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- Vision and Values | southhill
South Hill School Vision and Values Our school vision and values are at the heart of all we do. They underpin our teaching and learning and provide a safe and nurturing environment whilst promoting confidence for all. South Hill School Vision Sta tement Pupils at South Hill will: · flourish through a nurturing environment · build confidence and resilience · develop an enjoyment of learning South Hill School Motto 'Building Character, Learning Together' Our school motto promotes the individual character-building of our pupils and learning together as a community. South Hill S chool Values (The South Hill Way) At the heart of our school are our 4 core values which are linked to British Citizenship. This is known to our pupils as The South Hill Way and The 4 Rs.
- Links | southhill
Enlaces útiles: Red Deportiva Escolar Dacorum Dacorum Sports Network se formó en 2007 y fue acreditada como Community Sports Network (CSN) con fondos de Sport England en 2008. Como CSN, reunimos a clubes comunitarios, grupos de voluntarios y organizaciones públicas involucradas en la entrega del deporte en la comunidad y asegurando una salud y comunidad activa, incluidos los proveedores de instalaciones deportivas públicas, los consejos locales, los PCT y las escuelas. Apoyo familiar de las escuelas de Gade La crianza de los hijos puede ser a veces muy desafiante. El apoyo familiar de las escuelas de Gade brinda apoyo a las familias cuyos hijos asisten a cualquiera de las 17 escuelas de la Asociación de escuelas de Gade en Hemel Hempstead. Catering en Hertfordshire Obtenga más información sobre nuestra comida nutritiva y deliciosa, los menús escolares, el panel de padres, la clasificación del menú y nuestras noticias. Desarrollo de disposiciones especiales a nivel local DSPL es un enfoque de asociación en todo Hertfordshire en el que los padres, el personal en entornos y escuelas de la primera infancia, universidades de educación superior, funcionarios de las autoridades locales y representantes de otras agencias, trabajan juntos como parte de un grupo de área, revisando y desarrollando la gama de provisión y apoyo servicios disponibles para su comunidad local. Club de Claire Claire's Club está ubicado en las escuelas primarias de Boxmoor y South Hill. El club está abierto a los niños desde la clase de recepción hasta el sexto año y ofrece cuidado envolvente desde que dejan la escuela hasta las 6:00 p. M. Los clubes están ubicados en el lugar, lo que brinda a los niños la oportunidad única de combinar los clubes extracurriculares que ofrece su escuela junto con la tranquilidad de que serán recogidos y atendidos por una guardería profesional hasta las 6 p.m. Servicio de centro familiar Los centros infantiles ofrecen el mejor comienzo en la vida para todos los niños, proporcionando un lugar donde los menores de 5 años pueden participar en una variedad de actividades tanto de juego como de aprendizaje temprano. Los padres, abuelos y cuidadores pueden beneficiarse de mejores oportunidades con acceso a cuidado infantil, apoyo familiar, servicios de salud, servicios de extensión, capacitación y asesoramiento laboral. Base de datos de necesidades adicionales de Hertfordshire La base de datos voluntaria de Hertfordshire para niños y jóvenes de 0 a 25 años que tienen necesidades adicionales o una discapacidad que tiene un impacto sustancial en su vida diaria. Es probable que necesiten apoyo adicional, ajustes y / o adaptaciones para ayudarlos en la escuela y en el hogar. Portal Familias Primero Este es un sitio web para familias que puedan necesitar más información sobre admisiones, finanzas, NEE, escuelas secundarias, bienestar emocional, etc. Dificultades específicas de aprendizaje Este enlace contiene información para padres y cuidadores relacionada con dificultades específicas de aprendizaje (SPLD)
- History | southhill
History We teach a broad and varied History curriculum, at South Hill, which aims to develop skills and knowledge through the following key areas: Chronological understanding – we want pupils to have a clear understanding and a growing knowledge of different time periods and how these link to eachother Knowledge and interpretation – we want our pupils to have a growing knowledge of different societies and periods of time and to begin to understand how historical eras/ civilisations have shaped the world we live in today Historical enquiry – we want our pupils to be able to use artefacts and sources to learn about the past, to be able to ask interesting questions, to examine the evidence and to develop their own points of view about historical events By the end of Year 6, we want our pupils to have a solid chronological understanding of the historical events studied, to have a knowledge of how History has shaped Britain (and the wider world), to be able to think critically and to understand that what has happened in the past is critical to shaping our future. Golden Threads As part of our History curriculum, we have carefully mapped out 7 key concepts that weave in and out of our learning. These allow us to build on previous knowledge and to make links between historical periods and events that we have already learnt to those that we are learning now and in the future: Long Term Plan Subject Overview Examples of knowledge organisers EYFS Year 3 Year 1 Year 5 We have tailored our History curriculum, in some areas, to reflect our locality and local community