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  • Computing | southhill

    Computing Computing vision ​ For pupils to be equipped to navigate a digital world and to understand how to protect themselves online. To develop pupils confidence and capability in IT and programming to prepare them for a rapidly changing technological world. At South Hill, we understand the importance of technology in a rapidly changing society. As it has always been, the children of today will develop and use the technologies of tomorrow. Therefore, we need to foster their basic knowledge and understanding of the technologies that they use today. The computing curriculum is divided into 3 key concepts; Digital Literacy (DL), Information Technology (IT) and Computer Science (CS) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ DL Digital literacy is about the safe and responsible use of technology, including recognising its advantages for collaboration or communication. CS Computer science will introduce children of all ages to understanding how computers and networks work. It will also give all children the opportunity to learn basic computer programming, from simple floor robots in EYs, Years 1 and 2, right up to creating on-screen computer games and programmes by Year 6. IT Information technology is about the use of computers for functional purposes, such as collecting and presenting information, or using search technology. ​ GOLDEN THREADS As part of our Computing curriculum, we have carefully mapped out 5 'Golden Threads' which allow us to build on previous knowledge and to make links between what we have already learnt and what we are learning now and in the future: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Intent At South Hill Primary, we use the NCCE – Teach Computing and Project Evolve units to deliver the three concepts area of the computing curriculum. We intend that children should master Computing to such an extent that they can go on to have careers and make use of Computing effectively in their everyday lives, without being completely reliant on technology. They are also taught to use technology responsibly and carefully, being mindful of how their behaviour, words and actions can affect others. Our pupils will be taught Computing in a way that ensures progression of skills and allows opportunities to revisit these skills year on year. Teachers are also aware of the importance of making small adaptations where necessary to support all learners and how technology can be used to support and enhance a range of subjects whilst allowing pupils to apply their skills. Implementation In our teaching of Computing, we endeavour to expose students to a variety of software, programs, and equipment in order to offer a range of appropriate challenges and experiences. Specific vocabulary for each year group is outlined in medium term plans and this is regularly modelled by teachers within their lessons. Spaced repetition and chunking within the curriculum allows pupils to develop their recall of embedded knowledge and ensures that each year group works on core aspects of the three Computing strands. Sessions are adapted to meet the requirements of a specific cohort and lesson content is frequently reviewed by class teachers and the subject lead. Our schemes of work remain flexible and children share their thoughts on their ‘computing learning journeys’ to help enable sessions to be adapted to their interests and needs. In the Early Years, children have access to iPads, the Code and Go Mouse and recordable books. They also work with their ‘Year 6 Buddies’, who guide their curiosity by modelling how to use the equipment carefully and safely. In the summer term, children spend time in the computing hub to help familiarise them with a desktop setup and ease their transition into KS1. Impact The lasting impact of this curriculum ensures that when children leave South Hill Primary School, they are competent and safe users of ICT with an understanding of how technology works. They will have developed skills to express themselves and be creative in using digital media and be equipped to apply their skills in computing to different challenges going forward whilst using technology safety. We measure the impact of our curriculum using the following methods: · Termly teacher assessments. · Images of the children’s practical learning in a year group portfolio · Children’s work saved onto their individual accounts · Interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice). · Year group portfolios are scrutinised and there is the opportunity for a dialogue between teachers to understand their class’s work. Children in EYFS are assessed within Understand the World and their progress is tracked termly using Tapestry. Each class is allocated a weekly time slot to use the ‘Computing Hub’ which houses 30 computers and laptops. In addition to this, classes have access to a set of Chromebooks, 30 iPads and a further set of 15 laptops, which can be used to support the teaching and learning of other subjects. Classes are also provided with digital projectors, interactive whiteboards and visualisers to support and teaching across the curriculum. DL Digital literacy is about the safe and responsible use of technology, including recognising its advantages for collaboration or communication. IT Information technology is about the use of computers for functional purposes, such as collecting and presenting information, or using search technology. CS Computer science will introduce children of all ages to understanding how computers and networks work. It will also give all children the opportunity to learn basic computer programming, from simple floor robots in EYs, Years 1 and 2, right up to creating on-screen computer games and programmes by Year 6. Long Term Plan Computing Long Term Plan Online Safety Subject Overview Examples of knowledge organisers EYFS Year 4 Year 2 Year 6 Pupil Voice " We had to move the pirate very slowly and then snap a photo" - Bruno. Y3 "It was a great lesson and I learnt that I can make movies out of anything" - Bridget Y3 "We enjoyed vector drawings to create our Christmas calendars this year" Alex Y6 "I have learnt how use the shape, fill and gradient tools to create a Christmas themed calendar - I loved it" Marija Y5 "In computing we have been learning how to edit images using, I loved " - Otilie Y4 "We removed sections of pictures to make improvements to the appearance of photographs. we also understand that some photographs that we see online may be fake" Noah Y4

