Escuela primaria de South Hill
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- Class Pages | southhill
¿Quiere saber más sobre lo que aprende su hijo en South Hill? Haga clic en el grupo de año correspondiente.
- Colour Run | southhill
The South Hill Colour Run Every summer, to promote healthy living, exercise and community fun, we hold, 'The South Hill Colour Run.' It is an afternoon of Music and Daily Mile circuits in which we get covered in paint or squirted with water! We have snacks and stalls too. This is a time for fun, exercise and community, all wrapped up in a rainbow of colours! Thank you to our amazing PTA for organising this wonderful event!
- Wellbeing for Children | southhill
Wellbeing for Children Putting wellbeing in the heart of overall school culture. At South Hill School, we take a whole school approach to promoting positive Mental Health and Wellbeing. Our aim is to help the whole school community to become competent and resilient learners, who can build and sustain relationships with t heir peers and use the knowledge gained in school to develop their skills and understand of how to promote and maintain positive mental health and wellbeing now and in later life. School culture. Engaging in mentally healthy movement breaks through the Daily Mile or dancing to Go Noodle. · Engaging in mindfulness breaks such as “Stop and Sit”. · Helping children to develop safety through our Road Safety workshops and E-Safety learning. · Using the Zones of Regulation for the children to recognise, name and manage their emotions. · Friendship benches. Pastoral Support. · Identifying and tailoring individual support to meet children Mental Health challenges. Our multifaceted support network includes; school counsellor, play therapist, support worker, drawing and talking therapy, school nurse, dog therapy and SENCO. · A Nurture club is available to children who need extra social and emotional support at lunchtime. · Assemblies on Anti-bullying, Feeling Good Week, Mental Health Week and promotion of Friendships. · Every class has a worr y box or monster in their classroom. Wow Days/Activities/Experiences. · Annual activities – International Day, Mental Health Week. · Specialist: Music and Forest School. · Extra-curricular activities; Rock Steady, Magical Maths, Homework Club, Street Dance, Year 1 girls football club, boys/girls football club, Netball club and Choir. Social Relationships. · Helping children to develop social relationships through our Reception/Year 6 buddies and our bespoke weekly PSHE lesson. Wellbeing at South Hill Wellbeing Festival 2024 Mental Health Week 2024 Summary of the Zones Zones of Regulation Just Talk Assembly Anti Bullying Week Wellbeing Overview Mental Health Assembly Feb 2023 Feeling Good Week 2023 Electric Umbrella 2023 Acts Of Kindness Worry Monster Assembly Friendship Bench Over the summer break, Mrs Albery organised volunteers from our local community and some teaching staff to come into our School and help renovate the garden area. As you can see there was lots of hard work to do, from moving old tyres and some old railway sleepers. But it was so worth it because the new raised growing beds for vegetables will enable the garden area to be re-used by the children and will really improve their Science knowledge and of course support their wellbeing and mental health. This project would not have been possible without the incredible help of our volunteers and Mrs Albery would personally like to thank the Harman Group for coming in and working so valiabtly and contributing to purchasing soil and some plants. Additionally, our fabulous PTA who also supported our school with funding and enabled our school to purchase the new bench and plant/ vegetable boxes. Garden Project Mental Health Awareness Week 13.5.24. This week is organised by the Mental Health Foundation. This year’s theme is ‘Movement: moving more for our mental health’. We all know movement is important for our mental wellbeing it boosts our mood and helps us look after our health. However, many of us may find it difficult to prioritise for a number of reasons. Lots of resources were shared with the staff at South Hill on how they can assist children with talking about their mental health and understanding their emotions. If you would like to find out more about supporting your mental wellbeing or tips to help support your child, please visit the Mental Health UK web page here. Our School Counsellor - Shahin
- International Day | southhill
