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  • Wellbeing Festival 2023 | southhill

    The Wellbeing Festival 2023 For our incredible Wellbeing Festival 2023 this year, South Hill School choir led by Mrs Toms our very own Music Specialist accompanied by the whole school sang two amazing songs which were incorporated as part of the “Sing up Day” celebrations 2023. The first song entitled “Let love shine through” celebrates the uniqueness and diversity of our local and global communities. The second track ‘Blossom Out’ by Tomuri Spicer is one of three new songs written for Sing up Day 2023. It is a gentle, laid back and summery celebration of the earth and our connection to the natural world around us. It features taonga pūoro (traditional Māori instruments) and snippets of haka (traditional chant in the Māori language) and is based on whakataukī (Māori proverbs). Tomuri’s clever lyrics encourage us to recognise our individual strengths, gifts, and uniqueness to ‘blossom out like a flower’ and ‘stand strong like a forest’. The children also enjoyed the day with their peers and siblings and listened, danced and sang to some incredible tunes played by the incredible Mr Braithwaite. What a truly fabulous occasion for the staff and pupils of South Hill School. Once again a huge thank you goes out to Mr Braithwaite and Mrs Toms for being such a strength to our school and always incorporating the South Hill spirit into every occasion. Links to the songs provided below. Blossom Out Let love shine through: ​ ​

  • Design and Technology | southhill

    Design and Technology Design and Technology Vision ​ To develop pupils' skills and technical knowledge in designing, making and evaluating through cooking and nutrition, textiles, materials and construction. We teach a broad and varied Design and Technology curriculum, at South Hill, which aims to develop skills and knowledge through the following key areas: Design: We want our pupils to generate ideas and to model and communicate these through talking and drawing. We want them to create templates and design products that are appealing, functional and purposeful. Make: We want pupils to select from a range of materials, tools and equipment and use these to perform practical tasks such as cutting, shaping, joining, sewing, kneading and finishing. Evaluate: We want pupils to be able to talk about existing products, as well as their finished product, to compare these against the design criteria and to consider the views of others to improve their work. Technical Knowledge: We want pupils to know and use subject specific vocabulary (such as levers, sliders, wheels, axels) and to deepen their knowledge of technical processes such as how structures can be made stronger/more stable. Golden Threads As part of our Design and Technology curriculum, we have carefully mapped out Golden Threads that weave in and out of our learning. These allow us to build on previous knowledge and skills and to ensure a progression of these year after year. Our Golden Threads for DT are: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Our Curriculum In EYFS, through the Early Learning Goal ‘Expressive Arts and Design’, pupils are introduced to the building blocks of our Design and Technology curriculum. Through construction, pupils explore and build with a variety of materials such as Lego or wooden bricks, alongside developing their fine motor skills with scissors, paper and other media. In Key Stage 1, pupils develop an understanding of the design, making and evaluating process when creating their own products. Examples of topics covered in KS1 include: Designing a building for a town, making a pop up toy and making a fruit/vegetable monster. In Key Stage 2, pupils further embed the design, make and evaluate cycle when creating their own products. Examples of topics covered in KS1 include: building Anderson Shelters, making Torches, making a hydraulic bridge and cooking Viking bread. By the end of Year 6, we want pupils to be able to have developed the ability to design and make a range of products (in cooking and nutrition, textiles, materials and construction) and to be confident in their technical knowledge of these areas and to be able to evaluate their own work, as well of as that of others. KEY STAGE 1 GOLDEN THREADS ​ COOKING AND NUTRITION TEXTILES MECHANISMS USE OF MATERIALS CONSTRUCTION KEY STAGE 2 GOLDEN THREADS ​ COOKING AND NUTRITION TEXTILES ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL COMPONENTS STIFF AND FLEXIBLE SHEET MATERIALS MOULDABLE MATERIALS Examples of knowledge organisers EYFS Year 3 Year 1 Year 5 Long Term Plan Subject Overview Pupil Voice 'I really enjoy the creativity it brings your work. When creating our Anderson shelters I particularly enjoyed collecting the dirt need to disguise it. Harshith Y6 DT develops your creativity and the understanding of how to use tools accurately and safely such as a hacksaw. Coby Y6

  • World Book Day | southhill

    World Book Day World Book Day is held each year on the first Thursday in March. As a school we celebrated by sharing Poetry from Jospeh Coelho throughout the week, Learning MC Grammar's World Book Day song and dressing up as our favourite book characters. Promoting Reading for Pleasure is a large part of our school's reading provision and children have created wish lists for books for us to purchase. ​

  • A Wriggly Nativity | southhill

    A Wriggly Nativity 2023 Our Early Years production for 2023 was called ‘A Wriggly Nativity’. The children took on speaking, acting and singing roles. The traditional nativity story was told through the performance. All the early years children learnt eight songs, complete with actions. The children were fantastic at performing and they were all very excited to have the opportunity to perform on stage to their families and the wider school. We are very proud of them all.