  • School Council | southhill

    Pupil Voice - Spring 2024 Spring Term Actions 2024 Pupil Voice - Autumn 2023 Autumn Term Actions 2023 Autumn 1 & 2 Evidence 2022-2023 Spring 1 & 2 Evidence 2022-2023 Summer 1 & 2 Evidence 2022-2023 School Council 2022-23 School Council Governor Visit Meeting Mike Penning Forging links with the wider community Consejo Escolar ¡Hola! Somos la voz estudiantil de la escuela primaria South Hill. El Consejo Escolar está formado por dos niños de cada clase que han sido elegidos por sus compañeros. Cada candidato que desee representar a su clase debe dar una breve charla sobre sus puntos de vista y objetivos para el Consejo Escolar y los niños luego votarán por sus candidatos de clase preferidos. Miembros del consejo escolar 2020-2021 Año 6 - Costy & Rory / Joely & Jack Año 5 - Fraser & Gloria / Ava & Alfie S Año 4 - Taylor & Oscar / Beau S & Riley Año 3 - Izzy & Sam / Lillie & Zubin Año 2 - Eva y Oliver / Saraya y Frankie Año 1 - Emilia y Thomas / Bertie y Amelia School Council Visit to Mountbatten Lodge Autumn School Council Visit to Mountbatten Lodge Summer Pupil Voice Tillie – Year 2. “I like coming to the meetings and talking about what we can improve”. Aya – Year 3. “I like being on the School Council because we make decisions for our school”. Daisy – Year 3. “I think the School Council is fun!” Grace – Year 4. “I enjoy helping other people”. Mason – Year 5. “I liked it when I met Brenda at Mountbatten Lodge and we did an activity together”. Izzy – Year 6. “The School Council helps me to make our school a better place for others”. ​

  • MFL - French | southhill

    Modern Foreign Language - French “Languages are an essential part of a broad, balanced curriculum. Not only do they provide an opportunity to communicate more effectively with others, they also help children to understand what it is to be a global citizen. This includes the importance of tolerance and understanding, which is crucial knowledge in today’s world.” ​ ​At South Hill, French is taught as a Modern Foreign Language (MFL) in Key stage two. Pupils in Early Years and Key Stage One learn and develop skills, which will support and benefit their future language learning. These include: Communication and language Phonics Reading Grammar Vocabulary Knowledge of different cultures and societies​ Our Curriculum In KS2, French is taught using the ‘Language Angels’ scheme of work. Teaching units have been selected in order to build a wide range of vocabulary and enable progression in our ‘Golden Threads’, which are: LISTENING SPEAKING READING WRITING In the Autumn term, each year group starts with phonetics and pronunciation lessons which teach some of the key sounds in French. Pupils also spend time learning and using some ‘essential vocabulary’ including greetings, numbers and days of the week etc. Pupils then continue developing their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through a variety of topics throughout the year. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ To ensure learning is enjoyable and memorable, lessons often use stories, songs, role play and a variety of other activities to support pupils to learn, remember and apply French vocabulary. ​ Celebrating languages Within our school, we have pupils that speak many different languages. We aim to celebrate this through whole school events such as ‘International Day’ and ‘International Languages Day’ where each year group selects a country to learn about and to take part in a dance as well as many other activities. We also celebrate languages that are in school by dressing in colours of a chosen nationality and sharing languages, customs and traditions with our friends. ​ ​ ​ ​ 1/5 Long Term Plan Subject Overview Essential Vocab

  • Colour Run | southhill

    The South Hill Colour Run Every summer, to promote healthy living, exercise and community fun, we hold, 'The South Hill Colour Run.' It is an afternoon of Music and Daily Mile circuits in which we get covered in paint or squirted with water! We have snacks and stalls too. This is a time for fun, exercise and community, all wrapped up in a rainbow of colours! Thank you to our amazing PTA for organising this wonderful event!

