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For information regarding admission to South Hill Primary School, you will need to contact Hertfordshire County Council to find out the school's admission arrangements. Please see the link below:

Our Pupil Admission Number is 60.  We endeavour under the terms of Hertfordshire’s Local Education Authority’s admission policy to accommodate children from within our local area wherever possible.   Hertfordshire Local Authority is responsible for the allocation of places in schools for children of primary school age.  Children join our Reception class in the September before their fifith birthday.  If you would like to apply for a place outside the normal admission times then click HERE which will take you to  Hertfordshire County Council In Year Admission applications.


Arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities

In order that children who have a disability may be catered for, the school seeks advice from the Local Authority regarding the admission of such pupils. The school will endeavour to make any necessary arrangements in full consultation with the parents and any other agencies involved. It may be necessary in some cases for specialised equipment to be purchased, support staff to be employed, and minor adaptations to be made to buildings and furniture. These will need to be done in consultation with the Local Authority, and may take some time to implement.


Steps to prevent disabled pupils being treated less favourably than other pupils

The school’s Accessibility Plan (found HERE) sets out the Governors’ response to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 which requires that a pupil should not be treated less favourably because of a disability. 


Existing facilities to assist access to the school by pupils with disabilities

  • Accessible toilets are available on the ground and lower ground floors. 

  • Wheelchair access is available to the building on the ground and lower ground floors

  • Elevator in the KS2 building from lower ground to 1st floor. 

  • Elevator from lower ground floor to the playground.

  • Playgrounds are accessible by slopes

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Phone:   01442 402127


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© South Hill Primary School 2014

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