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  • Religious Education | southhill

    Religious Education Religious Education Vision ​ To develop knowledge of religion and worldview by asking ‘big questions’. To respect similarities and differences between people and their cultures. To have the confidence to develop their own sense of identity, belonging and worldview. At South Hill we teach a broad and balanced RE curriculum, which aims to develop skills and knowledge that: promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, social and mental development of pupils prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life promotes British values promotes community cohesion (Education Act, 2006) protects children from the risk of radicalisation, from whatever source (The Prevent duty – departmental advice for schools and childcare providers”, June 2015) ​ Our Curriculum ​ At South Hill, we follow ‘Discovery RE’. This is a comprehensive enquiry-based, teaching programme for Religious Education, which aims to give pupils the knowledge, critical thinking skills, open minded and respectful attitudes with which to investigate the world of religion and beliefs. It encompasses the Worldview approach to RE enabling pupils to form their own decisions about what RE means to them and develop their own personal worldview whilst empathising with what it means to other religious and non religious belief holders. It also aims to enable children to grow spiritually by developing their awareness and skills of reflection, their experience of awe and wonder and their appreciation of stillness and silence. ​ Lessons are carefully mapped out in our ‘Long term plan’ and progress through our six golden threads (the 6 principal religions as well as touching on Humanism in appropriate units): CHRISTIANITY (EYFS, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6) JUDAISM (Y1, Y2) HINDUISM (Y5) SIKHISM (Y3) BUDDHISM (Y4) ISLAM (EYFS, Y6) ​ The Big Question ​ Lessons are based around a half-termly ‘Big question’ and follow this sequence of progression: Step 1: Engagement: the children’s own experience and world view is explored to act as bridge from their world (which may or may not include religion) into the world of the religion being studied. Step 2: Investigation: over approximately 3 lessons the teacher will guide the children to explore and investigate appropriate subject knowledge relevant to that question of enquiry. Step 3: Evaluation: An assessment activity enables each child to show their thinking and the depth of critical evaluation Step 4: Expression: This refers the children back to the starting point of their own experience and allows them to reflect on whether their findings have influenced their own thinking. ​ Each year group has a special owl from the Owl Crew. They represent wisdom and promote questioning and exploration. The owl will provide answers and challenge with further questions. By the end of Year 6, we want our pupils to: Develop knowledge of world religions by asking ‘big questions.’ Respect the similarities and differences between people and their cultures. Have the confidence to develop their own sense of identity and belonging. ​ ​ Trips, hooks and theme days Our RE curriculum is enriched by a number of school trips, theme days and assemblies and these provide excellent opportunities to bring our learning to life. Examples are: EYFS: Christmas visit to the local church to hang decorations. Year 1: Celebration of Hannukah with parent visitors to explain their living and believing life. Year 3: Theme day exploring Sikhism concluding with a shared Langar Year 5: Visit to Gadebridge Park with the vicar linking the church to local history. Whole school assemblies with Father Mike exploring Easter and Christmas International Day (please see the ‘International Day’ section of our website) Each year at South Hill School, we celebrate 'International Day'. Each class chooses a country from around the world, which is also representative of our South Hill communities. For that day, year groups investigate and learn about their chosen country. They can wear clothes from their celebrated country or colours of the flag. They experience the food, music, dance and interests of the people in that country. Pupils also explore the culture, traditions and beliefs of their chosen country. ​ Long Term Plan Subject Overview Information for Parents ‘I am Muslim and it means I go to London on Saturdays and Sundays to learn Arabic’ Adiyan. ‘I am Hindu and this means we celebrate Diwali which is coming soon. When you are Hindu you meet up with other Hindus and go to temple and wear special clothes’. Aru I do wonder how we were created so I like RE cos it tells us about that’ Aiden ‘Jesus plays a very important role in Christianity cos he taught people about God and I know about God and I’m a Christian’. Mason ‘My religion is Islam. We celebrate Eid and Ramadan.’ Rahul

  • Outdoor Classroom Day | southhill

    Outdoor Classroom Day Outdoor Classroom Day is a global movement to make time outdoors part of every child's day. Here at Southhill, we are so lucky to have our fantastic grounds and woodland area. We are committed to providing outdoor learning opportunities wherever possible. On two days of action each year, the Outdoor Classroom campaign encourages teachers to take children outdoors to learn and play. All year round, the movement campaigns for more outdoor learning. This years Summer term date was in May. Every class enjoyed an outdoor learning session with a variety of activities including orienteering, bug hunting, den building, potion making and natural art. There was positive feedback from both children and staff . We look forward to participating in the Autumn term day in November. National Outdoor Classroom Day

  • For Parents | southhill

    Informacion për Prindërit Ju lutemi hidhni një vështrim në faqet vijuese për informacion në lidhje me shkollën.