  • Year 3 | southhill

    3e année 1/17 Yearly Overview Knowledge Organisers - Autumn Bienvenue dans les cours de frêne et de hêtre de 3e année! Il y a une année pleine d'action à venir avec un programme riche et diversifié visant à créer des défis et à développer les intérêts des enfants dans une gamme de sujets.En plus de développer des compétences en mathématiques et en anglais, les enfants auront la chance de créer et de concevoir leur propre cerf-volant; découvrez diverses zones géographiques telles que les continents et les océans du monde entier ainsi que le Kenya et l'Égypte ancienne. De plus, nous commençons à apprendre un peu de français, peut-être pour la première fois. Ce n'est pas tout, car nous remonterons le temps pour découvrir la vie à l'âge de pierre. J'espère que cela vous donnera une idée de certaines des choses que nous ferons cette année. Ash est enseigné par Miss Woodger et soutenu par Mme Dwight. Beech est enseigné par Mme Rance et soutenu par Mme Smith. Veuillez utiliser les liens sur cette page pour en savoir plus sur ce que nous ferons ce terme et n'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez des préoccupations ou des questions. Mme Rance et Mlle Woodger Recommended Reading List Année 3 anglais Maths 3e année KS2 Reading VIPERS Y3/Y4 Tricky Word List Transistion Booklet 2024 - Beech Transistion Booklet 2024 - Ash

  • Wellbeing for Children | southhill

    Wellbeing for Children ​ Putting wellbeing in the heart of overall school culture. At South Hill School, we take a whole school approach to promoting positive Mental Health and Wellbeing. Our aim is to help the whole school community to become competent and resilient learners, who can build and sustain relationships with t heir peers and use the knowledge gained in school to develop their skills and understand of how to promote and maintain positive mental health and wellbeing now and in later life. School culture. ​ Engaging in mentally healthy movement breaks through the Daily Mile or dancing to Go Noodle. · Engaging in mindfulness breaks such as “Stop and Sit”. · Helping children to develop safety through our Road Safety workshops and E-Safety learning. · Using the Zones of Regulation for the children to recognise, name and manage their emotions. · Friendship benches. ​ Pastoral Support. ​ · Identifying and tailoring individual support to meet children Mental Health challenges. Our multifaceted support network includes; school counsellor, play therapist, support worker, drawing and talking therapy, school nurse, dog therapy and SENCO. · A Nurture club is available to children who need extra social and emotional support at lunchtime. · Assemblies on Anti-bullying, Feeling Good Week, Mental Health Week and promotion of Friendships. · Every class has a worr y box or monster in their classroom. ​ Wow Days/Activities/Experiences. ​ · Annual activities – International Day, Mental Health Week. · Specialist: Music and Forest School. · Extra-curricular activities; Rock Steady, Magical Maths, Homework Club, Street Dance, Year 1 girls football club, boys/girls football club, Netball club and Choir. ​ Social Relationships. · Helping children to develop social relationships through our Reception/Year 6 buddies and our bespoke weekly PSHE lesson. ​ Wellbeing at South Hill Wellbeing Festival 2024 Mental Health Week 2024 Summary of the Zones Zones of Regulation Just Talk Assembly Anti Bullying Week Wellbeing Overview Mental Health Assembly Feb 2023 Feeling Good Week 2023 Electric Umbrella 2023 Acts Of Kindness Worry Monster Assembly Friendship Bench Over the summer break, Mrs Albery organised volunteers from our local community and some teaching staff to come into our School and help renovate the garden area. As you can see there was lots of hard work to do, from moving old tyres and some old railway sleepers. But it was so worth it because the new raised growing beds for vegetables will enable the garden area to be re-used by the children and will really improve their Science knowledge and of course support their wellbeing and mental health. This project would not have been possible without the incredible help of our volunteers and Mrs Albery would personally like to thank the Harman Group for coming in and working so valiabtly and contributing to purchasing soil and some plants. Additionally, our fabulous PTA who also supported our school with funding and enabled our school to purchase the new bench and plant/ vegetable boxes. Garden Project Mental Health Awareness Week 13.5.24. This week is organised by the Mental Health Foundation. This year’s theme is ‘Movement: moving more for our mental health’. We all know movement is important for our mental wellbeing it boosts our mood and helps us look after our health. However, many of us may find it difficult to prioritise for a number of reasons. Lots of resources were shared with the staff at South Hill on how they can assist children with talking about their mental health and understanding their emotions. If you would like to find out more about supporting your mental wellbeing or tips to help support your child, please visit the Mental Health UK web page here. Our School Counsellor - Shahin

