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  • Sport | southhill

    Sport në South Hill Fëmijët janë në South Hill u ofrohen shumë mundësi sportive si në kohën e kurrikulës ashtu edhe në klube pas shkollës. Nëse jeni të interesuar të mësoni më shumë rreth klubeve tona sportive që ofrohen, flisni me Z. Brathwaite ose Znj. Cogger. Futboll Viti 5 dhe 6 trajnimi i futbollit zhvillohet të Enjten pas shkollës dhe Vitet 3 dhe 4 të Premten pas shkollës në dy termat e parë. Në periudhën e verës, klubi i futbollit është i hapur për Vitet 3 deri në 6 dhe zhvillohet të Enjten pas shkollës. Znj. Barnes drejton një klub futbolli për vajzat vetëm të Premten pas shkollës, i cili është për Vitet 3-6. Netball Klubi Netball zhvillohet çdo të hënë pas shkollës i udhëhequr nga Z. Brathwaite dhe Znj. Cogger. Shtë e hapur për të gjithë fëmijët e Vitit 4/5/6. Skuadra punon shumë për të zhvilluar aftësitë e tyre; fëmijët gjithashtu po mësojnë rregullat e lojës në përgatitje për një vit të ngjeshur ndeshjesh. Në periudhën e verës, ky klub i së hënës është i hapur për Vitet 3 deri në 6. Djemtë dhe vajzat mirëpriten. Rounders Rounders Club zhvillohet në periudhën verore të Premten pas shkollës dhe është i hapur për fëmijët në KS2. Rounders Mini Shooters is for girls in Years 1 & 2 and takes place on Thursday lunchtime and costs £10.00 per term

  • Wellbeing for Children | southhill

    Wellbeing for Children ​ Putting wellbeing in the heart of overall school culture. At South Hill School, we take a whole school approach to promoting positive Mental Health and Wellbeing. Our aim is to help the whole school community to become competent and resilient learners, who can build and sustain relationships with t heir peers and use the knowledge gained in school to develop their skills and understand of how to promote and maintain positive mental health and wellbeing now and in later life. School culture. ​ Engaging in mentally healthy movement breaks through the Daily Mile or dancing to Go Noodle. · Engaging in mindfulness breaks such as “Stop and Sit”. · Helping children to develop safety through our Road Safety workshops and E-Safety learning. · Using the Zones of Regulation for the children to recognise, name and manage their emotions. · Friendship benches. ​ Pastoral Support. ​ · Identifying and tailoring individual support to meet children Mental Health challenges. Our multifaceted support network includes; school counsellor, play therapist, support worker, drawing and talking therapy, school nurse, dog therapy and SENCO. · A Nurture club is available to children who need extra social and emotional support at lunchtime. · Assemblies on Anti-bullying, Feeling Good Week, Mental Health Week and promotion of Friendships. · Every class has a worr y box or monster in their classroom. ​ Wow Days/Activities/Experiences. ​ · Annual activities – International Day, Mental Health Week. · Specialist: Music and Forest School. · Extra-curricular activities; Rock Steady, Magical Maths, Homework Club, Street Dance, Year 1 girls football club, boys/girls football club, Netball club and Choir. ​ Social Relationships. · Helping children to develop social relationships through our Reception/Year 6 buddies and our bespoke weekly PSHE lesson. ​ Wellbeing at South Hill Mental Health Assembly Feb 2023 Mental Health Week 2024 Summary of the Zones Zones of Regulation Just Talk Assembly Anti Bullying Week Wellbeing Overview Feeling Good Week 2023 Electric Umbrella 2023 Acts Of Kindness Worry Monster Assembly Friendship Bench Over the summer break, Mrs Albery organised volunteers from our local community and some teaching staff to come into our School and help renovate the garden area. As you can see there was lots of hard work to do, from moving old tyres and some old railway sleepers. But it was so worth it because the new raised growing beds for vegetables will enable the garden area to be re-used by the children and will really improve their Science knowledge and of course support their wellbeing and mental health. This project would not have been possible without the incredible help of our volunteers and Mrs Albery would personally like to thank the Harman Group for coming in and working so valiabtly and contributing to purchasing soil and some plants. Additionally, our fabulous PTA who also supported our school with funding and enabled our school to purchase the new bench and plant/ vegetable boxes. Garden Project Mental Health Awareness Week 13.5.24. This week is organised by the Mental Health Foundation. This year’s theme is ‘Movement: moving more for our mental health’. We all know movement is important for our mental wellbeing it boosts our mood and helps us look after our health. However, many of us may find it difficult to prioritise for a number of reasons. Lots of resources were shared with the staff at South Hill on how they can assist children with talking about their mental health and understanding their emotions. If you would like to find out more about supporting your mental wellbeing or tips to help support your child, please visit the Mental Health UK web page here. Our School Counsellor - Shahin Our Play Therapist - Claire

