temmuz 2023 Bayan Kate Chafer Eşli Vali Görev süresi biter: 09 Eylül 2023 Bayan Hayley Yendel Eşli Vali Görev süresi biter: 30 Kasım 2024 Toplantı Tutanakları South Hill, olağanüstü bir ortamda yaratıcı bir müfredat sunan canlı bir okuldur. Okulumuza bağlılık, sabır ve pozitiflikle hizmet eden parlak, özverili bir kadroya sahip olduğumuz için şanslıyız. Onlar sayesinde çocuklarımız mutlu, ilgileniliyor ve öğreniyor. " Bay Hans Peters - Vali Başkanı Yönetim Kuruluyla iletişime geçmek için lütfen e-posta gönderin: Vali Katılım Çıkar Beyanı Valilerle Tanışın 2020-21 6.10.20 25.1.22 1.12.20 29.3.22 24.5.22 2020-21 5.10.22 4.03.23 6.12.22 24.05.23 31.1.23 04.07.23 Daha önceki yıllar için lütfen okulla iletişime geçin. 2020-21 14.03.24 8.02.24 5.12.23 3.10.23 Left within the last year Mrs Tooba Ahmed Parent Governor Elected by parents Date appointed: 14 October 2021 Stepped down: 31 August 2022 ​ Ms Jodie Fripp Parent Governor Appointed by Governing Body Date appointed: 06 December 2022 Stepped down: 12 June 2023 ​ ​ Miss Leah Wren Co-Headteacher; Co-opted Governor ​Date appointed: 06 February 2020 Stepped down: 01 February 2023 ​ ​

  • Online Safety | southhill

    Çevrimiçi güvenlik South Hill Primary school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide positive opportunities for children and young people to learn, socialise and play but they also need to understand the challenges and risks. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules. It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation. We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that pupils, staff and governors will be supported to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely. This is part of our safeguarding responsibility. Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues. We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in helping children and young people navigate the online world safely and confidently. Staff have an annual online safety review, with parents and carers receiving monthly online safety tips in the school newsletter. We currently use the document ‘Education for a Connected World’ and resources from Project Evolve to plan and implement our half termly online safety sessions across the school (EYFS to Year 6). Each term, delivers a different aspect of online safety with bespoke sessions adopted when required, see the long term plan for details of our curriculum. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ We are also lucky to have a team of Digital Leaders at South Hill, whose role it to promote online safety and share their love of all things digital! All digital leaders have to apply for their role and are shortlisted and interviewed by the previous year’s Digital Leader team. ​ Digital leader’s responsibilities include: · Learning how to use key software, so that they can be a help to others. · Have a good understanding on how to stay safe with technology and share with others. · Trialling potential new software and websites, then demonstrating them to other children and teachers. · Writing blog posts and commenting on other blogs · Set up equipment in classrooms for teachers. · Helping to lead the school forwards within the subject of Computing. ​ ​ Long Term Plan Çevrimiçi Güvende Kalın Smart Rules Spring 2024 Newsletter (HfL) Kaynaklar ve Güvenlik Kılavuzları YouTube Inappropriate Content Tik Tok Alexa İkna Edici Tasarım Oyun Bozukluğu Aramızda Xbox Çevrimiçi nazik olun Çevrimiçi nazik olmanın 14 yolu PlayStation5 Upsetting Content Childnet International, interneti çocuklar için harika ve güvenli bir yer haline getirmeye yardımcı olmak için başkalarıyla birlikte çalışan, kar amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluştur. Aşağıdaki logoya tıklayın Summer 2024 Newsletter (HfL) Childnet International, interneti çocuklar için harika ve güvenli bir yer haline getirmeye yardımcı olmak için başkalarıyla birlikte çalışan, kar amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluştur. Aşağıdaki logoya tıklayın

  • Remembrance at South Hill | southhill

    Remembrance Day at South Hill School Each year at South Hill School, we commemorate Remembrance day. We gather outside as a whole school community and Year 6 share poems inspired by the poem, 'In Flanders Field,' by John McCrae. Our South Hill School Choir sing a song dedicated to those who have fallen. We have a whole school homework project such as 'Jar decorating.' A pupil plays, 'The Last post' and leads us into a two minute silence. The eldest and youngest members of the school then join the Headteacher in placing poppy wreaths under our South Hill Flagpole. We then sing the National Anthem. It is a very special moment in memory of those who have lost their lives in war across the world. ​