  • SEND | southhill

    Besoins éducatifs spéciaux et incapacités L'école primaire de South Hill est une école ordinaire entièrement inclusive et notre objectif est de: • améliorer les résultats de tous les enfants, y compris ceux qui ont des difficultés d'apprentissage, un handicap, un désavantage ou des besoins éducatifs spéciaux; • personnaliser l'offre pour permettre à tous les enfants de réaliser leur plein potentiel; • reconnaître et évaluer les besoins supplémentaires, en mettant en place une intervention appropriée et opportune pour s'assurer que tout est fait pour éliminer les obstacles à l'apprentissage le plus tôt possible; • impliquer activement les parents et les tuteurs dans les décisions affectant l'éducation de leur enfant; • rechercher le point de vue des enfants à tous les stades de leur éducation. Afin d'atteindre ces objectifs, nous veillerons à ce que: • tous les adultes ont les aspirations les plus élevées pour chaque enfant; • l'offre est adaptée et bien adaptée aux besoins des enfants; • la fourniture de services étendus fait une différence dans les résultats pour les enfants et leurs familles; • les opinions des élèves sont utilisées pour éclairer la planification de l'amélioration de l'école; • chaque enfant a accès à tous les domaines de la vie scolaire. Pour plus d'informations sur SEND à South Hill, veuillez consulter les liens suivants: Pour l'offre locale Herts, rendez-vous sur: Si vous avez des inquiétudes concernant votre enfant, veuillez contacter notre SENCO / INCO Mme Jacqui Donley 01442 402127 For further information click on the links below Rapport d'information SEN SEND Information Report Politique d'envoi et d'inclusion Neurodiversity Support Offre Autisme Herts Offre d'envoi de qualité Herts

  • KS1 Production | southhill

    The Angel That Nearly Missed It All Despite their best efforts, one forgetful angel is always late! They oversleep, their maps blows away, they go to the wrong hillside, they gets cramp in their wings, and they terrify the donkeys. Will this Late Angel eventually make it to meet Mary and Joseph, and help the rest of the Angel Chorus celebrate the most important event of all? ​ A wonderful production by our key stage 1 pupils with lovely singing, dancing and acting. Thank you to all the KS1 team for the amazing job they have done on preparing Yrs 1&2 for this year’s Nativity. The children did an absolutely brilliant job. We feel fortunate to have a school which celebrates non-academic performances as highly as it feels like South Hill does and puts in huge amounts of effort to these endeavours, it is lovely they have the opportunity to work towards events such as these too. Key Stage 1 Parent voice

  • Reading & Phonics | southhill

    Reading vision ​ To develop children’s decoding, comprehension and fluency to provide them with the reading skills to access the whole curriculum Reading and Phonics Phonics and Read Write Inc À l' école primaire South Hill, nous utilisons le programme phoniques Lire Write Inc (RWI) pour obtenir les enfants un bon départ avec leur niveau d' alphabétisation. RWI est une méthode d'apprentissage centrée sur les sons et la phonétique des lettres et nous l'utilisons pour aider les enfants à lire et à écrire. La lecture ouvre la porte à l'apprentissage. Un enfant qui lit beaucoup deviendra un bon lecteur. Un bon lecteur pourra lire des documents plus stimulants. Un enfant qui lit des textes stimulants est un enfant qui apprendra. Plus un enfant apprend, plus il voudra en savoir plus. Grâce à RWI, les enfants apprennent à lire sans effort afin de pouvoir mettre toute leur énergie à comprendre ce qu'ils lisent. Cela leur permet également d'épeler sans effort afin de pouvoir mettre toute leur énergie à composer ce qu'ils écrivent. Lors de l'utilisation de RWI pour lire, les enfants: Apprenez 44 sons et les groupes de lettres / lettres correspondants à l' aide de simples invites d'image Apprenez à lire des mots en utilisant Fred Talk (par exemple, chat) Lisez des histoires vivantes mettant en vedette des mots qu'ils ont appris à sonner Montrez qu'ils comprennent les histoires en répondant aux questions Lors de l'utilisation de RWI pour écrire, les enfants: Apprenez à écrire les lettres / groupes de lettres qui représentent 44 sons Apprenez à écrire des mots en prononçant les sons dans Fred Talk Écrivez des phrases simples RWI à l'école primaire de South Hill: Les élèves de la réception reçoivent des sessions RWI tous les jours dans un premier temps Les élèves de 1re année reçoivent des sessions RWI tous les jours pendant 20 minutes en se concentrant sur la phonétique Au fur et à mesure de l'année scolaire, les élèves de l'accueil et de la première année sont regroupés en fonction de leurs capacités pour leurs sessions quotidiennes Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter les pièces jointes ci-dessous. Pour accéder au site Web de Read Write Inc, veuillez cliquer sur le logo ci-dessous: Jouez aux jeux gratuits à la maison pour aider votre enfant à lire des mots absurdes à la maison. Essayez le pique-nique des phases 3, 4 et 5 sur Pluton et trésor enfoui Listes de livres suggérées Graphiques sonores 1 Graphiques sonores 2 Phonics & Reading W / shop Subject Overview - Reading Guide pour les parents EYFS - How to Teach Reading Guided Reading Workshop 100 Books - recommended texts KS1 (ou EY - lu par un adulte) Années 3 et 4 Années 5 et 6 Home Phonics Screening Practice Sound Mat 1 and 2 Sound Mat 3 and 4 Phonics Screening Workshop Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Sound Mat 5 Complete Sound Chart Pupil Voice "Reading is inspiring. I like reading books like 'Everest' that we read in Year 5 because it inspires me to keep on going on my dreams." Saraya Year 5 "Reading is a good way to learn new words. I like finding out what words mean in the glossary or I ask my mum or teacher what new words mean. Then I use them in my writing." Alicia Year 5 "I love library club, because I get to read every time I go and I'm getting so good at reading now." Frankie Year 2 "I am excited when we learn a new sound. It means I can read more." Ciel Year 1 "The best thing about reading in school is getting to choose books like, Matilda. I love Matilda." Bella Year 3