  • South Hill Art Exhibition | southhill

    South Hill Art Exhibition At South Hill, we believe that every child should have the opportunity to explore and create art. We also believe that children should see their art displayed. This is the thinking behind our annual art week and Art Exhibition. ​ Each year we have a theme, such as ‘Patterns in Nature’ or ‘Under the Sea’, and all year groups spend a week exploring the theme, looking at a particular style of art based on a specific artist. During the week, they learn about the artist, and practise different art forms such as painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography or collage, experimenting with different mediums and techniques. The end of the week sees them producing a final piece of art. ​ The art is then mounted and displayed in our Art Gallery. Parents and children are invited in to view the work, which is available to be bought by the parents. Art works are numbered rather than named and information regarding the artist and the methods used to create the pieces are displayed alongside the works. The artwork is passed to them in the days following the gallery. This allows children the opportunity to visit an art gallery, see how a gallery works and to have the pleasure of seeing their work being viewed by others. ​ It is always a very popular event both with our pupils and with their parents. It is well attended and provides much-needed funds for our art supplies. More importantly, it gives children the chance to see themselves as valued artists and promotes the subject through the school.

  • Lunch Zone | southhill

    Lunch Zone ​ Lunches are provided by Radish, our catering providers. More information about them can be found here. Fresh meals are cooking on the premises each day. There is a choice of three meals. ​School meals run on a three week menu cycle with the emphasis on healthy eating. The current menu is available to see by clicking here . Meals are pre-booked via School Gateway; instructions can be found here. Our cook can cater for special dietary needs on completion of the online Dietary Needs Form . ​ ​School Meal Payment - £2.90 per meal The best way to pay for school meals is online via the School Gateway . ​ Universal Infant Free School Meals Children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals under current Government funding. ​ Free School Meals If you receive certain benefits, your child may be entitled to Free School Meals (even if they are in EYFS or KS1) As well as Free School Meals, your child will have access to other benefits. For more information and to register, please click here . Children may bring a packed lunch from home - click here for healthy packed lunch ideas. We do not allow cans, glass bottles, fizzy drinks or sweets and remember we are a NUT FREE school. NUT FREE SCHOOL School Dinner Menu 23/24 Dietary Needs

  • Policies | southhill

    South Hill Primary School is committed to their Public Sector Equality Duty and the need to Eliminate discrimination Advance equality of opportunity Foster good relations We have produced our Equality Policy to share our equality information and this, along with our accessibility plan will be reviewed in a timely manner. In addition, we have our four year objectives, which form part of our Equality Policy. Këtu janë politikat tona aktuale: A Plani i aksesit Anti-ngacmim Pjesëmarrja B Sjellje Behaviour C Karikimi dhe heqjet Përzierja e klasës Mbrojtja e fëmijëve Fëmijët u kujdesën Adhurimi kolektiv Komunikimet Ankesat D Mbrojtja e të dhënave Dropping Off Procedure E Barazia Equality Objectives 2022 -2026 F Politika e komenteve G Të mësuarit në shtëpi L Letërzimet M Mental Health and Wellbeing Medical Conditions O Siguria në internet O P P Njoftimi i Privatësisë Prindi / Kujdesi Skema e Publikimit R Informacion mbi arsimin në distancë Relationships & Sex Education S DENDRGONI dhe Përfshirja Ankesat serike T Mësimdhënia & Mësimi U Mësimdhënia & Mësimi

  • The Pied Piper of Hamelin | southhill

    The Pied Piper of Hamelin Creative arts are really important to us here at South Hill, and this term saw Year 3 and 4 take to the stage in their amazing production of ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’. ​ 120 pupils took part in the production, with children from Year 4 auditioning for and taking on the principle roles. The show was performed to the whole school, as well as a matinee and packed out evening performance to parents, carers and family members. One of our parents who attended the show said: ​ I just wanted to say how absolutely amazing the school play was! The children were fantastic, and it was honestly the best thing I've ever come to see. The teachers have clearly worked extremely hard putting this together as was evidenced by the performance last night and I am sure by all of the other performances. Well done to the teachers and to the children, it was such a pleasure to watch! Year 4 parent We are incredibly proud of the outstanding efforts of all of our children; the show was incredible and really highlighted our pupil’s talents in dance, drama and singing. ​ We can’t wait for the next show, by Year 6, in the Summer term!

