Основно училище South Hill
Изграждане на характер, учене заедно
Лично, социално и здравно образование
PSHE Vision.
To support our pupils to be responsible, respectful, resilient and reflective learners, who are able to keep themselves safe, healthy and prepared for secondary school and life beyond.
В началното училище South Hill се гордеем, че се грижим за благосъстоянието на нашите ученици и им помагаме да станат позитивни, добре закръглени и активни граждани на бъдещето. Имаме специална програма PSHE, която е проектирана и съобразена с нуждите на нашите ученици / училищна общност. Това се фокусира върху:
обучение на децата как да бъдат успешни граждани
насърчаване на благосъстоянието
популяризиране на „Британски ценности“
засилване на всички елементи от нашия училищен дух "The South Hill Way".
Тази година създадохме схеми на работа, за да помогнем на учениците да се върнат обратно в училище от блокиране и да гарантираме, че те са имали възможност да обмислят и обработват своите емоции от пандемията и да възстановят приятелствата и отношенията, когато излизаме от блокирането.
Следваме „Кристофър Зимен проект“ за нашата връзка с връзките, наркотиците и сексуалното образование (която е включена в нашата по-широка разпоредба за PSHE) и сме създали набор от „Организатори на знанието“, за да гарантираме, че родителите знаят на какво ще учат децата им „RSE“ във всяка годишна група. RSE, в South Hill, включва следните елементи:
Обучение по взаимоотношения (RSE) - това се фокусира предимно върху преподаването на основните градивни елементи на положителните взаимоотношения, за да се гарантира, че учениците знаят как изглежда една здравословна връзка; където те се оценяват и където съществува равенство, както и да се гарантира, че всички семейства и индивиди са „представени“ и „видяни“.
Здравно образование - това се фокусира върху разбирането как да поддържаме телата си здрави и какво означава да имаме здравословен начин на живот, за да гарантираме, че децата могат да бъдат здрави възрастни и да правят добър избор по-късно в живота.
Образование за наркотици - това учи децата на факти за законни и незаконни вредни вещества и свързаните с тях рискове, включително тютюнопушене, употреба на алкохол и приемане на наркотици.
Сексуално възпитание - това се преподава на най-големите ни деца през 6-та година и ще преподава зачеване и физически акт на секса.
Други предмети - други елементи от нашата програма PSHE ще бъдат преподавани чрез предмети като: Наука (човешко тяло и репродукция); Компютърни (безопасност интернет) и PE (важността от поддържането на здрава), както и преподаването, използвайки възможностите на територията на училището засилват ключови понятия.
Autumn Term
No Outsider
This scheme promotes:
British Values
Protected characteristics
Personal development
Spring term (and used in assemblies all year round)
Picture News
This scheme promotes:
British Values
Protected characteristics
Personal development
Summer Term
The Christopher Winter Project
This scheme promotes:
Relationship education
Health education
Drugs education
Sex education
Online safety
‘No Outsiders’
We follow the ‘No Outsiders’ project which is a book based PSHE scheme created by Andrew Moffat MBE, who was nominated for the Global Teacher Prize in 2018-19. Each week, the children read a book with their class teacher, which promotes British values and the following three core values:
Respect for diversity through education in schools;
Commitment to community cohesion through
understanding and acceptance of difference;
Promotion of dialogue to counter fear and hate in society.
We believe that it is vital that our pupils can discuss inappropriate and discriminative language and understand how to address boundaries in order to prepare them for a future in modern Britain.
We strive to ensure that our pupils are surrounded by a consistent message:
· There are no outsiders here;
· Everyone is different;
· We like being different;
· We are all equal in our difference;
· I can get along with you even if we are different;
· We live in the U.K., our British values support
this and the law says this too.
Picture News
Picture news is a current affairs news scheme, which gives children opportunities to develop learning further through news stories that inspire them. The weekly theme (which is delivered in every Monday assembly) exposes pupils to a range of topics including political, religious, cultural, environmental, social, moral and spiritual issues. Pupils then have the opportunity to discuss these ‘big issues’ with their class teacher. In the Spring term, we use these as a basis for our PSHE lessons so that they can be explored more in depth class.
Through this scheme, children have opportunities to:
Discover talents and interests through a broad coverage
Develop speaking and listening skills
Develop the confidence to speak out
Develop resilience
Understand British Values and Protected Characteristics
Develop links between personal, school and
community values.
Demonstrate respect and tolerance
Организатори на знания
The Christopher Winter Project
We follow the 'Christopher Winter Project' for our Relationships, Drug and Sex Education' provision and we have produced a range of 'Knowledge Organisers' to ensure parents know what their children will be taught in 'RSE' in each year group. RSE, at South Hill, includes the following elements (which are outlined in our Topic progression and Overview documents):
Relationship Education (RSE) - this primarily focuses on teaching the fundamental building
blocks of positive relationships to ensure pupils know what a healthy relationship looks like;
where they are valued and where equality exists and to also ensure all families and individuals
are 'represented' and 'seen'.
Health Education - this focuses on understanding how to keep our bodies healthy and what
it means to have a healthy lifestyle to ensure children can be healthy adults and make good choices
now and in the future.
Drugs Education - this teaches children the facts about legal and illegal harmful substances
and the associated risks, including smoking, alcohol use and drug-taking.
Sex Education - this is taught to our oldest children in Year 6 and will teach conception and
the physical act of sex.
Other Subjects
Other elements of our PSHE programme are taught through subjects such as: Science (human body and reproduction); Computing (internet safety) and PE (importance of keeping healthy) as well as teaching using opportunities throughout the school day to reinforce key concepts.
Pupil Voice
Victoria Year 6 – In PSHE we have been reading the book “The only way is Badger”, where we learnt about how we are all different and unique. I enjoy dance outside of school so it has shown me that I am different and unique to my friends.
Darcy Year 5 – We have been looking at a book called the “The Girls” it is about friendships and we learnt what keeps a friendship going and that some friendships can grow apart over time.
Maggie Year 3 – I have enjoyed reading the book “Were all wonders” it was about using your voice and standing up for yourself rather than being a bystander”.
Juno Year 1 – In PSHE, we read a good story about a man who lived in a flat it was called “Errol’s Garden”. He asked for help with making a garden for his friends.
Maua Reception – I have learnt about being kind and respectful to my friends. Respectful means listening to my teacher.