  • Eco Warriors | southhill

    Guerreros ecológicos ¡Bienvenido a nuestra página web Eco Warrior! En esta página, lo mantendremos informado sobre el trabajo que estamos haciendo y cómo estamos alentando al resto de la escuela a ser más amigables con el medio ambiente. Ya hemos ganado el premio Silver y ahora estamos trabajando para conseguir el premio Gold. Ser un guerrero ecológico les da a nuestros alumnos la oportunidad de ayudar a nuestra escuela a ser más respetuosa con el medio ambiente. Tenemos Eco Warriors en KS1 y KS2 y están interesados ​​en promover ideas ecológicas y de ahorro de energía en toda la escuela al monitorear nuestro uso de energía en la escuela y alentar a los maestros y alumnos a reciclar. Cualquier alumno puede convertirse en un guerrero ecológico en South Hill School. En septiembre, pedimos a todos los interesados ​​que envíen una solicitud (puede ser un póster, un poema o un modelo, etc.). Luego se les invita a una entrevista. ¡Esté atento a nuestra próxima campaña de reclutamiento! ¡Eche un vistazo a nuestras fotos en la presentación de diapositivas! Sra. Tomsa Eco plomo

  • Our Curriculum | southhill

    Our Curriculum At South Hill School, our curriculum allows our pupils to flourish through a nurturing environment, which aims to build confident and resilient learners and provide the building blocks of learning in all subjects, in preparation for their next steps across our school and to secondary school. Our Curriculum Intent The intent of our school curriculum is clearly planned and developed using a progressive approach with a build-up of learning, knowledge and skills. This is m apped out from year group to year group, and across key stages, via our ‘subject long term planning documents’ and ‘year group curriculum overviews’, which follow the National Curriculum. These can be found on each of our subject web pages (‘Curriculum’ tab) and on our year group class pages. We have aimed to design an ambitious curriculum which is designed for the pupils at our school and a curriculum that is relevant and meaningful. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ The core of our curriculum is based on developing pupils' Reading, Writing and Maths skills and providing a rich, diverse learning experience. We focus on a strong 'daily diet' of learning for all pupils. Our Reading curriculum follows the Read Write Inc scheme to teach phonics and reading skills in a consistent manner. Matching phonetical books further support the acquirement of phonics (also known as the ‘3Ps’ at South Hill School). ​ ​ We use the ‘Herts for Learning’ (HFL) documents for our Core Subjects and we have adapted the 'Learning Challenge Curriculum' ('Weave') for our Foundation Subjects. This ensures that all our pupils are taught a broad and balanced curriculum, with the key skills and knowledge to support their future learning to ensure all pupils have the opportunity to reach their potential. Our SEN pupils access learning at an adapted level dependent on individual needs. Some children have a personalised curriculum which is tailored but based around whole class learning wherever possible and also follows their individualised 'Passport to Success'. Accessibility across our school can be seen via our whole school provision maps based on the four broad areas of need and our EAL provision map. ​ Cognition and Learning Needs Physical and Sensory Needs Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs Speech, Language and Communication Needs English as an Additional Language (EAL) ​ Underpinning our intended curriculum and deeply rooted in our ethos is the wellbeing of our pupils. For our pupils to access the curriculum, they must be in a nurturing and supporting environment with a rich cultural capital. Our curriculum celebrates a broad and enriched learning approach. Events such as 'International Day', led by the Geography lead, is a celebration of language, foods, music, different cultures and dances from across the world. Our Science Day, our Wellbeing days and our annual Art Gallery are other examples in which leaders join together to ensure our pupils' learning is extended beyond the classroom and their experiences are widened. Our curriculum design incorporates a therapeutic behaviour approach and this is echoed through our whole school ethos, The South Hill Way which links to British citizenship. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Teaching and Learning Wellbeing and Mental Health