  • Family/Wellbeing | southhill

    Mirëqenie Siç përshkruhet nga 'Mind' ... 'Mirëqenia mendore përshkruan gjendjen tuaj mendore - si ndiheni dhe sa mirë mund ta përballoni jetën e përditshme. Mirëqenia jonë mendore është dinamike . Mund të ndryshojë nga momenti në moment, dita në ditë, muaji në muaj ose vit në vit. Nëse keni mirëqenie të mirë mendore, jeni në gjendje të: ndjehuni relativisht të sigurt në vetvete dhe keni vetëvlerësim pozitiv ndjejnë dhe shprehin një sërë emocionesh ndërtojnë dhe mbajnë marrëdhënie të mira me të tjerët ndjehuni të angazhuar me botën përreth jush të jetojnë dhe të punojnë në mënyrë produktive të përballen me streset e jetës së përditshme përshtatuni dhe menaxhoni në kohë ndryshimi dhe pasigurie ' Këtu në South Hill, ne po mbështesim nxënësit tanë të bëhen më të vetëdijshëm për shëndetin e tyre mendor dhe mirëqenien emocionale. Mësimet dhe asambletë e PSHE-së përqendrohen në temat e 5 mënyrave të Mirëqenies. Këto janë: Jepni, Lidhni, Mësoni, Aktiv dhe Njoftoni. Çdo term, një gazetë e Mirëqenies është botuar për prindërit dhe kujdestarët me informacione të azhurnuara të tilla si punëtori dhe javë specifike të kurrikulës bazuar në Shëndetin Mendor. Shkolla ka një udhëheqje të Shëndetit Mendor dhe Mirëqenies, Mis Wren, e cila do të ishte e lumtur të ndihmonte nëse keni ndonjë shqetësim ose keni nevojë për mbështetje të mëtejshme. Java e shëndetit mendor të fëmijëve Mjerim Uebfaqe të dobishme Healthy Hub Dacorum 2024 Dacorum Health Walks 2024 Mbështetje e Shëndetit Mendor (CAMHS) Citizen Advice Dacorum Calm Communication Çfarë është abuzimi në familje? Linja e ndihmës për abuzimin në familje Ekipi i Mbështetjes së Familjes Mendimi i rritjes Shtatë gjërat për të provuar Qëndrueshmëria e ndërtesës I am Cherished Linja e Ndihmës Telefonike për Nxënësit e moshës 10+ Herts Mind Network ka nisur një linjë të re ndihme për ndërhyrjen dhe parandalimin e hershëm për fëmijët dhe të rinjtë e moshës 10-17 në Herts. Linja e ndihmës do të sigurojë një hapësirë ​​të sigurt, pa gjykim, për të biseduar me një Këshilltar të të Rinjve ose Mentor i cili do të sigurojë mbështetje emocionale, këshilla dhe informacione, vendosjen e shenjave dhe diskutuar strategjitë e përballimit. Për orarin e punës dhe më shumë informacion ju lutem vizitoni faqen e internetit: Herts Mind Network Mesazh nga kriza CAMHS Vlerësimin & Treatment Ekipit (Ekipi C-CATT) NHS dhe spitalet lokale janë vërtet të zënë për momentin, kështu që nëse po përjetoni një krizë të shëndetit mendor, mënyra më e shpejtë për të marrë ndihmë në çdo kohë, ditë ose natë, është të telefononi në numrin tonë të telefonit falas 0800 6444 101 ose telefononi NHS111 dhe zgjidhni opsionin 2 për shërbimet e shëndetit mendor. Këshilla është që fëmijët dhe të rinjtë të kontaktojnë këtë numër ndihme para se të marrin pjesë në A&E. Trupat BeeZee është një ekip i nutricionistëve dhe ekspertëve të ndryshimit të sjelljes të cilët drejtojnë programe për menaxhimin e peshës për fëmijët dhe familjet e tyre. (email) 01707 248648 (telefon)