  • Class Pages | southhill

    A doni të mësoni më shumë rreth asaj që mëson fëmija juaj në South Hill? Ju lutemi klikoni në grupin përkatës të vitit.

  • Remembrance at South Hill | southhill

    Remembrance Day at South Hill School Each year at South Hill School, we commemorate Remembrance day. We gather outside as a whole school community and Year 6 share poems inspired by the poem, 'In Flanders Field,' by John McCrae. Our South Hill School Choir sing a song dedicated to those who have fallen. We have a whole school homework project such as 'Jar decorating.' A pupil plays, 'The Last post' and leads us into a two minute silence. The eldest and youngest members of the school then join the Headteacher in placing poppy wreaths under our South Hill Flagpole. We then sing the National Anthem. It is a very special moment in memory of those who have lost their lives in war across the world. ​

  • Young Voices | southhill

    Young Voices Young Voices offers children the amazing opportunity of singing with the worlds’ largest children’s choir. The whole experience is a journey and discovery, culminating in the most extraordinary performance opportunity there could possibly be. South Hill Choir have attended Young Voices in 2017,2019,2022,2023 and most recently 16th January 2024. This year the music included a Matilda Medley, a gospel medley, A Moana[Disney] medley as well as anthems and pop songs from a huge variety of genres. These offer the children opportunities to learn about other times and cultures, as well as musical styles. We even sang a beautiful Korean song called Arirang. The choir members worked extremely hard to learn all the lyrics and attended many extra rehearsals. All the hard work paid off with such an exceptional day on Tuesday 16th January. The day was long and exhausting but the children were utterly amazing. Their enthusiasm and energy bubbled over all day. Most of the songs had actions and dance moves so we were kept moving in the rehearsal as well as being introduced to the various artists who would be performing with us in the evening. As the lights went down for the concert to begin at 7pm the atmosphere was electric. Parents had arrived in the O2 and we could wave to them from a distance! The Urban Striders, Nandi Bushell, Natalie Williams and MCGrammar were sensational. The children found Nandi so inspiring as she is only 13 years old and a fantastic drummer-she blew us away with her talent! The pupils have been inspired to follow MCGrammar and especially enjoy watching him perform his World Book Day rap on Youtube! ​ Such an incredible evening to inspire and remember! Here are some of the choir members’ comments: ‘It was just the best time’ ‘I loved the Urban Strides Dancers- they all waved to us!’ My favourite song was ‘Rockstar’ ‘I loved the violinist performing with the Beatboxers’ ‘I loved the lights- I felt like a star!’