  • Music | southhill

    Music Music Vision ​ To develop pupils’ skills and knowledge as musicians, through Performing, Composing and Appraising At South Hill, we believe that music is a powerful, unique form of communication that can change the way children feel, think and act. It is a key feature of our school and we aim to provide many opportunities for our children to thrive in this area. The teaching of music develops children's ability to listen and it encourages active involvement in different forms of music making both individual and ensemble, developing a sense of group identity and togetherness. It also increases self-discipline, creativity, aesthetic sensitivity and fulfilment. ​ Our aims are: To encourage awareness, enjoyment and appreciation of music in all its forms To develop imagination and creativity To help children of all abilities develop positive attitudes and to experience success and satisfaction in music To offer opportunities to perform, compose and appraise Golden Threads As part of our Music curriculum, we have carefully mapped out 3 key concepts that weave in and out of our learning. These are: Performing Composing Appraising Our Curriculum In EYFS, pupils explore sound making in the key area of ‘Expressive arts and Design’ and have opportunities to respond to music through dance, role play and drama both inside and outside the classroom setting. In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, pupil’s skills and knowledge are developed through our golden threads, which progress throughout the school. Expected outcomes are taken from the National Curriculum and the skills to be taught are drawn from the Model Music Curriculum along with the WEAVE knowledge and skills document. Sing Up and Charanga resources are used as well as our Music specialist teacher. For example: ​ In KS1: Pupils enjoy singing songs together and learn about beat, rhythm and pitch. They also have opportunities to create music together in response to a given stimulus ie. story, picture or theme. ​ In KS2, pupils learn the ukulele and extend their understanding of beat, rhythm and pitch. Pupils learn to read standard notation through learning the glockenspiel and have opportunities to compose music in response to topics and work to incorporate their music knowledge within these projects. ​ Pupils also take part in weekly singing assemblies and have opportunities to join in various musical activities and performances throughout the school year. Please also visit the Young Voices ,Choir and Arts Mark pages ​ Arts Mark Gold South Hill have been awarded a Artsmark Gold Award, which highlighted ’our opportunities for children in Key Stage 2 to participate in instrumental tuition, including ukulele and Djembe drumming. Pupils also participate in Choir extra-curricular club and have opportunities to showcase and celebrate their musical achievements locally and at national events, such as at Young Voices. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Our feedback from the the Arts Mark assessors: ​ 'You clearly value the Arts and recognise their contribution to your mission statement of 'Building Character, Learning Together' at South Hill Primary School. Although some of your plans were inevitably stymied by the pandemic, you have used your Artsmark journey to develop children's understanding of arts and artists from a wider variety of different cultural heritages, so that cultural diversity is being promoted through your arts curriculum and your annual International Day. Music is a growing strength within your overall arts offer with lessons provided by a specialist music teacher. Your partnership with Hertfordshire Music Service is providing opportunities for children in Key Stage 2 to participate in instrumental tuition, including ukulele and Djembe drumming. Pupils can also participate in Choir extra-curricular club, and have opportunities to showcase and celebrate their musical achievements locally and at national events, such as at Young Voices. Astutely, you have capitalised on the skills and expertise of various school stakeholders, including a parent who is an animator. This opportunity, along with the chance for children to see a range of artists and makers at work at the Dacorum Arts Centre, has enabled pupils to develop an understanding of carer pathways and job opportunities in the Arts. Teachers' confidence has increased as a result of their training from local secondary colleagues in drawing, watercolour and collagraph printing. We suggest for the future that you strengthen your partnerships with arts and culture venues, and seek out new collaborations and opportunities with arts professionals which could help you to increase your range of offer and provide external, specialist training opportunities for your staff. It is great to hear that you are beginning to develop pupil voice through your Arts Ambassadors, and that they have relished the opportunity to work with your Forest Schools Leader to develop and implement plans to enhance the outdoor area. ​ Congratulations on your Artsmark Gold Award! ​ ​ ​ After a visit from Hertfordshire Music Service we have achieved a Music Mark to celebrate the value that we place on music here at South Hill. Music Mark schools are recognised for their commitment to music education. By being invited to be a Music mark school we can access resources for our staff and pupils and be kept up to date with the latest national and regional sector news and events. This is part of our recognition letter: 'Music Mark works to support and enable the music education sector to deliver high-quality musical and social outcomes for all children and young people. On behalf of Music Mark and from us at Hertfordshire Music Service, we would like to thank you for all the hard work your school does to support this collective vision. Music Mark Schools is supported through a partnership with ABRSM.' ​ ​ 1/16 Subject Overview Long term Plan Our Arts Ambassadors with the some pieces of Art completed as part of the Arts Mark Award. Pupil Voice I like music because it is so fun- Cece Y3 I like music lessons because they are really relaxing and calm and each day I feel like I'm getting better and better- Mario Y4 I love music lessons because I get to learn loads of chords on the ukulele and have fun- Kaila Y4 I like music because it inspires me - Carter Y3 Music is a lot of fun and I like learning the ukulele- Julian Y3