  • Our Curriculum | southhill

    Our Curriculum At South Hill School, our curriculum allows our pupils to flourish through a nurturing environment, which aims to build confident and resilient learners and provide the building blocks of learning in all subjects, in preparation for their next steps across our school and to secondary school. Our Curriculum Intent The intent of our school curriculum is clearly planned and developed using a progressive approach with a build-up of learning, knowledge and skills. This is m apped out from year group to year group, and across key stages, via our ‘subject long term planning documents’ and ‘year group curriculum overviews’, which follow the National Curriculum. These can be found on each of our subject web pages (‘Curriculum’ tab) and on our year group class pages. We have aimed to design an ambitious curriculum which is designed for the pupils at our school and a curriculum that is relevant and meaningful. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ The core of our curriculum is based on developing pupils' Reading, Writing and Maths skills and providing a rich, diverse learning experience. We focus on a strong 'daily diet' of learning for all pupils. Our Reading curriculum follows the Read Write Inc scheme to teach phonics and reading skills in a consistent manner. Matching phonetical books further support the acquirement of phonics (also known as the ‘3Ps’ at South Hill School). ​ ​ We use the ‘Herts for Learning’ (HFL) documents for our Core Subjects and we have adapted the 'Learning Challenge Curriculum' ('Weave') for our Foundation Subjects. This ensures that all our pupils are taught a broad and balanced curriculum, with the key skills and knowledge to support their future learning to ensure all pupils have the opportunity to reach their potential. Our SEN pupils access learning at an adapted level dependent on individual needs. Some children have a personalised curriculum which is tailored but based around whole class learning wherever possible and also follows their individualised 'Passport to Success'. Accessibility across our school can be seen via our whole school provision maps based on the four broad areas of need and our EAL provision map. ​ Cognition and Learning Needs Physical and Sensory Needs Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs Speech, Language and Communication Needs English as an Additional Language (EAL) ​ Underpinning our intended curriculum and deeply rooted in our ethos is the wellbeing of our pupils. For our pupils to access the curriculum, they must be in a nurturing and supporting environment with a rich cultural capital. Our curriculum celebrates a broad and enriched learning approach. Events such as 'International Day', led by the Geography lead, is a celebration of language, foods, music, different cultures and dances from across the world. Our Science Day, our Wellbeing days and our annual Art Gallery are other examples in which leaders join together to ensure our pupils' learning is extended beyond the classroom and their experiences are widened. Our curriculum design incorporates a therapeutic behaviour approach and this is echoed through our whole school ethos, The South Hill Way which links to British citizenship. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Teaching and Learning Wellbeing and Mental Health