  • Safeguarding in the Curriculum | southhill

    Safeguarding in the Curriculum at South Hill School Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do here at South Hill School. Great importance is placed on identifying opportunities in the taught curriculum for children to learn about safeguarding. Our broad curriculum gives pupils opportunities to experience life in all its diversity, to acquire knowledge, understanding, and skills that significantly impact personal development, behaviour, and welfare. It also equips our pupils with the knowledge and skills required for personal safeguarding. Our PSHE curriculum covers aspects of safeguarding which are appropriate to the child’s age. We are sensitive in our teaching and recognise that some more sensitive subjects need to be taught at an age-appropriate level, or at a small group or 1:1 level where a more urgent need arises. We plan to constantly challenge children to think deeply about their own personal physical and mental wellbeing. We value pupils’ questions and give them space for their own thoughts, ideas, and concerns. We give pupils’ opportunities across the curriculum to explore values, personal rights, responsibilities, and equal opportunities that develop moral concepts that impact positively on safeguarding, promote British values and prevent radicalisation and extremism. Safeguarding through the curriculum is more heavily planned within the following subjects: PSHE (No Outsiders, Picture News, The Christopher Winter Project (RSE and Drugs) Religious Education Science Computing/Online Safety lessons through Project Evolve EYFS - Personal, Social and Emotional Development Zones of Regulation Further safeguarding opportunities are continually planned into the curriculum. For example: Road safety Nurture Class Nurture Club Bikeability in Year 5 Poolside and water safety through swimming lessons in year 4 and 6 Fire awareness in Year 2 (including visits from the local fire service) Assemblies and workshops provided by NSPCC Y6 Transitions Plays and shows (building confidence) Be Smart online safety poster Online safety (targeted work as required) NSPCC PANTS work (targeted work as required) Protective Behaviours (targeted work as required) Anti-bullying week Wellbeing week Wellbeing festival Just Talk Week/Worry box assembly Religious festival assemblies Online Safety Day Black History week International Day We have developed an open and safe learning environment in which pupils express their views, seek help, and help others. The promotion of equality of opportunity and diversity, for pupils and staff, helps prevent any form of direct or indirect discriminatory behaviour. Our children learn to not tolerate any prejudiced behaviour. Our behaviour policy promotes making good choices and exhibiting good learning behaviours. Class times are a time for sharing ideas, addressing concerns, and promoting important values. Assembly time is used to promote safeguarding matters and explore themes. For example, we talk about anti-bullying, including cyber bullying and British values, including how these values are promoted in our multi–faith society. Staff and children are quick to challenge stereotypes and the use of derogatory language. Our school teaches the diversity of experiences and provides pupils with a comprehensive understanding of people and communities beyond their immediate experience through the use of the ‘no outsiders’ project. Throughout the curriculum, there are planned opportunities to promote all forms of equality and foster greater understanding of and respect for people of all faiths (and those with no faith), races, genders, ages, disabilities, and sexual orientations. Time is taken at the beginning of every new school year and through regular assemblies to reaffirm school values, expectations, and the ‘South Hill Way’.

  • Online Safety | southhill

    Siguria në internet South Hill Primary school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide positive opportunities for children and young people to learn, socialise and play but they also need to understand the challenges and risks. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules. It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation. We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that pupils, staff and governors will be supported to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely. This is part of our safeguarding responsibility. Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues. We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in helping children and young people navigate the online world safely and confidently. Staff have an annual online safety review, with parents and carers receiving monthly online safety tips in the school newsletter. We currently use the document ‘Education for a Connected World’ and resources from Project Evolve to plan and implement our half termly online safety sessions across the school (EYFS to Year 6). Each term, delivers a different aspect of online safety with bespoke sessions adopted when required, see the long term plan for details of our curriculum. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ We are also lucky to have a team of Digital Leaders at South Hill, whose role it to promote online safety and share their love of all things digital! All digital leaders have to apply for their role and are shortlisted and interviewed by the previous year’s Digital Leader team. ​ Digital leader’s responsibilities include: · Learning how to use key software, so that they can be a help to others. · Have a good understanding on how to stay safe with technology and share with others. · Trialling potential new software and websites, then demonstrating them to other children and teachers. · Writing blog posts and commenting on other blogs · Set up equipment in classrooms for teachers. · Helping to lead the school forwards within the subject of Computing. ​ ​ Long Term Plan Qëndroni të sigurt në internet Smart Rules Spring 2024 Newsletter (HfL) Burimet dhe udhëzuesit e sigurisë YouTube Inappropriate Content TIK Tok Alexa Dizajn bindës Çrregullimi i lojrave Midis nesh Xbox Jini të mirë në internet 14 mënyra për të qenë të sjellshëm në internet PlayStation5 Upsetting Content Childnet International është një organizatë jofitimprurëse që punon me të tjerët për të ndihmuar në bërjen e internetit një vend të shkëlqyeshëm dhe të sigurt për fëmijët. Klikoni në logon më poshtë Summer 2024 Newsletter (HfL) Childnet International është një organizatë jofitimprurëse që punon me të tjerët për të ndihmuar në bërjen e internetit një vend të shkëlqyeshëm dhe të sigurt për fëmijët. Klikoni në logon më poshtë