  • KS1 Production | southhill

    The Angel That Nearly Missed It All Despite their best efforts, one forgetful angel is always late! They oversleep, their maps blows away, they go to the wrong hillside, they gets cramp in their wings, and they terrify the donkeys. Will this Late Angel eventually make it to meet Mary and Joseph, and help the rest of the Angel Chorus celebrate the most important event of all? ​ A wonderful production by our key stage 1 pupils with lovely singing, dancing and acting. Thank you to all the KS1 team for the amazing job they have done on preparing Yrs 1&2 for this year’s Nativity. The children did an absolutely brilliant job. We feel fortunate to have a school which celebrates non-academic performances as highly as it feels like South Hill does and puts in huge amounts of effort to these endeavours, it is lovely they have the opportunity to work towards events such as these too. Key Stage 1 Parent voice

  • School Council | southhill

    Pupil Voice - Spring 2024 Spring Term Actions 2024 Pupil Voice - Autumn 2023 Autumn Term Actions 2023 Autumn 1 & 2 Evidence 2022-2023 Spring 1 & 2 Evidence 2022-2023 Summer 1 & 2 Evidence 2022-2023 School Council 2022-23 School Council Governor Visit Meeting Mike Penning Forging links with the wider community Okul Aile Birliği Merhaba! South Hill İlköğretim Okulu'nun öğrenci sesiyiz. Okul Konseyi, akranları tarafından seçilen her sınıftan iki çocuktan oluşur. Sınıfını temsil etmek isteyen her aday, Okul Konseyi için görüşleri ve hedefleri hakkında kısa bir konuşma yapmalı ve çocuklar daha sonra tercih ettikleri sınıf adaylarına oy vermelidir. Okul Konseyi Üyeleri 2020-2021 6. Yıl - Costy & Rory / Joely & Jack 5. Yıl - Fraser & Gloria / Ava & Alfie S 4. Yıl - Taylor & Oscar / Beau S & Riley 3. Yıl - Izzy & Sam / Lillie & Zubin 2. Yıl - Eva & Oliver / Saraya & Frankie 1. Yıl - Emilia & Thomas / Bertie & Amelia School Council Visit to Mountbatten Lodge Autumn School Council Visit to Mountbatten Lodge Summer Pupil Voice Tillie – Year 2. “I like coming to the meetings and talking about what we can improve”. Aya – Year 3. “I like being on the School Council because we make decisions for our school”. Daisy – Year 3. “I think the School Council is fun!” Grace – Year 4. “I enjoy helping other people”. Mason – Year 5. “I liked it when I met Brenda at Mountbatten Lodge and we did an activity together”. Izzy – Year 6. “The School Council helps me to make our school a better place for others”. ​

  • A Wriggly Nativity | southhill

    A Wriggly Nativity 2023 Our Early Years production for 2023 was called ‘A Wriggly Nativity’. The children took on speaking, acting and singing roles. The traditional nativity story was told through the performance. All the early years children learnt eight songs, complete with actions. The children were fantastic at performing and they were all very excited to have the opportunity to perform on stage to their families and the wider school. We are very proud of them all.