  • Forest School | southhill

    Forest School ‘Forest School’ is a Scandinavian concept where the learning is outdoor based. Many forest school activities evolve from the children’s interests, ideas, and the natural resources found in our grounds. ​ The outdoor sessions promote confidence, self-esteem and independence. At South Hill, we are passionate about developing the whole child and in using our amazing grounds to enhance learning. Benefits of forest school sessions include increased confidence, improved behaviour, improved concentration, independence, and development of social, emotional and physical skills. ​ Forest school is all about exploring and experiencing the natural world through practical activities. The children go outside in all weathers, exploring and learning from the seasons and environment changes. Natural resources stimulate creative thinking, problem solving and skill development, all in the guise of play. The children also learn to care for the environment and appreciate the seasonal changes, developing an empathy for wildlife. ​ Most importantly, alongside the learning, the children have fun! ​ We are delighted to be able to offer every child at South Hill the chance to participate in Forest School during the academic year. EYFS participate all year round, Years 5 and 6 Autumn term, Years 1 and 2 Spring term and Years 3 and 4 Summer term! ​ Long Term Plan More Information Pupil Voice 'I like forest school because you get to do fun activities and Mrs Evans makes it even more fun every week with everything we do' Ellie Yr 5 'I enjoy learning outdoors and exploring the forest' Niamh Yr 6 'I enjoy forest school because I like to be outdoors and I like the atmosphere and the sound of the birds' Isabella Yr 6

  • Enrichment | southhill

    South Hill se targue d'offrir un large éventail d'activités extrascolaires enrichissantes. Pour plus d'informations sur les clubs participant à ce trimestre, veuillez consulter les informations sur les pages suivantes. Si vous pensez pouvoir ajouter à notre offre, veuillez contacter le bureau de l'école. Clubs Timetable - Summer 23

  • Year 4 | southhill

    4e année 1/7 Yearly Overview Knowledge Organisers - Autumn Year 4 Multiplication Check Bienvenue en 4e année! C'est fantastique de voir que les enfants sont bien installés après une si longue absence. Une année entière d'apprentissage passionnant nous attend. Nous en apprendrons davantage sur les Romains et visiterons le musée Verulamium à St Albans. Notre programme créatif comprendra la fabrication de nos propres pots et mosaïques romains à l'automne. Les enfants exploreront l'électricité et apprendront à construire des circuits électriques simples et à faire des observations scientifiques. Maple est enseignée par Mme Farmery et Mme Sisulu et les enfants sont pris en charge par Mme Nash. Holly est enseignée par Mme Tomsa et les enfants sont pris en charge par Mme Conroy. Les liens sur cette page vous donneront des informations sur ce que nous ferons ce terme. Mme Farmery, Mme Sisulu et Mme Tomsa Transistion Booklet 2024 - Maple Transistion Booklet 2024 - Holly Textes recommandés Année 4 anglais Maths 4e année KS2 Reading VIPERS Y3/Y4 Tricky Word List

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