  • Admissions | southhill

    Pranimet Për informacion në lidhje me pranimin në shkollën fillore South Hill, do të duhet të kontaktoni Këshillin e Qarkut Hertfordshire për të gjetur rregullimet e pranimit të shkollës. Ju lutemi shikoni lidhjen më poshtë: Informacione për Pranimet Our Pupil Admission Number is 60. We endeavour under the terms of Hertfordshire’s Local Education Authority’s admission policy to accommodate children from within our local area wherever possible. Hertfordshire Local Authority is responsible for the allocation of places in schools for children of primary school age. Children join our Reception class in the September before their fifith birthday. If you would like to apply for a place outside the normal admission times then click HERE which will take you to Hertfordshire County Council In Year Admission applications. Arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities In order that children who have a disability may be catered for, the school seeks advice from the Local Authority regarding the admission of such pupils. The school will endeavour to make any necessary arrangements in full consultation with the parents and any other agencies involved. It may be necessary in some cases for specialised equipment to be purchased, support staff to be employed, and minor adaptations to be made to buildings and furniture. These will need to be done in consultation with the Local Authority, and may take some time to implement. Steps to prevent disabled pupils being treated less favourably than other pupils The school’s Accessibility Plan (found HERE ) sets out the Governors’ response to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 which requires that a pupil should not be treated less favourably because of a disability. Existing facilities to assist access to the school by pupils with disabilities Accessible toilets are available on the ground and lower ground floors. Wheelchair access is available to the building on the ground and lower ground floors Elevator in the KS2 building from lower ground to 1st floor. Elevator from lower ground floor to the playground. Playgrounds are accessible by slopes

  • English | southhill

    Anglisht Writing Vision To develop pupils’ writing skills to enable them to write independently in a variety of genres and for a range of purposes. Qëllimi kryesor për shkrim-leximin në South Hill është të promovojë standarde të larta të gjuhës dhe shkrim-leximit duke pajisur nxënësit me një zotërim të fortë të gjuhës së folur dhe të shkruar dhe për të zhvilluar dashurinë e tyre për letërsinë përmes leximit të gjerë për kënaqësi. Kjo nga ana tjetër do të zhvillojë aftësitë e tyre të të shkruarit në të gjitha zhanret; zyrtare dhe joformale. Ne synojmë ta mbështesim këtë përmes promovimit të shkrim-leximit dhe përdorimit të teksteve me cilësi të lartë në të gjitha fushat e kurrikulës sonë. Kurrikula kombëtare për anglisht synon të sigurojë që të gjithë nxënësit: lexoni lehtë, rrjedhshëm dhe me mirëkuptim të mirë zhvilloni zakonin e leximit gjerësisht dhe shpesh, si për kënaqësi ashtu edhe për informacion përvetësojnë një fjalor të gjerë, një kuptim të gramatikës dhe njohuri të konvencioneve gjuhësore për leximin, shkrimin dhe gjuhën e folur vlerësojmë trashëgiminë tonë të pasur dhe të larmishme letrare shkruaj qartë, saktë dhe koherentisht, duke përshtatur gjuhën dhe stilin e tyre në dhe për një varg kontekstesh, qëllimesh dhe audiencash përdorni diskutimin në mënyrë që të mësoni; ata duhet të jenë në gjendje të shtjellojnë dhe shpjegojnë qartë kuptimin dhe idetë e tyre janë kompetentë në artet e të folurit dhe të dëgjuarit, duke bërë prezantime zyrtare, duke demonstruar të tjerëve dhe duke marrë pjesë në debat Long Term Plan - Literacy Grammar Plan Subject Overview - Reading Subject Overview - Writing Listat drejtshkrimore të kurrikulës KS1, LKS2, UKS2 Përdorni butonat më poshtë për të parë se çfarë mëson çdo vit në mësimet e anglishtes. Viti 1 Viti 2 Viti 3 Viti 4 Viti 5 Viti 6 Parents Grammar Morning Pupil Voice I love the big library - Eric Y6 ​ I like the different books we read in class - Freddy Y5 ​ Reading helps me learn more! - Stanley Y1 ​

