École primaire de South Hill
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- Term Dates | southhill
Term Dates
- Attendance / School Opening Hours | southhill
Présence South Hill School a le devoir et la responsabilité de s'assurer que nos élèves ont un niveau élevé d'assiduité. À South Hill School, nous remplissons ce rôle en surveillant régulièrement la fréquentation de tous nos élèves. À la South Hill School, nous souhaitons que nos élèves visent une fréquentation de 98% et une assiduité à 100%. Responsabilité parentale Il est de la responsabilité des parents de s'assurer que leur enfant fréquente l'école tous les jours. Il est de la responsabilité des parents de s'assurer que leur enfant arrive à l'heure tous les jours. Il est de la responsabilité des parents de s'assurer que leur enfant est ramassé à l'heure tous les jours. Notre journée scolaire commence à 8h40. Les portes ferment à 8h50 Les minutes de retard sont enregistrées et surveillées Notre journée scolaire se termine à 15h15 pour EYFS et KS1 Notre journée scolaire se termine à 15h20 pour KS2 La présence et la ponctualité sont contrôlées par Mme H Edwards et les co-directeurs. L'école a un agent de fréquentation du comté désigné qui travaille avec l'école pour surveiller l'assiduité. Vacances Il est inacceptable de réserver des vacances à temps partiel. Si vous retirez votre enfant de l'école pour des vacances, cela sera enregistré comme une absence non autorisée . Notre politique autorise des congés pour des circonstances vraiment exceptionnelles, mais celles-ci sont relativement rares. Un formulaire est disponible ci-dessous et au bureau de l'école et doit être rempli avant de prendre des congés. Maladies Nous comprenons que si votre enfant va mal, il ne devrait pas aller à l'école. Mais si un enfant renifle ou est un peu fatigué, nous pouvons le soigner tout en l'impliquant dans des activités d'apprentissage. Veuillez garder cela à l'esprit lorsque vous décidez de les faire entrer. Nous vous appellerons toujours s'ils ne font pas face. Surveillance Nous surveillons régulièrement l'assiduité et écrivons à toutes les familles qui, selon nous, ne sont pas conscientes de l'importance de l'assiduité ou qui nous préoccupent de la santé et du bien-être des enfants qui sont fréquemment absents. Offrant un soutien ou des conseils le cas échéant, notre objectif est d'aider les parents à œuvrer pour une meilleure assiduité. Souvent, les parents ne sont pas conscients de l'impact des absences répétées sur l'éducation et le développement social de leur enfant. Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à demander. À South Hill School, on s'attend à ce que nos élèves visent une fréquentation de 98%. Pour plus de conseils et de conseils sur la fréquentation scolaire et les absences, veuillez utiliser les liens ci-dessous: La politique de présence Avis de pénalité HCC Formulaire de congé
- International Language Day | southhill
International Language Day At South Hill School we celebrate International Language Day during assembly. Pupils and staff take the microphone and share words from their languages. We then sing songs in different languages too. It's lovely to hear all the different languages in our school!
- Supporting EY Transition | southhill
Soutenir la transition Pour aider votre enfant à faire la transition vers l'école, veuillez consulter les informations et les vidéos de cette page. Starting School Prêt pour l'école Welcome to Mapac Mapac - how to login
- Colour Run | southhill
The South Hill Colour Run Every summer, to promote healthy living, exercise and community fun, we hold, 'The South Hill Colour Run.' It is an afternoon of Music and Daily Mile circuits in which we get covered in paint or squirted with water! We have snacks and stalls too. This is a time for fun, exercise and community, all wrapped up in a rainbow of colours! Thank you to our amazing PTA for organising this wonderful event!
- Class Pages | southhill
Voulez-vous en savoir plus sur ce que votre enfant apprend à South Hill? Veuillez cliquer sur le groupe d’année concerné.