  • Forest School | southhill

    Forest School ‘Forest School’ is a Scandinavian concept where the learning is outdoor based. Many forest school activities evolve from the children’s interests, ideas, and the natural resources found in our grounds. ​ The outdoor sessions promote confidence, self-esteem and independence. At South Hill, we are passionate about developing the whole child and in using our amazing grounds to enhance learning. Benefits of forest school sessions include increased confidence, improved behaviour, improved concentration, independence, and development of social, emotional and physical skills. ​ Forest school is all about exploring and experiencing the natural world through practical activities. The children go outside in all weathers, exploring and learning from the seasons and environment changes. Natural resources stimulate creative thinking, problem solving and skill development, all in the guise of play. The children also learn to care for the environment and appreciate the seasonal changes, developing an empathy for wildlife. ​ Most importantly, alongside the learning, the children have fun! ​ We are delighted to be able to offer every child at South Hill the chance to participate in Forest School during the academic year. EYFS participate all year round, Years 5 and 6 Autumn term, Years 1 and 2 Spring term and Years 3 and 4 Summer term! ​ Long Term Plan More Information Pupil Voice 'I like forest school because you get to do fun activities and Mrs Evans makes it even more fun every week with everything we do' Ellie Yr 5 'I enjoy learning outdoors and exploring the forest' Niamh Yr 6 'I enjoy forest school because I like to be outdoors and I like the atmosphere and the sound of the birds' Isabella Yr 6

  • English | southhill

    inglés Writing Vision To develop pupils’ writing skills to enable them to write independently in a variety of genres and for a range of purposes. El objetivo general de Alfabetización en South Hill es promover altos estándares de lenguaje y alfabetización al equipar a los alumnos con un fuerte dominio del lenguaje hablado y escrito y desarrollar su amor por la literatura a través de la lectura generalizada para su disfrute. Esto a su vez desarrollará sus habilidades de escritura en todos los géneros; formal e informal. Nuestro objetivo es apoyar esto mediante la promoción de la alfabetización y el uso de textos de alta calidad en todas las áreas de nuestro plan de estudios. El plan de estudios nacional de inglés tiene como objetivo garantizar que todos los alumnos: leer con facilidad, fluidez y buena comprensión Desarrollar el hábito de leer ampliamente y con frecuencia, tanto por placer como por información. Adquirir un vocabulario amplio, una comprensión de la gramática y el conocimiento de las convenciones lingüísticas para la lectura, la escritura y el lenguaje hablado. apreciar nuestro rico y variado patrimonio literario escribir con claridad, precisión y coherencia, adaptando su lenguaje y estilo en y para una variedad de contextos, propósitos y audiencias use la discusión para aprender; Deben poder elaborar y explicar claramente su comprensión e ideas. Son competentes en las artes de hablar y escuchar, hacer presentaciones formales, demostrarse a los demás y participar en el debate. Long Term Plan - Literacy Grammar Plan Subject Overview - Reading Subject Overview - Writing Listas de ortografía del plan de estudios KS1, LKS2, UKS2 Utilice los botones a continuación para ver lo que se aprende cada año en las lecciones de inglés. Año 1 Año 2 Año 3 4to año Año 5 Año 6 Parents Grammar Morning Pupil Voice I love the big library - Eric Y6 ​ I like the different books we read in class - Freddy Y5 ​ Reading helps me learn more! - Stanley Y1 ​

