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  • Statutory Information | southhill

    Información estatutaria Por favor, eche un vistazo a las siguientes páginas para obtener nuestra información legal.

  • Lunch Zone | southhill

    Lunch Zone ​ Lunches are provided by Radish, our catering providers. More information about them can be found here. Fresh meals are cooking on the premises each day. There is a choice of three meals. ​School meals run on a three week menu cycle with the emphasis on healthy eating. The current menu is available to see by clicking here . Meals are pre-booked via School Gateway; instructions can be found here. Our cook can cater for special dietary needs on completion of the online Dietary Needs Form . ​ ​School Meal Payment - £2.90 per meal The best way to pay for school meals is online via the School Gateway . ​ Universal Infant Free School Meals Children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals under current Government funding. ​ Free School Meals If you receive certain benefits, your child may be entitled to Free School Meals (even if they are in EYFS or KS1) As well as Free School Meals, your child will have access to other benefits. For more information and to register, please click here . Children may bring a packed lunch from home - click here for healthy packed lunch ideas. We do not allow cans, glass bottles, fizzy drinks or sweets and remember we are a NUT FREE school. NUT FREE SCHOOL School Dinner Menu 23/24 Dietary Needs

  • Geography | southhill

    Humanidades y aprendizaje externo Geography Vision ​ To develop pupils’ geographical skills, knowledge and enquiry and for pupils' to understand the similarities and differences between localities, both locally and in the wider world, and the affect this has on the humans that live there. Aquí en South Hill Primary School, nos encanta hacer un viaje al pasado o explorar el mundo que nos rodea. Estas son algunas de las cosas interesantes que hemos estado haciendo: 1/7 Our Curriculum We have tailored our Geography curriculum, in some areas, to reflect our locality and local community so that our pupils have a real sense of the geography of our town, Hemel Hempstead. For example: In EYFS, we focus on the building blocks to our Geography by beginning to study the natural world around us, including our local area In Year 1, we compare our town to a local village and study the similarities and differences In Year 2, we compare our town to a coastal town and study the similarities and differences In Year 3, we compare our town (which was traditionally a waterway) to Venice In Year 4, we study Hemel Hempstead through local environmental issues and think about the impact we can have In Year 5, we focus on fieldwork to collect information and map the land use of our town In Year 6, we continue our fieldwork and local area study by looking at Ordnance survey maps Long Term Plan Subject Overview Examples of knowledge organisers EYFS Year 4 Year 2 Year 6 Trips, hooks and theme days Our Geography curriculum is enriched by a number of school trips, theme days and assemblies and these provide excellent opportunities to bring our geographical learning to life. Examples are: EYFS: Local walk, including an introduction to maps Year 2: Local walk to think about what we like and dislike about our town and how we could improve it Year 3: Visit from ‘One Day Creative’ to study Volcanoes Year 4: Local walk to think about local environmental issues and how we can impact these Year 5: Local walk to study our local river, ‘The River Gade’ Year 6: Local walk to use Ordnance survey maps and to collect data and information about our town International Day (please see the ‘International Day’ section of our website Each year at South Hill School, we celebrate 'International Day'. Each class chooses a country from around the world which is also representative of our South Hill communities. For that day, year groups represent and learn more about their chosen country and can wear clothes from their celebrated country or colours of the flag. ​ Puplis learn about the geography of their chosen country and where to locate the country on a map, what continent the country is part of and what countries are nearby, we might learn about famous buildings and landmarks. Pupil Voice I like geography because we look at maps and we have used the globe to find where we live. It was fun - Ciel Year 1 I liked the walk around our local area to look at where we live - Helena Year 1 I like geography because we learn about the different countries around the world, we learnt about Barbados - Enal Year 2 I like learning about where I live and how I can keep looking after my local area. I enjoyed comparing Hemel Hempstead to a village near to where I live - Freddie Year 5

  • Mathematics | southhill

    Matemáticas En South Hill Primary School, nuestro objetivo es ofrecer un plan de estudios de matemáticas amplio y atractivo, respaldado por el uso de enfoques concretos, pictóricos y abstractos (CPA) para construir e integrar el aprendizaje. Nuestros alumnos enfrentan el desafío de tareas que desarrollan y profundizan su comprensión conceptual de las matemáticas, además de promover la fluidez y el dominio de los temas que cubrimos. Hay numerosos recursos disponibles en todas las aulas para ayudar a apoyar y alentar a los niños a aprender en pasos pequeños y manejables con los puntos clave de comprensión en el corazón de su aprendizaje. Cada clase tiene su propio "Muro de trabajo" en el que se muestra el aprendizaje actual como una herramienta de orientación y apoyo. El trabajo de los niños se muestra aquí como un recordatorio de lo que han logrado. También se puede mostrar el aprendizaje previo para promover una buena discusión e incorporar nuevas ideas. Maths Open Morning Part 1 Subject Overview Calculation Policy Long Term Plans EYFS Year 1 Year 4 Year 2 Year 5 Year 3 Year 6 Tablas de tiempos Rockstars Use the buttons below to see what each year learns in Maths lessons. Año 1 Año 2 Año 3 4to año Año 5 Año 6 Maths Open Morning Part 2 Pupil Voice 'If you're stuck there's always something to help you work it out' - Niamh Year 6 'I love it when division goes into decimals' - Rahul Year 6 'It's exciting learning new methods in maths' - Merryn Year 5