  • Vision and Values | southhill

    South Hill School Vision and Values ​ Our school vision and values are at the heart of all we do. They underpin our teaching and learning and provide a safe and nurturing environment whilst promoting confidence for all. South Hill School Vision Sta tement Pupils at South Hill will: · flourish through a nurturing environment · build confidence and resilience · develop an enjoyment of learning South Hill School Motto 'Building Character, Learning Together' Our school motto promotes the individual character-building of our pupils and learning together as a community. South Hill S chool Values (The South Hill Way) At the heart of our school are our 4 core values which are linked to British Citizenship. This is known to our pupils as The South Hill Way and The 4 Rs. ​ ​ ​

  • Attendance / School Opening Hours | southhill

    Katılım South Hill School, öğrencilerimizin yüksek bir devamlılığa sahip olmalarını sağlamak için bir görev ve sorumluluğa sahiptir. South Hill School'da, tüm öğrencilerimizin katılımını düzenli olarak izleyerek bu rolü yerine getiriyoruz. South Hill School'da öğrencilerimizin% 98 devamlılığı hedeflemelerini ve% 100 devam için çabalamalarını istiyoruz. Ebeveyn sorumluluğu Çocuğunun her gün okula gitmesini sağlamak ebeveynin sorumluluğundadır. Çocuklarının her gün zamanında gelmesini sağlamak ebeveynin sorumluluğundadır. Çocuklarının her gün zamanında alınmasını sağlamak ebeveynin sorumluluğundadır. Okul günümüz saat 8.40'da başlıyor. Kapılar sabah 8.50'de kapanıyor Geciken dakikalar kaydedilir ve izlenir EYFS ve KS1 için okul günümüz saat 15: 15'te sona eriyor KS2 için okul günümüz saat 15: 20'de sona eriyor Devam ve dakiklik, Bayan H Edwards ve Yardımcı Baş Öğretmenler tarafından izlenir. Okulun, katılımı izlemek için okulla birlikte çalışan belirlenmiş bir ilçe Devam Görevlisi vardır. Bayram Dönem içinde tatil rezervasyonu yapmak kabul edilemez. Çocuğunuzu tatil için okuldan alırsanız, bu izinsiz devamsızlık olarak kaydedilecektir. Politikamız, gerçekten istisnai durumlarda izin verilmesine izin verir, ancak bunlar nispeten nadirdir. Aşağıda ve okul ofisinde bir form mevcuttur ve herhangi bir izin zamanını ayarlamadan önce doldurulması gerekir. Hastalık Çocuğunuz zayıfsa okula gitmemesi gerektiğini anlıyoruz. Ancak bir çocuk burnunu çekerse veya biraz yorgunsa, onları öğrenme faaliyetlerine dahil ederken onlara bakabiliriz. Lütfen onları içeri getirip getirmemeye karar verirken bunu aklınızda bulundurun. Başa çıkmazlarsa sizi her zaman arayacağız. İzleme Katılımı düzenli olarak izliyoruz ve tam katılımın öneminin farkında olmadığını düşündüğümüz veya sık sık gelmeyen çocukların sağlığı ve iyiliği hakkında endişelendiğimiz ailelere yazıyoruz. Uygun olduğunda destek veya tavsiye sunmak, amacımız ebeveynlerin daha iyi katılım için çalışmalarına yardımcı olmaktır. Genellikle ebeveynler, tekrarlanan devamsızlıkların çocuklarının eğitimini ve sosyal gelişimini nasıl etkileyebileceğinin farkında değildir. Herhangi bir sorunuz varsa lütfen sorun. South Hill School'da, öğrencilerimizin% 98 devam etmeyi hedeflemesi bir beklentidir. Okula devam ve devamsızlıklarla ilgili daha fazla tavsiye ve rehberlik için lütfen aşağıdaki bağlantıları kullanın: Katılım Politikası DFE Okul Devamlılığı Ceza Bildirimi HCC İzin Formu

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