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The Pied Piper of Hamelin


Creative arts are really important to us here at South Hill, and this term saw Year 3 and 4 take to the stage in their amazing production of ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’. 

120 pupils took part in the production, with children from Year 4 auditioning for and taking on the principle roles. The show was performed to the whole school, as well as a matinee and packed out evening performance to parents, carers and family members.

One of our parents who attended the show said:

I just wanted to say how absolutely amazing the school play was! The children were fantastic, and it was honestly the best thing I've ever come to see. The teachers have clearly worked extremely hard putting this together as was evidenced by the performance last night and I am sure by all of the other performances. Well done to the teachers and to the children, it was such a pleasure to watch!

Year 4 parent


We are incredibly proud of the outstanding efforts of all of our children; the show was incredible and really highlighted our pupil’s talents in dance, drama and singing. 

We can’t wait for the next show, by Year 6, in the Summer term! 

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