  • Physical Education | southhill

    Educación Física Somos muy afortunados de tener un sitio verde tan maravilloso. Contamos con un extenso campo de juego que está delimitado como un campo de fútbol oficial de tamaño junior y un campo de rondas, así como una pista de atletismo en la temporada deportiva apropiada. La superficie dura se utiliza como cancha de netball para los entrenamientos durante todo el año y los partidos durante las temporadas de otoño y primavera. Todos los alumnos tienen la oportunidad de participar en una variedad de actividades durante sus lecciones del plan de estudios nacional y ofrecemos clubes adicionales fuera del horario escolar durante los tres períodos. La Escuela Primaria South Hill es una parte activa de la Red de Deportes Escolares de Dacorum y se beneficia enormemente de los recursos y la capacitación que se ofrecen a través de la asociación. Esto realza el deporte que se ofrece a todos nuestros alumnos. Las clases de natación para los alumnos de KS2 se organizan durante el año escolar. Estos se llevan a cabo en el Polideportivo Hemel con los monitores titulados del centro. La escuela primaria South Hill anima a sus alumnos a participar en el deporte. Creemos que fomenta el espíritu de equipo en una cultura de competencia sana. Calendario DSSN Otoño 2020 School Games Long Term Plan Subject Overview Active Lives Survey Community clubs We are extremely lucky to be close to so many great sporting clubs, who are willing and able to support our pupils and teachers. We have benefited from the coaching skills of Berkhamsted Hockey club, Leverstock Green tennis club, Bytomic Taekwondo, Christina Marks School of Performing Arts and Hertfordshire Cricket. The children have also been inspired by a visit from Victoria Ohuruogu - an English track athlete who won silver at the Commonwealth Games last year! We also book workshops for the children that support their physical and mental wellbeing. Challenge Sport Education have provided us with these a number of times and have been greatly enjoyed by the children. ​ Running track Our extensive school grounds, includes a running track which is used by every year group each day. The children are encouraged to run or walk around the 300-metre long track in their break times, but also as healthy active breaks during lesson time. Once a half term, our sports coach sets an extra challenge, where children compete against other classes to run or walk as many laps as possible in a week. We understand that active children are often happy children so Friday is Daily Mile Friday for family to join in too! The side gate opens at 8:20am each Friday for families to run with their children before school. ​ Orienteering course Our grounds has an orienteering course, which enables us to make some of our other lessons in the curriculum more active. Children can regularly be seen running happily from zone to zone to solve historical, geographical, mathematical and English facts. ​ Clubs We offer a range of clubs at our school. Please use the links to find out more information. Morning Games Club – years 2 to 6 Game On football – years 1 and 2 After school football – years 3 to 6 Mini shooters – years 1 and 2 Netball – years 4 to 6 Basketball – years 3 to 6 Street dance – years 1 to 6 Rounders – Summer term ​ Sports day Our sports day is a day designed to inspire and engage pupils, as well as to compete. We have a whole day of sporting events, starting with a carousel, which is supported by our Sports Ambassadors, and finishing with a range of races. ​ ​ ​ Bookable Clubs Sport Enrichment Sports Day Pupil Voice I like playing games with my friends. I love it when we play football. It is my favourite sport. Harry Y2 PE is very fun and it keeps me healthy. I play football, basketball, cricket and rugby. Aiden Y5 I like when we do running games. It makes me feel happy. We always have fun. Arlo Y1 My favourite sport is football. It is fun to do PE because it gives us a break from learning. I like doing tag rugby. Sam Y6

  • For Parents | southhill

    Información para padres Consulte las siguientes páginas para obtener información sobre la escuela.

  • Admissions | southhill

    Admisiones Para obtener información sobre la admisión a la escuela primaria South Hill, deberá comunicarse con el consejo del condado de Hertfordshire para conocer los arreglos de admisión de la escuela. Consulte el enlace a continuación: Información de admisiones Our Pupil Admission Number is 60. We endeavour under the terms of Hertfordshire’s Local Education Authority’s admission policy to accommodate children from within our local area wherever possible. Hertfordshire Local Authority is responsible for the allocation of places in schools for children of primary school age. Children join our Reception class in the September before their fifith birthday. If you would like to apply for a place outside the normal admission times then click HERE which will take you to Hertfordshire County Council In Year Admission applications. Arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities In order that children who have a disability may be catered for, the school seeks advice from the Local Authority regarding the admission of such pupils. The school will endeavour to make any necessary arrangements in full consultation with the parents and any other agencies involved. It may be necessary in some cases for specialised equipment to be purchased, support staff to be employed, and minor adaptations to be made to buildings and furniture. These will need to be done in consultation with the Local Authority, and may take some time to implement. Steps to prevent disabled pupils being treated less favourably than other pupils The school’s Accessibility Plan (found HERE ) sets out the Governors’ response to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 which requires that a pupil should not be treated less favourably because of a disability. Existing facilities to assist access to the school by pupils with disabilities Accessible toilets are available on the ground and lower ground floors. Wheelchair access is available to the building on the ground and lower ground floors Elevator in the KS2 building from lower ground to 1st floor. Elevator from lower ground floor to the playground. Playgrounds are accessible by slopes