  • Term Dates | southhill

    Term Dates 2023-2024 2024-2025

  • MFL - French | southhill

    Modern Foreign Language - French “Languages are an essential part of a broad, balanced curriculum. Not only do they provide an opportunity to communicate more effectively with others, they also help children to understand what it is to be a global citizen. This includes the importance of tolerance and understanding, which is crucial knowledge in today’s world.” ​ ​At South Hill, French is taught as a Modern Foreign Language (MFL) in Key stage two. Pupils in Early Years and Key Stage One learn and develop skills, which will support and benefit their future language learning. These include: Communication and language Phonics Reading Grammar Vocabulary Knowledge of different cultures and societies​ Our Curriculum In KS2, French is taught using the ‘Language Angels’ scheme of work. Teaching units have been selected in order to build a wide range of vocabulary and enable progression in our ‘Golden Threads’, which are: LISTENING SPEAKING READING WRITING In the Autumn term, each year group starts with phonetics and pronunciation lessons which teach some of the key sounds in French. Pupils also spend time learning and using some ‘essential vocabulary’ including greetings, numbers and days of the week etc. Pupils then continue developing their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through a variety of topics throughout the year. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ To ensure learning is enjoyable and memorable, lessons often use stories, songs, role play and a variety of other activities to support pupils to learn, remember and apply French vocabulary. ​ Celebrating languages Within our school, we have pupils that speak many different languages. We aim to celebrate this through whole school events such as ‘International Day’ and ‘International Languages Day’ where each year group selects a country to learn about and to take part in a dance as well as many other activities. We also celebrate languages that are in school by dressing in colours of a chosen nationality and sharing languages, customs and traditions with our friends. ​ ​ ​ ​ 1/5 Long Term Plan Subject Overview Essential Vocab

  • Forest School | southhill

    Forest School ‘Forest School’ is a Scandinavian concept where the learning is outdoor based. Many forest school activities evolve from the children’s interests, ideas, and the natural resources found in our grounds. ​ The outdoor sessions promote confidence, self-esteem and independence. At South Hill, we are passionate about developing the whole child and in using our amazing grounds to enhance learning. Benefits of forest school sessions include increased confidence, improved behaviour, improved concentration, independence, and development of social, emotional and physical skills. ​ Forest school is all about exploring and experiencing the natural world through practical activities. The children go outside in all weathers, exploring and learning from the seasons and environment changes. Natural resources stimulate creative thinking, problem solving and skill development, all in the guise of play. The children also learn to care for the environment and appreciate the seasonal changes, developing an empathy for wildlife. ​ Most importantly, alongside the learning, the children have fun! ​ We are delighted to be able to offer every child at South Hill the chance to participate in Forest School during the academic year. EYFS participate all year round, Years 5 and 6 Autumn term, Years 1 and 2 Spring term and Years 3 and 4 Summer term! ​ Long Term Plan More Information Pupil Voice 'I like forest school because you get to do fun activities and Mrs Evans makes it even more fun every week with everything we do' Ellie Yr 5 'I enjoy learning outdoors and exploring the forest' Niamh Yr 6 'I enjoy forest school because I like to be outdoors and I like the atmosphere and the sound of the birds' Isabella Yr 6

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