International Day Each year at South Hill School, we celebrate 'International Day'. Each class chooses a country from around the world which is also representative of our South Hill communities. For that day, year groups represent and learn more about their chosen country and can wear traditional clothing from their celebrated country or colours of the flag. Pupils learn about the geography of their chosen country and where to locate the country on a map, what continent the country is part of and what countries are nearby, we might learn about famous buildings and landmarks. For PE, we are lucky to have Don Rae Academy join us to teach traditional dances from each country. For MFL (Modern Foreign Language), some year groups learn a few key phrases and words. Some children even learn a song! Some year groups have a food tasting activity so children can get a sense of the traditional food and culture from their country of the day while other year groups make the traditional food themselves. Throughout the day, some year groups listen to music of their country and think about whether it is similar or different to the music we might listen to at home. Some year groups look at the religion and the history of their chosen country, focusing on some significant people from that country and how the country has possibly changed over time. Countries from 2023 were: Reception- Bangladesh Year 1- Poland Year 2- India Year 3- Romania Year 4- Italy Year 5- Turkey Year 6- Brazil
- Staff | southhill
En la escuela primaria South Hill, promovemos una política de puertas abiertas; no dude en hablar con el maestro de la clase de su hijo o con un miembro del equipo de liderazgo superior. Lista de personal Subject Leaders Communication Protocol
- PTA | southhill
Próximos eventos: Asociación de Padres y Maestros La PTA de South Hill es una parte importante y activa de la comunidad escolar y cuenta con el apoyo de los padres, el personal y los gobernadores. El comité central actual está formado por: Copresidente - Chelsea Riches Copresidente - Tracy Mboma Tesorero - Secretario - Celebramos reuniones trimestrales a las que se invita a todos a planificar el período que se avecina. Somos afortunados de tener muchos padres que están dispuestos a asumir diferentes roles para nuestros eventos de recaudación de fondos. Tenemos un grupo de Facebook de la PTA; háganos saber si desea unirse a este. Hay mucha información en esta página. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la PTA o desea ayudarnos de alguna manera, hable con Chelsea o Tracy a través de la oficina de la escuela. NEW Newsletter March Informe del presidente Informe del tesorero (balance) Informe del presidente Informe del tesorero (balance) Maneras sencillas de ayudar a recaudar fondos Busque South Hill Primary PTA o use nuestro número de caridad: 1093062 Recaudación de fondos fácil Descargue la aplicación, busque South Hill Primary PTA y compre en sus tiendas habituales
- The South Hill Experience | southhill
The South Hill Experience South Hill School offers all of our pupils a wide range of experiences and learning opportunities from the very start of their Early Years journey through to Year 6. We are proud that our pupils will have the opportunity to: Post a letter Sit around a campfire Carry out Science work around the school pond Learn to swim at the local sports centre Perform on our beautiful stage Experience the 'South Hill Summer Festival' Learn a new language Go on a variety of school trips with their peers Represent the school at a sporting event Join our school clubs Learn to bake bread Experience outdoor learning through Forest Schools Perform at our local church Lead an enterprise project Support a number of charities Prepare and cook food Enjoy our orienteering trail Take part in South Hill School's 'International Day' Dance with the class at 'International Day' Have a responsible position in the school Learn to cycle safely Learn a musical instrument Take part in 'Feeling Good Week' Dress up as a book character Visit a museum Take part in Science Day Take part in a National Remembrance Have artwork exhibited at the 'South Hill Art Gallery' Be part of a choir Take part in competitions Enjoy an ice cream from the ice cream van
- Sports Day at South Hill | southhill
Sports Day at South Hill School At South Hill School, our sports day is a fun day for all our pupils. The day begins with EYFS and KS1 meeting on the school field for a carousel of activities. Mr Brathwaite DJs the event and really energises the children as they compete in their houses to get as many points as they can on each activity. Some of these activities are hurdles, javelin, obstacles and dribbling. Our Year six children always help and some activities are run by our year six sports ambassadors! When the carousel is finished, the children then take part in races - again aiming to win points for their houses. Our KS2 children then do the same in the afternoon, with some slightly different activities on the carousel and then ending with their races. Parents are invited to watch and support their children on sports day. They watch from the hillside overlooking the field or from the shade of the daily mile track. It truly is a memorable day!
- Ofsted | southhill
Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para leer nuestro último informe de Ofsted. Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para acceder a la Vista de padres. Parent View le da la oportunidad de decirle a Ofsted lo que piensa sobre la escuela de su hijo.