  • EYFS | southhill

    Etapa de los primeros años 1/43 Knowledge Organisers EYFS Overview EYFS Curriculum Ambitions Reception Baseline Assessment Introduction to Early Years Para obtener información sobre cómo ayudar a su hijo a estar listo para la escuela, haga clic aquí . Bienvenido a la página Clase de recepción. Los primeros años en South Hill School constan de dos clases de recepción, Wrens y Robins. Los maestros de la clase de Wrens son la señorita Sacco y la señorita Kemplen con la practicante de educación infantil, la señorita Copeland; La maestra de la clase de Robins es la señorita Senior con la practicante de primeros años, la señora Khan. La Sra. Smith apoyará ambas clases durante la semana y será la asistente de enseñanza en Robins en lugar de la Sra. Khan los viernes. La señorita Hamer también trabajará en Wrens como asistente de apoyo al aprendizaje durante toda la semana. Un martes, los niños participarán en sesiones de música con la Sra. Toms. Aprenderemos muchas cosas interesantes en los próximos términos, utilizando áreas tanto interiores como exteriores. Para obtener información sobre Early Years y lo que haremos este trimestre, consulte los enlaces en esta página. No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros si tiene alguna inquietud o pregunta. Miss Sacco, Miss Kemplen y Miss Senior Summer Term 1 Plans Summer Term 2 Plans

  • The Pied Piper of Hamelin | southhill

    The Pied Piper of Hamelin Creative arts are really important to us here at South Hill, and this term saw Year 3 and 4 take to the stage in their amazing production of ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’. ​ 120 pupils took part in the production, with children from Year 4 auditioning for and taking on the principle roles. The show was performed to the whole school, as well as a matinee and packed out evening performance to parents, carers and family members. One of our parents who attended the show said: ​ I just wanted to say how absolutely amazing the school play was! The children were fantastic, and it was honestly the best thing I've ever come to see. The teachers have clearly worked extremely hard putting this together as was evidenced by the performance last night and I am sure by all of the other performances. Well done to the teachers and to the children, it was such a pleasure to watch! Year 4 parent We are incredibly proud of the outstanding efforts of all of our children; the show was incredible and really highlighted our pupil’s talents in dance, drama and singing. ​ We can’t wait for the next show, by Year 6, in the Summer term!

  • Policies | southhill

    South Hill Primary School is committed to their Public Sector Equality Duty and the need to Eliminate discrimination Advance equality of opportunity Foster good relations We have produced our Equality Policy to share our equality information and this, along with our accessibility plan will be reviewed in a timely manner. In addition, we have our four year objectives, which form part of our Equality Policy. Aquí están nuestras políticas actuales: A Plan de accesibilidad Anti bullying Asistencia B Comportamiento Behaviour C Carga y remisiones Mezcla de clases Protección infantil Niños atendidos Adoración colectiva Comunicaciones Quejas D Protección de Datos Dropping Off Procedure E Igualdad Equality Objectives 2022 -2026 F Política de comentarios G Aprendizaje en casa L Lettings M Mental Health and Wellbeing Medical Conditions O Seguridad en linea O P P Aviso de privacidad Padre / cuidador Esquema de publicación R Información de educación remota Relationships & Sex Education S ENVIAR e Inclusión Quejas en serie T Enseñanza y Aprendizaje U Enseñanza y Aprendizaje

  • Financial Information | southhill

    La legislación exige que South Hill publique información específica en nuestro sitio web en relación con el rendimiento y los datos financieros. Consulte el enlace a continuación para obtener la información requerida: No member of South Hill Primary School staff earns in excess of £100,000.

  • PTA | southhill

    Próximos eventos: Asociación de Padres y Maestros La PTA de South Hill es una parte importante y activa de la comunidad escolar y cuenta con el apoyo de los padres, el personal y los gobernadores. El comité central actual está formado por: Copresidente - Chelsea Riches Copresidente - Tracy Mboma Tesorero - Secretario - Celebramos reuniones trimestrales a las que se invita a todos a planificar el período que se avecina. Somos afortunados de tener muchos padres que están dispuestos a asumir diferentes roles para nuestros eventos de recaudación de fondos. Tenemos un grupo de Facebook de la PTA; háganos saber si desea unirse a este. Hay mucha información en esta página. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la PTA o desea ayudarnos de alguna manera, hable con Chelsea o Tracy a través de la oficina de la escuela. NEW Newsletter March Informe del presidente Informe del tesorero (balance) Informe del presidente Informe del tesorero (balance) Maneras sencillas de ayudar a recaudar fondos Busque South Hill Primary PTA o use nuestro número de caridad: 1093062 Recaudación de fondos fácil Descargue la aplicación, busque South Hill Primary PTA y compre en sus tiendas habituales

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