so that our pupils have a real sense of how history has shaped who we are today in Hemel Hempstead. For example: In EYFS, we focus on the building blocks to our History curriculum by studying our family In Year 1, we take a walk around our local streets, focusing on how houses have changed in the last century. In Year 2, we study our School, how it has changed over time, as well as the local ‘Water Gardens’ In Year 3, we study the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, who visited our town to open ‘The Queen’s Square’ in Adeyfield in 1952 In Year 4, we study the Romans and look specifically at how they took over St. Albans (Verulamium) and visit the museum, Hypercaust and Roman Walls In Year 5, we study Hemel Hempstead and look at how it has changed over the past 100 years In Year 6, we study WW2 and how this impacted our local area Trips and theme days: Our History curriculum is enriched by a number of school trips, theme days and assemblies and these provide excellent opportunities to bring our historical learning to life. Examples are: EYFS - Trip to St. John's Church, Boxmoor and 'Fairy tale castle day' Year 1 - Local homes trip and 'Victorian' theme day Year 2 - Visit by the Fire Brigade (linking to the 'Great Fire of London' topic) Year 3 - 'Stone Age' theme day and visit to Windsor Castle Year 4 - Trip to the Verulamium museum and 'Roman' and 'Greek' theme days Year 5 - Local history walk and 'Viking'' and 'Egyptian' theme days Year 6 - Trip to the RAF museum and WW2 theme day Black History month forms an important part of our History curriculum and every year we complete a whole school project which aims to promote and celebrate Black contributions to British society, and to foster an understanding of Black history in general. This year, we focused on each class reading one of the following books: Fruits - by Valerie Bloom Sulwe - Lupita Nyong'o Wagari's Tree of Peace - A true story from Africa - Jeanette Winter Pupil Voice “History is really interesting and can tell you things about the past and how we can learn from it for the future.” Miles – Y5 “I remember doing a Victorian day and learning about school back then. The teachers were really strict!” Iannis – Y3 “I loved our trip to St. Albans to learn more about the Romans! Did you know that Boudicca led a revolt right where we stood in the park!” Rishika – Y4 “I absolutely love learning about History. Our WW2 topic has been so engaging. I’ve loved every minute of it and now I want to learn even more.” Scott – Y6
- Pupil Premium | southhill
For a detailed report on Pupil Premium Funding at South Hill, please click on the following links: Información sobre la prima del alumno La Prima para Alumnos es una asignación de fondos adicionales que se proporciona a las escuelas para apoyar a grupos específicos de niños que podrían ser vulnerables a un bajo rendimiento. A nivel nacional, se incluyen los alumnos que tienen, o que han tenido anteriormente, derecho a comidas escolares gratuitas (FSM), los que son atendidos por la autoridad local y los hijos del personal del servicio armado. Las escuelas son libres de decidir cómo utilizar esta asignación, considerando la mejor manera de apoyar a los alumnos individuales con una provisión adicional. Ahora se requiere que todas las escuelas informen sobre la cantidad de fondos de la Prima para Alumnos recibidos y cómo se utilizan estos fondos, así como el impacto de estos fondos en el progreso de los alumnos. Para obtener un informe detallado sobre la financiación previa para alumnos en South Hill, haga clic en el siguiente enlace: El número de alumnos que reciben la Beca de la prima para alumnos dentro de cada grupo es muy pequeño. Algunos niños enfrentan barreras adicionales para el aprendizaje que afectan su progreso general. El personal enfoca y personaliza con precisión el apoyo brindado y refina constantemente las intervenciones. Cada niño y familia completa un cuestionario para asegurarse de que el apoyo brindado se oriente a sus necesidades específicas. Para obtener más información sobre Pupil Premium, visite: Pupil Premium es una fuente importante de financiamiento adicional para la escuela. Si cree que su hijo puede tener derecho a comidas escolares gratuitas, comuníquese con la oficina de la escuela para que podamos asesorarle sobre cómo presentar la solicitud. Pupil Premium Strategy 2022 -2025 & Review of 2023-2024 Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-25 & Review of 2022-23 Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-25 & Review of 2021-22 Pupil Premium is an important source of extra funding for the school. If you feel that your child may be entitled to free school meals, please apply by following the link below: Free School Meals Please look at all the things we do to support all of our pupils at South Hill School. Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Strategy
- Admissions | southhill
