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Edukimi Fizik


Ne jemi me shumë fat që kemi një sit kaq të mrekullueshëm të gjelbër. Ne kemi një fushë të gjerë loje që është shënuar si një fushë zyrtare e futbollit me madhësi të vogël dhe një fushë e rrumbullakët, si dhe një pistë atletikë në sezonin e duhur sportiv. Sipërfaqja e fortë përdoret si fushë netball për stërvitje gjatë gjithë vitit dhe ndeshjeve gjatë Termave të Vjeshtës dhe Pranverës.

Të gjithë nxënësit kanë mundësinë të marrin pjesë në një larmi aktivitetesh gjatë orëve të tyre të Kurrikulës Kombëtare dhe ne ofrojmë klube shtesë jashtë orarit të shkollës gjatë të tre mandateve.

Shkolla Fillore South Hill është një pjesë aktive e Rrjetit Sportiv të Shkollës Dacorum dhe përfiton jashtëzakonisht shumë nga burimet dhe trajnimet e ofruara përmes partneritetit. Kjo rrit sportin që ofrohet për të gjithë nxënësit tanë.


Mësimet e notit për nxënësit e KS2 organizohen gjatë vitit shkollor. Këto zhvillohen në Qendrën Sportive Hemel duke përdorur instruktorët e kualifikuar të qendrës.


Shkolla Fillore South Hill inkurajon nxënësit e saj të marrin pjesë në sport. Ne besojmë se ai ndërton shpirtin e ekipit në një kulturë të konkurrencës së shëndetshme.

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Community clubs 

We are extremely lucky to be close to so many great sporting clubs, who are willing and able to support our pupils and teachers.  We have benefited from the coaching skills of Berkhamsted Hockey club, Leverstock Green tennis club, Bytomic Taekwondo, Christina Marks School of Performing Arts and Hertfordshire Cricket.  The children have also been inspired by a visit from Victoria Ohuruogu - an English track athlete who won silver at the Commonwealth Games last year!

We also book workshops for the children that support their physical and mental wellbeing.  Challenge Sport Education have provided us with these a number of times and have been greatly enjoyed by the children. 

Running track 

Our extensive school grounds, includes a running track which is used by every year group each day.  The children are encouraged to run or walk around the 300-metre long track in their break times, but also as healthy active breaks during lesson time.  Once a half term, our sports coach sets an extra challenge, where children compete against other classes to run or walk as many laps as possible in a week.  We understand that active children are often happy children so Friday is Daily Mile Friday for family to join in too!  The side gate opens at 8:20am each Friday for families to run with their children before school.

Orienteering course 

Our grounds has an orienteering course, which enables us to make some of our other lessons in the curriculum more active.  Children can regularly be seen running happily from zone to zone to solve historical, geographical, mathematical and English facts. 


We offer a range of clubs at our school.  Please use the links to find out more information. 

  • Morning Games Club – years 2 to 6 

  • Game On football – years 1 and 2 

  • After school football – years 3 to 6 

  • Mini shooters – years 1 and 2 

  • Netball – years 4 to 6 

  • Basketball – years 3 to 6 

  • Street dance – years 1 to 6 

  • Rounders – Summer term 









Sports day 

Our sports day is a day designed to inspire and engage pupils, as well as to compete.  We have a whole day of sporting events, starting with a carousel, which is supported by our Sports Ambassadors, and finishing with a range of races. 


Pupil Voice

I like playing games with my friends.  I love it when we play football.  It is my favourite sport.  Harry Y2


PE is very fun and it keeps me healthy.  I play football, basketball, cricket and rugby.  Aiden Y5


I like when we do running games.  It makes me feel happy.  We always have fun.  Arlo Y1


My favourite sport is football.  It is fun to do PE because it gives us a break from learning.  I like doing tag rugby.  Sam Y6

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