- Religious Education | southhill
Religious Education Religious Education Vision To develop knowledge of religion and worldview by asking ‘big questions’. To respect similarities and differences between people and their cultures. To have the confidence to develop their own sense of identity, belonging and worldview. At South Hill we teach a broad and balanced RE curriculum, which aims to develop skills and knowledge that: promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, social and mental development of pupils prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life promotes British values promotes community cohesion (Education Act, 2006) protects children from the risk of radicalisation, from whatever source (The Prevent duty – departmental advice for schools and childcare providers”, June 2015) Our Curriculum At South Hill, we follow ‘Discovery RE’. This is a comprehensive enquiry-based, teaching programme for Religious Education, which aims to give pupils the knowledge, critical thinking skills, open minded and respectful attitudes with which to investigate the world of religion and beliefs. It encompasses the Worldview approach to RE enabling pupils to form their own decisions about what RE means to them and develop their own personal worldview whilst empathising with what it means to other religious and non religious belief holders. It also aims to enable children to grow spiritually by developing their awareness and skills of reflection, their experience of awe and wonder and their appreciation of stillness and silence. Lessons are carefully mapped out in our ‘Long term plan’ and progress through our six golden threads (the 6 principal religions as well as touching on Humanism in appropriate units): CHRISTIANITY (EYFS, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6) JUDAISM (Y1, Y2) HINDUISM (Y5) SIKHISM (Y3) BUDDHISM (Y4) ISLAM (EYFS, Y6) The Big Question Lessons are based around a half-termly ‘Big question’ and follow this sequence of progression: Step 1: Engagement: the children’s own experience and world view is explored to act as bridge from their world (which may or may not include religion) into the world of the religion being studied. Step 2: Investigation: over approximately 3 lessons the teacher will guide the children to explore and investigate appropriate subject knowledge relevant to that question of enquiry. Step 3: Evaluation: An assessment activity enables each child to show their thinking and the depth of critical evaluation Step 4: Expression: This refers the children back to the starting point of their own experience and allows them to reflect on whether their findings have influenced their own thinking. Each year group has a special owl from the Owl Crew. They represent wisdom and promote questioning and exploration. The owl will provide answers and challenge with further questions. By the end of Year 6, we want our pupils to: Develop knowledge of world religions by asking ‘big questions.’ Respect the similarities and differences between people and their cultures. Have the confidence to develop their own sense of identity and belonging. Trips, hooks and theme days Our RE curriculum is enriched by a number of school trips, theme days and assemblies and these provide excellent opportunities to bring our learning to life. Examples are: EYFS: Christmas visit to the local church to hang decorations. Year 1: Celebration of Hannukah with parent visitors to explain their living and believing life. Year 3: Theme day exploring Sikhism concluding with a shared Langar Year 5: Visit to Gadebridge Park with the vicar linking the church to local history. Whole school assemblies with Father Mike exploring Easter and Christmas International Day (please see the ‘International Day’ section of our website) Each year at South Hill School, we celebrate 'International Day'. Each class chooses a country from around the world, which is also representative of our South Hill communities. For that day, year groups investigate and learn about their chosen country. They can wear clothes from their celebrated country or colours of the flag. They experience the food, music, dance and interests of the people in that country. Pupils also explore the culture, traditions and beliefs of their chosen country. Long Term Plan Subject Overview Information for Parents ‘I am Muslim and it means I go to London on Saturdays and Sundays to learn Arabic’ Adiyan. ‘I am Hindu and this means we celebrate Diwali which is coming soon. When you are Hindu you meet up with other Hindus and go to temple and wear special clothes’. Aru I do wonder how we were created so I like RE cos it tells us about that’ Aiden ‘Jesus plays a very important role in Christianity cos he taught people about God and I know about God and I’m a Christian’. Mason ‘My religion is Islam. We celebrate Eid and Ramadan.’ Rahul
- Vacancies | southhill
Veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour obtenir des informations sur les postes vacants actuels.
- School Council | southhill
Pupil Voice - Summer 2024 Summer Term Actions 2024 Pupil Voice - Spring 2024 Spring Term Actions 2024 Pupil Voice - Autumn 2023 Autumn Term Actions 2023 Autumn 1 & 2 Evidence 2022-2023 Spring 1 & 2 Evidence 2022-2023 Summer 1 & 2 Evidence 2022-2023 School Council 2022-23 School Council Governor Visit Meeting Mike Penning Forging links with the wider community Conseil d'école Bonjour! Nous sommes la voix étudiante de l'école primaire de South Hill. Le conseil d'école est composé de deux enfants de chaque classe qui ont été élus par leurs pairs. Chaque candidat souhaitant représenter sa classe doit faire un bref exposé sur ses points de vue et ses objectifs pour le conseil d'école et les enfants votent ensuite pour les candidats de la classe qu'ils préfèrent. Membres du conseil d'école 2020-2021 Année 6 - Costy & Rory / Joely & Jack Année 5 - Fraser & Gloria / Ava & Alfie S Année 4 - Taylor & Oscar / Beau S & Riley Année 3 - Izzy & Sam / Lillie & Zubin Année 2 - Eva & Oliver / Saraya & Frankie Année 1 - Emilia & Thomas / Bertie & Amelia School Council Visit to Mountbatten Lodge Autumn School Council Visit to Mountbatten Lodge Summer Pupil Voice Tillie – Year 2. “I like coming to the meetings and talking about what we can improve”. Aya – Year 3. “I like being on the School Council because we make decisions for our school”. Daisy – Year 3. “I think the School Council is fun!” Grace – Year 4. “I enjoy helping other people”. Mason – Year 5. “I liked it when I met Brenda at Mountbatten Lodge and we did an activity together”. Izzy – Year 6. “The School Council helps me to make our school a better place for others”.
