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School Council


At South Hill Primary School, we respect and value the fundamental British values of democracy and ensure the views and opinions of our pupils are expressed. At the beginning of September, the children elect two school council members from each class. All pupils are invited to stand as School Council representatives and are voted for fairly and democratically by their peers.

The School Council meets once every half term to discuss issues raised by the children and ideas to help improve our school even further. We believe our School Council are very effective in helping bring about positive changes in the life of our school.



School Council Members 2024-2025

Year 1 Izzy and Paisley / Maya and Zayn
Year 2 Zariyah and Arthur / Lucy and Stanley
Year 3 Abigail and Edward / Maggie and Theo
Year 4  Jude and Stevie / Freya and Bruno
Year 5 Brandon and Kye / Lola and Tobias
Year 6 Emily and Douglas / Saraya and Ben

Every half term, we have a focus question(s) and gather the school Council's thoughts and these are sent to the Headteachers:

Autumn Term 2023.

Autumn 1: Pupil Wellbeing - How can we improve playtime at South Hill School?

Spring Term 2024.

Spring 1: What can South Hill School do to support our local community?

Summer Term 2024. 

Summer 1: How can we improve the sensory garden at South Hill School?

The School Council meets our School Governors

On Tuesday morning the School Council met some of our wonderful School Governors. They talked about how they are elected, taking part in school assemblies where they have met members of our wider community and the improvements they have made to our school this year which have included; how can we make our school a happier place, how can we improve our school environment and how can we make learning in our classrooms more fun. The children then asked the Governors some interesting and posing questions about their role in our school. Finally, three children said why they loved representing their peers in the School Council this year.

I would personally like to thank each and every one of School Council for helping to make this another memorable year of positive change for our brilliant school.


Mrs Albery


Pupil Voice

Tillie – Year 2.

“I like coming to the meetings and talking about what we can improve”.


Aya – Year 3.

“I like being on the School Council because we make decisions for our school”.


Daisy – Year 3.

“I think the School Council is fun!”


Grace – Year 4.

“I enjoy helping other people”.


Mason – Year 5.

“I liked it when I met Brenda at Mountbatten Lodge and we did an activity together”.


Izzy – Year 6.

“The School Council helps me to make our school a better place for others”.

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Phone:   01442 402127


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