Admisiones Para obtener información sobre la admisión a la escuela primaria South Hill, deberá comunicarse con el consejo del condado de Hertfordshire para conocer los arreglos de admisión de la escuela. Consulte el enlace a continuación: Información de admisiones Our Pupil Admission Number is 60. We endeavour under the terms of Hertfordshire’s Local Education Authority’s admission policy to accommodate children from within our local area wherever possible. Hertfordshire Local Authority is responsible for the allocation of places in schools for children of primary school age. Children join our Reception class in the September before their fifith birthday. If you would like to apply for a place outside the normal admission times then click HERE which will take you to Hertfordshire County Council In Year Admission applications. Arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities In order that children who have a disability may be catered for, the school seeks advice from the Local Authority regarding the admission of such pupils. The school will endeavour to make any necessary arrangements in full consultation with the parents and any other agencies involved. It may be necessary in some cases for specialised equipment to be purchased, support staff to be employed, and minor adaptations to be made to buildings and furniture. These will need to be done in consultation with the Local Authority, and may take some time to implement. Steps to prevent disabled pupils being treated less favourably than other pupils The school’s Accessibility Plan (found HERE ) sets out the Governors’ response to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 which requires that a pupil should not be treated less favourably because of a disability. Existing facilities to assist access to the school by pupils with disabilities Accessible toilets are available on the ground and lower ground floors. Wheelchair access is available to the building on the ground and lower ground floors Elevator in the KS2 building from lower ground to 1st floor. Elevator from lower ground floor to the playground. Playgrounds are accessible by slopes
- Performance Data | southhill
Please click on the links below to view our 2023 Key Stage 2 data: Performance Data Comparative Data Report
- Science | southhill
Ciencias En South Hill School entendemos que los niños son naturalmente curiosos y disfrutan explorando, investigando y haciendo preguntas. Esto es fundamental para el aprendizaje de las ciencias y permite a los niños obtener una comprensión más profunda del mundo en el que vivimos. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar una educación científica de calidad que proporcione las bases para comprender el mundo y cree estudiantes curiosos y entusiastas. Alentamos a que la ciencia se enseñe a través de tareas prácticas y, cuando corresponda, el uso de nuestros extensos terrenos escolares, la localidad de nuestra ciudad o The Box Moor Trust. A través de la ciencia en nuestra escuela, nuestro objetivo es garantizar que todos los niños: Desarrollar el conocimiento y la comprensión científicos, así como divertidas habilidades prácticas de aprendizaje. Desarrollar la comprensión de diferentes tipos de investigación científica que les ayudará a responder preguntas científicas sobre el mundo que los rodea. Vincular el aprendizaje con la vida real y explorar a través del aprendizaje al aire libre Accede a un viaje relacionado con la ciencia en todos los grupos del año. Vincular el aprendizaje de las ciencias con todas las demás materias para profundizar la comprensión El plan de estudios de ciencia primaria se imparte en toda la escuela. Trabajar científicamente y el conocimiento científico Trabajar científicamente (o habilidades de investigación) se centra en la comprensión de la investigación práctica y las habilidades necesarias para hacerlo. Estas habilidades incluyen observar, investigar, clasificar, hacer y responder preguntas, explorar datos y trabajar en equipo a través del aprendizaje práctico. El conocimiento científico es la comprensión de hechos y fenómenos científicos y la respuesta a preguntas sobre su aprendizaje científico. EYFS Los alumnos exploran la ciencia a través del área de aprendizaje llamada "Comprensión del mundo". También experimentan una sesión al aire libre llamada 'Welly Wednesday'. Ciencia de la etapa clave 1 El enfoque de la enseñanza de las ciencias en Key Stage 1 es permitir que los niños experimenten y observen fenómenos; mirando más de cerca el mundo que los rodea. Ciencia de Key Stage 2 El enfoque de la enseñanza de las ciencias en la etapa clave inferior 2 es permitir que los niños amplíen su visión científica del mundo que los rodea. El enfoque de la enseñanza de las ciencias en la etapa clave superior 2 es permitir que los niños desarrollen una comprensión más profunda de una amplia gama de ideas científicas. Enlaces locales de ciencia Promovemos y celebramos fuertemente el aprendizaje de las ciencias en nuestra escuela. Trabajamos en colaboración con The Box Moor Trust, un sitio de adjudicación local, el cementerio de Heath Lane, la escuela Lockers Park, la escuela Hemel Hempstead y nuestros propios terrenos para garantizar que el aprendizaje de las ciencias sea proactivo y significativo. Examples of Knowledge Organisers EYFS Year 1 Year 3 Year 5 Long Term Plan Subject Overview Semana de la ciencia británica Celebramos la Semana de la Ciencia Británica cada año con un Día de la Ciencia donde los alumnos tienen un día de aprendizaje científico divertido mediante la realización de experimentos e investigaciones prácticas. 1/4 Parque de casilleros Year 6 disfruta de una tarde de ciencia y tecnología en Lockers Park. Esto apoya su transición a la escuela secundaria mientras aprenden en un laboratorio de ciencias. BBC Bitesize Key Stage 1 : actividades divertidas para ayudar a los niños en KS1 a aprender más sobre ciencia BBC Bitesize Key Stage 2 : actividades divertidas para ayudar a los niños en KS2 a aprender más sobre ciencia
- Geography | southhill