- MFL - French | southhill
Modern Foreign Language - French “Languages are an essential part of a broad, balanced curriculum. Not only do they provide an opportunity to communicate more effectively with others, they also help children to understand what it is to be a global citizen. This includes the importance of tolerance and understanding, which is crucial knowledge in today’s world.” At South Hill, French is taught as a Modern Foreign Language (MFL) in Key stage two. Pupils in Early Years and Key Stage One learn and develop skills, which will support and benefit their future language learning. These include: Communication and language Phonics Reading Grammar Vocabulary Knowledge of different cultures and societies Our Curriculum In KS2, French is taught using the ‘Language Angels’ scheme of work. Teaching units have been selected in order to build a wide range of vocabulary and enable progression in our ‘Golden Threads’, which are: LISTENING SPEAKING READING WRITING In the Autumn term, each year group starts with phonetics and pronunciation lessons which teach some of the key sounds in French. Pupils also spend time learning and using some ‘essential vocabulary’ including greetings, numbers and days of the week etc. Pupils then continue developing their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through a variety of topics throughout the year. To ensure learning is enjoyable and memorable, lessons often use stories, songs, role play and a variety of other activities to support pupils to learn, remember and apply French vocabulary. Celebrating languages Within our school, we have pupils that speak many different languages. We aim to celebrate this through whole school events such as ‘International Day’ and ‘International Languages Day’ where each year group selects a country to learn about and to take part in a dance as well as many other activities. We also celebrate languages that are in school by dressing in colours of a chosen nationality and sharing languages, customs and traditions with our friends. 1/5 Long Term Plan Subject Overview Essential Vocab
- Statutory Information | southhill
Informations statutaires Veuillez consulter les pages suivantes pour nos informations statutaires.
- Safeguarding in the Curriculum | southhill
Safeguarding in the Curriculum at South Hill School Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do here at South Hill School. Great importance is placed on identifying opportunities in the taught curriculum for children to learn about safeguarding. Our broad curriculum gives pupils opportunities to experience life in all its diversity, to acquire knowledge, understanding, and skills that significantly impact personal development, behaviour, and welfare. It also equips our pupils with the knowledge and skills required for personal safeguarding. Our PSHE curriculum covers aspects of safeguarding which are appropriate to the child’s age. We are sensitive in our teaching and recognise that some more sensitive subjects need to be taught at an age-appropriate level, or at a small group or 1:1 level where a more urgent need arises. We plan to constantly challenge children to think deeply about their own personal physical and mental wellbeing. We value pupils’ questions and give them space for their own thoughts, ideas, and concerns. We give pupils’ opportunities across the curriculum to explore values, personal rights, responsibilities, and equal opportunities that develop moral concepts that impact positively on safeguarding, promote British values and prevent radicalisation and extremism. Safeguarding through the curriculum is more heavily planned within the following subjects: PSHE (No Outsiders, Picture News, The Christopher Winter Project (RSE and Drugs) Religious Education Science Computing/Online Safety lessons through Project Evolve EYFS - Personal, Social and Emotional Development Zones of Regulation Further safeguarding opportunities are continually planned into the curriculum. For example: Road safety Nurture Class Nurture Club Bikeability in Year 5 Poolside and water safety through swimming lessons in year 4 and 6 Fire awareness in Year 2 (including visits from the local fire service) Assemblies and workshops provided by NSPCC Y6 Transitions Plays and shows (building confidence) Be Smart online safety poster Online safety (targeted work as required) NSPCC PANTS work (targeted work as required) Protective Behaviours (targeted work as required) Anti-bullying week Wellbeing week Wellbeing festival Just Talk Week/Worry box assembly Religious festival assemblies Online Safety Day Black History week International Day We have developed an open and safe learning environment in which pupils express their views, seek help, and help others. The promotion of equality of opportunity and diversity, for pupils and staff, helps prevent any form of direct or indirect discriminatory behaviour. Our children learn to not tolerate any prejudiced behaviour. Our behaviour policy promotes making good choices and exhibiting good learning behaviours. Class times are a time for sharing ideas, addressing concerns, and promoting important values. Assembly time is used to promote safeguarding matters and explore themes. For example, we talk about anti-bullying, including cyber bullying and British values, including how these values are promoted in our multi–faith society. Staff and children are quick to challenge stereotypes and the use of derogatory language. Our school teaches the diversity of experiences and provides pupils with a comprehensive understanding of people and communities beyond their immediate experience through the use of the ‘no outsiders’ project. Throughout the curriculum, there are planned opportunities to promote all forms of equality and foster greater understanding of and respect for people of all faiths (and those with no faith), races, genders, ages, disabilities, and sexual orientations. Time is taken at the beginning of every new school year and through regular assemblies to reaffirm school values, expectations, and the ‘South Hill Way’.