  • Sport | southhill

    Deporte en South Hill Los niños de South Hill cuentan con muchas oportunidades deportivas tanto en el programa de estudios como en clubes después de la escuela. Si está interesado en obtener más información sobre la oferta de nuestros clubes deportivos, hable con el Sr. Brathwaite o la Sra. Cogger. Fútbol Los entrenamientos de fútbol de Years 5 y 6 se llevan a cabo los jueves después de clases y los de Years 3 y 4 el viernes después de clases en los dos primeros semestres. En el período de verano, el club de fútbol está abierto para Year 3 a 6 y se lleva a cabo los jueves después de la escuela. La Sra. Barnes dirige un club de fútbol para niñas solo los viernes después de la escuela, que es para los años 3-6. Baloncesto El club de netball se ejecuta todos los lunes después de la escuela dirigido por el Sr. Brathwaite y la Sra. Cogger. Está abierto a todos los niños de Year 4/5/6. El equipo trabaja duro para desarrollar sus habilidades; los niños también están aprendiendo las reglas del juego en preparación para un año ajetreado de partidos. En el trimestre de verano, este club de los lunes está abierto para Year 3 a 6. Se admiten niños y niñas. Juego de pelota con bate Rounders Club se lleva a cabo en el período de verano el viernes después de la escuela y está abierto a los niños en KS2. Juego de pelota con bate Mini Shooters is for girls in Years 1 & 2 and takes place on Thursday lunchtime and costs £10.00 per term

  • Uniform | southhill

    Uniforme Creemos que el uniforme escolar fomenta la autodisciplina y la cohesión social. Se solicita a los padres, cuidadores y alumnos que se aseguren de que todos los alumnos sigan el código de vestimenta de la escuela. Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para ver la Política de uniformes. Política de uniformes Todas las prendas de vestir deben estar marcadas con el nombre del propietario. El uniforme escolar se puede comprar en línea en Mapac; utilice el enlace a continuación. Mapac Information

  • The South Hill Experience | southhill

    The South Hill Experience South Hill School offers all of our pupils a wide range of experiences and learning opportunities from the very start of their Early Years journey through to Year 6. We are proud that our pupils will have the opportunity to: Post a letter Sit around a campfire Carry out Science work around the school pond Learn to swim at the local sports centre Perform on our beautiful stage Experience the 'South Hill Summer Festival' Learn a new language Go on a variety of school trips with their peers Represent the school at a sporting event Join our school clubs Learn to bake bread Experience outdoor learning through Forest Schools Perform at our local church Lead an enterprise project Support a number of charities Prepare and cook food Enjoy our orienteering trail Take part in South Hill School's 'International Day' Dance with the class at 'International Day' Have a responsible position in the school Learn to cycle safely Learn a musical instrument Take part in 'Feeling Good Week' Dress up as a book character Visit a museum Take part in Science Day Take part in a National Remembrance Have artwork exhibited at the 'South Hill Art Gallery' Be part of a choir Take part in competitions Enjoy an ice cream from the ice cream van

  • Travel Plan | southhill

    School Travel Plan The implementation of our School Travel Plan at South Hill Primary School aims to encourage a healthy lifestyle and positive well-being for all. This works hand in hand with our school curriculum and eco-friendly initiatives with the aim of providing a healthy and environmentally aware generation for the 21st century. Some of the aims of the School Travel Plan include: Improved safety of pupils due to less traffic. Less congestion around the school and in the local community. Healthier, happier, more alert pupils, thanks to active travel such as, cycling and walking. Avoiding parking issues around the school ground Less pollution around the school and local area. Improved road awareness of pupils. Greater staff health and well-being. Improved journey reliability for staff, pupils and parents. As a school, we actively promote walking, using a scooter, park and ride or cycling as a way of getting to school each day. Additionally, during our Walk to School Week we again encourage and record how children get to school each day that week. This is a great opportunity to help children reach their minimum 60 minutes of exercise per day. Within the school grounds, we also have a scooter station to keep bikes and scooter dry from the weather! At South Hill, we ask no cars enter the school car park during drop off and collection. Furthermore, we have a free flow from 8.40 for all Key Stages. ​ Tom, our lovely lollypop man visited the school for a road safety assembly. Tom sends the following message to keep your children safe. 1) A reminder to stay on the footpath until Tom call you to cross, do not cross before. 2) Any children who bring bikes and scooters must get off and push them across the road. 3) Parents, for the safety of all PLEASE DO NOT PARK ON YELLOW LINES or close to the crossing patrol area. We thank Tom very much for helping to keep our pupils safe ​ ​ Travel Plan

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