  • Reading & Phonics | southhill

    Reading vision ​ To develop children’s decoding, comprehension and fluency to provide them with the reading skills to access the whole curriculum Reading and Phonics Fonika dhe Lexo Shkruaj Inc Në shkollën fillore South Hill, ne përdorim programin fonik të Read Writ Inc (RWI) për t'i bërë fëmijët të fillojnë me një shkrim fluturues. RWI është një metodë e të mësuarit e përqendruar rreth tingujve të letrave dhe fonikës dhe ne e përdorim atë për të ndihmuar fëmijët në leximin dhe shkrimin e tyre. Leximi hap derën për të mësuar. Një fëmijë që lexon shumë do të bëhet një lexues i mirë. Një lexues i mirë do të jetë në gjendje të lexojë materiale më sfiduese. Një fëmijë që lexon materiale sfiduese është një fëmijë që do të mësojë. Sa më shumë që një fëmijë mëson, aq më shumë ai ose ajo do të dëshirojë të zbulojë. Duke përdorur RWI, fëmijët mësojnë të lexojnë pa mundim në mënyrë që të mund të vënë tërë energjinë e tyre në kuptimin e asaj që lexojnë. Kjo gjithashtu i lejon ata të shkruajnë pa mundim në mënyrë që ata të mund të vënë tërë energjinë e tyre në kompozimin e asaj që shkruajnë. Kur përdorni RWI për të lexuar fëmijët do të: Mësoni 44 tinguj dhe grupet përkatëse të shkronjave / shkronjave duke përdorur kërkesa të thjeshta për fotografi Mësoni të lexoni fjalë duke përdorur Fred Talk ( mace) Lexoni histori të gjalla që përmbajnë fjalë që ata kanë mësuar të tingëllojnë Tregoni se ata i kuptojnë historitë duke iu përgjigjur pyetjeve Kur përdorni RWI për të shkruar , fëmijët do të: Mësoni të shkruani letrat / grupet e shkronjave që përfaqësojnë 44 tinguj Mësoni të shkruani fjalë duke thënë tingujt në Fred Talk Shkruaj fjali të thjeshta RWI në shkollën fillore South Hill: Fillimisht nxënësit e pritjes marrin seanca RWI çdo ditë Nxënësit e vitit 1 marrin seanca RWI çdo ditë për 20 minuta duke u përqëndruar në Fonikë Ndërsa viti shkollor përparon, nxënësit e Pritjes dhe Vitit 1 grupohen sipas aftësisë për seancat e tyre të përditshme Për më shumë informacion, ju lutemi shikoni bashkëngjitjet më poshtë. Për të shkuar në uebfaqen Read Write Inc, ju lutemi klikoni në logon më poshtë: Luaj lojra falas në shtëpi për të mbështetur fëmijën tënd duke lexuar fjalë të pakuptimta në shtëpi. Provoni Piknikun e Fazës 3, 4 dhe 5 në Plutonin dhe Thesarin e Varrosur Listat e sugjeruara të librave Tinguj Listat 1 Tinguj Listat 2 Fonika & Leximi W / dyqan Subject Overview - Reading Udhëzues për Prindërit Guided Reading Workshop 100 Books - recommended texts KS1 (ose EY - lexuar nga i rrituri) Vitet 3 dhe 4 Vitet 5 dhe 6 Home Phonics Screening Practice Sound Mat 1 and 2 Sound Mat 3 and 4 Phonics Screening Workshop Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Sound Mat 5 Complete Sound Chart Pupil Voice "Reading is inspiring. I like reading books like 'Everest' that we read in Year 5 because it inspires me to keep on going on my dreams." Saraya Year 5 "Reading is a good way to learn new words. I like finding out what words mean in the glossary or I ask my mum or teacher what new words mean. Then I use them in my writing." Alicia Year 5 "I love library club, because I get to read every time I go and I'm getting so good at reading now." Frankie Year 2 "I am excited when we learn a new sound. It means I can read more." Ciel Year 1 "The best thing about reading in school is getting to choose books like, Matilda. I love Matilda." Bella Year 3

  • Ofsted | southhill

    Ju lutemi klikoni në lidhjen më poshtë për të lexuar raportin tonë të fundit të Ofsted. Ju lutemi klikoni në lidhjen më poshtë për të hyrë në Pamjen e Prindërve. Parent View ju jep mundësinë t'i tregoni Ofsted-it se çfarë mendoni për shkollën e fëmijës suaj.

  • Wellbeing Festival 2023 | southhill

    The Wellbeing Festival 2023 For our incredible Wellbeing Festival 2023 this year, South Hill School choir led by Mrs Toms our very own Music Specialist accompanied by the whole school sang two amazing songs which were incorporated as part of the “Sing up Day” celebrations 2023. The first song entitled “Let love shine through” celebrates the uniqueness and diversity of our local and global communities. The second track ‘Blossom Out’ by Tomuri Spicer is one of three new songs written for Sing up Day 2023. It is a gentle, laid back and summery celebration of the earth and our connection to the natural world around us. It features taonga pūoro (traditional Māori instruments) and snippets of haka (traditional chant in the Māori language) and is based on whakataukī (Māori proverbs). Tomuri’s clever lyrics encourage us to recognise our individual strengths, gifts, and uniqueness to ‘blossom out like a flower’ and ‘stand strong like a forest’. The children also enjoyed the day with their peers and siblings and listened, danced and sang to some incredible tunes played by the incredible Mr Braithwaite. What a truly fabulous occasion for the staff and pupils of South Hill School. Once again a huge thank you goes out to Mr Braithwaite and Mrs Toms for being such a strength to our school and always incorporating the South Hill spirit into every occasion. Links to the songs provided below. Blossom Out Let love shine through: ​ ​

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Telefoni: 01442 402127


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