Humanidades y aprendizaje externo Geography Vision To develop pupils’ geographical skills, knowledge and enquiry and for pupils' to understand the similarities and differences between localities, both locally and in the wider world, and the affect this has on the humans that live there. Aquí en South Hill Primary School, nos encanta hacer un viaje al pasado o explorar el mundo que nos rodea. Estas son algunas de las cosas interesantes que hemos estado haciendo: 1/7 Our Curriculum We have tailored our Geography curriculum, in some areas, to reflect our locality and local community so that our pupils have a real sense of the geography of our town, Hemel Hempstead. For example: In EYFS, we focus on the building blocks to our Geography by beginning to study the natural world around us, including our local area In Year 1, we compare our town to a local village and study the similarities and differences In Year 2, we compare our town to a coastal town and study the similarities and differences In Year 3, we compare our town (which was traditionally a waterway) to Venice In Year 4, we study Hemel Hempstead through local environmental issues and think about the impact we can have In Year 5, we focus on fieldwork to collect information and map the land use of our town In Year 6, we continue our fieldwork and local area study by looking at Ordnance survey maps Long Term Plan Subject Overview Examples of knowledge organisers EYFS Year 4 Year 2 Year 6 Trips, hooks and theme days Our Geography curriculum is enriched by a number of school trips, theme days and assemblies and these provide excellent opportunities to bring our geographical learning to life. Examples are: EYFS: Local walk, including an introduction to maps Year 2: Local walk to think about what we like and dislike about our town and how we could improve it Year 3: Visit from ‘One Day Creative’ to study Volcanoes Year 4: Local walk to think about local environmental issues and how we can impact these Year 5: Local walk to study our local river, ‘The River Gade’ Year 6: Local walk to use Ordnance survey maps and to collect data and information about our town International Day (please see the ‘International Day’ section of our website Each year at South Hill School, we celebrate 'International Day'. Each class chooses a country from around the world which is also representative of our South Hill communities. For that day, year groups represent and learn more about their chosen country and can wear clothes from their celebrated country or colours of the flag. Puplis learn about the geography of their chosen country and where to locate the country on a map, what continent the country is part of and what countries are nearby, we might learn about famous buildings and landmarks. Pupil Voice I like geography because we look at maps and we have used the globe to find where we live. It was fun - Ciel Year 1 I liked the walk around our local area to look at where we live - Helena Year 1 I like geography because we learn about the different countries around the world, we learnt about Barbados - Enal Year 2 I like learning about where I live and how I can keep looking after my local area. I enjoyed comparing Hemel Hempstead to a village near to where I live - Freddie Year 5
- Curriculum | southhill
Plan de estudios Do you want to find out more about our curriculum at South Hill? Take a look at the following pages.
- Lunch Zone | southhill
Lunch Zone Lunches are provided by Radish, our catering providers. More information about them can be found here. Fresh meals are cooking on the premises each day. There is a choice of three meals. School meals run on a three week menu cycle with the emphasis on healthy eating. The current menu is available to see by clicking here . Meals are pre-booked via School Gateway; instructions can be found here. Our cook can cater for special dietary needs on completion of the online Dietary Needs Form . School Meal Payment - £3.00 per meal The best way to pay for school meals is online via the School Gateway . Universal Infant Free School Meals Children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals under current Government funding. Free School Meals If you receive certain benefits, your child may be entitled to Free School Meals (even if they are in EYFS or KS1) As well as Free School Meals, your child will have access to other benefits. For more information and to register, please click here . Children may bring a packed lunch from home - click here for healthy packed lunch ideas. We do not allow cans, glass bottles, fizzy drinks or sweets and remember we are a NUT FREE school. NUT FREE SCHOOL School Dinner Menu 23/24 Dietary Needs
- Remembrance at South Hill | southhill
Remembrance Day at South Hill School Each year at South Hill School, we commemorate Remembrance day. We gather outside as a whole school community and Year 6 share poems inspired by the poem, 'In Flanders Field,' by John McCrae. Our South Hill School Choir sing a song dedicated to those who have fallen. We have a whole school homework project such as 'Jar decorating.' A pupil plays, 'The Last post' and leads us into a two minute silence. The eldest and youngest members of the school then join the Headteacher in placing poppy wreaths under our South Hill Flagpole. We then sing the National Anthem. It is a very special moment in memory of those who have lost their lives in war across the world.
- For Parents | southhill
Información para padres Consulte las siguientes páginas para obtener información sobre la escuela.