- SEND | southhill
Discapacidades y necesidades educativas especiales South Hill Primary School es una escuela convencional totalmente inclusiva y nuestro objetivo es: • aumentar el rendimiento de todos los niños, incluidos los que tienen dificultades de aprendizaje, discapacidades, desventajas o necesidades educativas especiales; • personalizar la provisión para permitir que todos los niños alcancen su máximo potencial; • reconocer y evaluar necesidades adicionales, poniendo en práctica una intervención adecuada y oportuna para garantizar que se haga todo lo posible para eliminar las barreras al aprendizaje lo antes posible; • involucrar activamente a los padres y cuidadores en las decisiones que afectan la educación de sus hijos; • buscar las opiniones de los niños en todas las etapas de su educación. Para lograr estos objetivos nos aseguraremos de que: • todos los adultos tienen las mayores aspiraciones para cada niño; • la provisión responde y se adapta bien a las necesidades de los niños; • la prestación de servicios extendidos marca la diferencia en los resultados de los niños y sus familias; • las opiniones de los alumnos se utilizan para informar la planificación de mejoras escolares; • todos los niños pueden acceder a todas las áreas de la vida escolar. Para obtener más información sobre SEND en South Hill, consulte los siguientes enlaces: Para conocer la oferta local de Herts, visite: Si tiene alguna inquietud con respecto a su hijo, comuníquese con nuestro SENCO / INCO Sra. Jacqui Donley 01442 402127 For further information click on the links below Informe de información SEN SEND Information Report ENVIAR y Política de inclusión Neurodiversity Support Oferta de autismo de Herts Oferta de Herts Quality SEND
- Year 3 | southhill
Año 3 1/17 Yearly Overview Knowledge Organisers - Autumn ¡Bienvenidos a las clases de Ceniza y Haya de Year 3! Se avecina un año lleno de acción con un currículo rico y diverso destinado a crear desafíos y desarrollar los intereses de los niños en una variedad de temas.Además de desarrollar habilidades en matemáticas e inglés, los niños tendrán la oportunidad de hacer y diseñar sus propia cometa; descubra diversas áreas de la geografía, como los continentes y océanos de todo el mundo, así como Kenia y el Antiguo Egipto. Además, comenzamos a aprender algo de francés, posiblemente por primera vez. Eso no es todo, ya que retrocederemos en el tiempo para descubrir la vida en la Edad de Piedra. Esperamos que esto les dé una idea de algunas de las cosas que haremos este año. Ash es enseñado por la señorita Woodger y apoyado por la señora Dwight. Beech es enseñado por la Sra. Rance y apoyado por la Sra. Smith. Utilice los enlaces de esta página para obtener más información sobre lo que haremos este trimestre y no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros si tiene alguna inquietud o pregunta. Sra. Rance y Miss Woodger Recommended Reading List Year 3 Inglés Matemáticas de tercer año KS2 Reading VIPERS Y3/Y4 Tricky Word List Transistion Booklet 2024 - Beech Transistion Booklet 2024 - Ash
- Reading & Phonics | southhill
Reading vision To develop children’s decoding, comprehension and fluency to provide them with the reading skills to access the whole curriculum Reading and Phonics Fonética y Read Write Inc En Hill Primary School Sur, usamos el programa de Read Write Inc (RWI) fonética para conseguir que los niños a un comienzo de vuelo con sus conocimientos. RWI es un método de aprendizaje centrado en los sonidos de las letras y la fonética y lo usamos para ayudar a los niños en su lectura y escritura. La lectura abre la puerta al aprendizaje. Un niño que lee mucho se convertirá en un buen lector. Un buen lector podrá leer material más desafiante. Un niño que lee material desafiante es un niño que aprenderá. Cuanto más aprenda un niño, más querrá saber. Con RWI, los niños aprenden a leer sin esfuerzo para que puedan poner toda su energía en comprender lo que leen. También les permite deletrear sin esfuerzo para que puedan poner toda su energía en componer lo que escriben. Al usar RWI para leer, los niños: Aprenda 44 sonidos y los grupos de letras / letras correspondientes usando indicaciones de imágenes simples Aprenda a leer palabras usando Fred Talk (por ejemplo, gato) Leer historias animadas con palabras que han aprendido a pronunciar. Demuestre que comprenden las historias respondiendo preguntas. Al usar RWI para escribir, los niños: Aprenda a escribir las letras / grupos de letras que representan 44 sonidos Aprenda a escribir palabras diciendo los sonidos en Fred Talk Escribe oraciones simples RWI en la escuela primaria South Hill: Los alumnos de recepción reciben sesiones de RWI a diario inicialmente Los alumnos de Year 1 reciben sesiones diarias de RWI durante 20 minutos centradas en fonética A medida que avanza el año escolar, los alumnos de Reception y Year 1 se agrupan según su capacidad para sus sesiones diarias. Para obtener más información, consulte los archivos adjuntos a continuación. Para ir al sitio web de Read Write Inc, haga clic en el logotipo a continuación: Juegue los juegos gratuitos en casa para ayudar a su hijo a leer palabras sin sentido en casa. Prueba el picnic de las fases 3, 4 y 5 en Plutón y Tesoro enterrado Listas de libros sugeridas Gráficos de sonidos 1 Gráficos de sonidos 2 Fonética y lectura con tienda Subject Overview - Reading Guía para padres EYFS - How to Teach Reading Guided Reading Workshop 100 Books - recommended texts KS1 (o EY - leído por un adulto) Años 3 y 4 Años 5 y 6 Home Phonics Screening Practice Sound Mat 1 and 2 Sound Mat 3 and 4 Phonics Screening Workshop Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Sound Mat 5 Complete Sound Chart Pupil Voice "Reading is inspiring. I like reading books like 'Everest' that we read in Year 5 because it inspires me to keep on going on my dreams." Saraya Year 5 "Reading is a good way to learn new words. I like finding out what words mean in the glossary or I ask my mum or teacher what new words mean. Then I use them in my writing." Alicia Year 5 "I love library club, because I get to read every time I go and I'm getting so good at reading now." Frankie Year 2 "I am excited when we learn a new sound. It means I can read more." Ciel Year 1 "The best thing about reading in school is getting to choose books like, Matilda. I love Matilda." Bella Year 3