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Early Years Stage

For information about helping your child to be ready for school, please click here.

Welcome to the Reception Class page


We would like to warmly welcome you to South Hill School and we are very excited to support your child through their first year at school. This page contains information regarding the Early Years at South Hill as well as links to other information you may find useful.


The Early Years at South Hill School consists of two Reception classes, Wrens and Robins. Wrens class teachers are Miss Senior and Miss Van Komen with Teaching Assistant Mrs Smith; Robins class teacher is Mrs Rich with Early Years Practitioner, Mrs Khan.  Miss Knapp will be supporting both classes throughout the week. Mrs W is a key worker who will be supporting children in EYFS.


Robins class will have PE on a Thursday and Wrens class on a Tuesday. Children should come into school in their PE kit on their day and they will wear it all day. Earrings need to be removed or taped up at home on the day of their PE lesson.

All children will need to bring a named and filled water bottle into school each day, which they will keep in the classroom and have access to throughout the day.

Please make sure that your child is appropriately dressed for the weather each day as we will be outside come rain or shine! The children will take part in Forest School on a regular basis and will also explore our beautiful school ground for other learning opportunities. Please supply a pair of wellies and ensure that they are clearly labelled with your child’s name. These can be kept in a bag on your child's peg.

In reception we have started Reading Fridays, where parents/carers come into school with their children for a shared reading session before register time. It is a calm and happy way to start the day, and a valuable extra reading opportunity.


We will be learning lots of exciting things over the coming terms, using both our indoor and outdoor areas.  For information about Early Years and what we will be doing this term please see the links on this page.  


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or questions.


Miss Senior, Miss Van Komen and Mrs Rich

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Phone:   01442 402127


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